2020高考英语新创新大一轮复习人教全国版讲义必修3Unit3TheMillionPoundBankNote含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2020高考英语新创新大一轮复习人教全国版讲义必修3Unit3TheMillionPoundBankNote含答案更新完毕开始阅读a9a80f20bb0d4a7302768e9951e79b896902684f

(2)强调句与定语从句的区别: ①强调句的特点:去掉it is/was和that/who后句子结构完整,意义清楚。 ②时间、地点状语前是否有介词是判断这两种句式的关键。例如: It was in the shop that I met an old friend of mine.(强调句型) It was the shop where I met an old friend of mine.(定语从句)


①(增分要点句)(2018·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)It is the elderly who are usually the first to taste the food served on the table.

②(增分要点句)I'd like to introduce my mother to you, because it is she who/that has a great effect on me.




子话题(一) 戏剧影视相关人员

温故浅易词汇 ①actor ②actress ③director ④audience ⑤performer ⑥producer ⑦cast ⑧editor ⑨star ①classify vt.分类;归类 ②attractive adj.吸引人的 识记生疏词汇 ③meaningful adj.有意义的 ④author n.作者;作家 ⑤character n.人物;角色 ⑥playwright n.剧作家 ⑦classic adj.经典的n.经典著作

子话题(二) 戏剧影视类型及设施

①drama ②film ③cartoon ④opera 温故浅易词汇 ⑤soap opera ⑥TV series ⑦camera ⑧studio ⑨microphone ⑩stage ①original adj.原创的 ②publish vt.出版;发行 识记生疏词汇 ③masterpiece n.杰作 ④legend n.传说;传奇故事 ⑤status n.身份;地位 ⑥comedy n.喜剧 ⑦tragedy n.悲剧 ⑧plot n.情节 常用词块忆一忆 ①an English short film


②tell about

③make comments on ④adapt ...from ...

⑤make a brief introduction to ⑥It is the same with ... ⑦be fond of

讲述 评论

根据……改编…… 对……做简单介绍 ……也是如此 喜欢

⑧pass down from generation to generation

⑨arouse one's enthusiasm for ⑩give a vivid description of ?give/award a prize to ... 写作佳句背一背

①As is well-known to all, great works of literature bring people happiness.

②I hold the view that if we students want to know as many great works of literature as we can, we had better read the original works.

③Many writers went through many difficulties before they were successful.



(2018·全国卷Ⅱ)你受学生会委托为校宣传栏“英语天地”写一则通知,请大家观看一部英文短片Growing Together,内容包括:

1.短片内容:学校的发展; 2.放映时间、地点; 3.欢迎对短片提出意见。 注意:1.词数100左右;



第一步:句写对——给词写句 ?用方框内的词汇翻译句子?

show, expect, make comments on, an English short film, tell about, have a discussion, honour, contact 1.非常荣幸代表我们学校告知你们学校将放映一部英文短片。这部电影叫Growing Together。 It's_a_great_honour_to_be_on_behalf_of_our_school_to_inform_you_that_our_school_will_show_an_English_short_film.It_is_called_Growing_Together. 2.这部短片将在明天下午4:00到5:00在我们学校剧院放映。


一代一代传下来 激发某人对……的热情 生动描述…… 授予……奖项


The_short_film_tells_about_the_development_of_our_school. 4.看完电影之后,每个班级应该进行讨论。

After_the_film,_each_class_is_supposed_to_have_a_discussion. 5.希望所有的学生对这部电影做出评论。

All the students are expected to make comments on the film. 6.我的确希望你们能对这部短片给我们提供一些宝贵的建议。

I_do_hope_you_can_give_us_some_valuable_suggestions_about_the_short_film. 7.请在你方便的时候联系我们。 Please_contact_us_at_your_convenience.


8.在句2中增加“我们已经安排好”并使用宾语从句。 We_have_arranged_that_the_short_film_will_be_shown_from_1600_at_our_school_theatre_tomorrow. 9.句2与句3之间增加“不要错过参加这次有意义的活动的好机会。” Don't_miss_the_good_chance_of_taking_part_in_this_meaningful_activity. 10.句3前增加简单句“欢迎大家观看这部电影”。

Everyone_is_welcome_to_watch_the_film.The_short_film_tells_about_the_development_of_our_school. 11.句5增加“表达观点”。




It's_a_great_honour_to_be_on_behalf_of_our_school_to_inform_you_that_an_English_short_film,_called_Growing_Together,_will_be_shown. 2.句10升级为含定语从句的复合句。

Everyone_is_welcome_to_watch_the_film,_which_tells_about_the_development_of_our_school. 3.把句4与句11合并为and连接的并列句。



用please, as far as I know, finally等词汇连句成文。 NOTICE Boys_and_girls,

It's a great honour to be on behalf of our school to inform you that an English short film, called

:00_to_17:Growing Together, will be shown.

We_have_arranged_that_the_short_film_will_be_shown_from_16:00_to_17:00_at_our_school_theatre_tomorrow.Please_don't_miss_the_good_chance_of_taking_part_in_this_meaningful_activity.Everyone_is_welcome_to_watch_the_film,_as_far_as_I_know,_which_tells_about_the_development_of_our_school.After_the_film,_each_class_is_supposed_to_have_a_discussion_and_all_the_students_are_expected_to_make_comments_and_express_their_views_about_the_film. Finally, I do hope you can give us some valuable suggestions about the short film.Please contact us at your convenience.




1.(2018·浙江高考)In 1812, the year Charles Dickens was born, there were 66 novels (novel) published in Britain.

2.(2018·天津高考)A group of people sitting in the hall stopped talking and stared at us. 3.(2018·江苏高考)It's strange that he should have taken the books without the owner's permission (permit).

4.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ)In addition, there are famous artists who will perform how to cut paper on the spot. 5.(2016·全国卷Ⅰ)However, Mexicans may use silence when instructions are given by a person in authority rather than be rude to that person by arguing with him or her. 6.(2016·全国卷Ⅱ)She gave me a comforting smile, nodded while listening patiently (patient). 7.(2016·全国卷Ⅱ)You can produce that kind of magical quality in your own garden, too.But it doesn't happen by accident. 8.(2016·四川高考)Your lives are busy enough doing homework, playing sports, making friends, seeking (seek) after your dreams.


(选用manner, wander, adventure填空)

1.(2017·江苏高考完形填空)However, one day, in the music class that was part of his school's standard curriculum, he was playing idly (随意地) on the piano and found it easy to pick out tunes.With a sinking feeling, he realized that he actually enjoyed doing it.He tried to hide his obvious pleasure from the music teacher, who had __45__ over to listen.wandered 2.(2016·浙江高考完形填空)What brought about this astonishing change in me? The desert hadn't changed, but I had.I had changed my attitude.And by doing so, I changed an unhappy experience into the most amazing __39__ of my life.I was excited by this new world that I had discovered.I had looked out of my self-created prison and found the stars.adventure 3.(2011·安徽高考完形填空)Determined to do this on my own, I spent several weeks going door-to-door