大学英语精读(第三版)unit6 - 10教(学)案 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章大学英语精读(第三版)unit6 - 10教(学)案 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读a93bee2fd05abe23482fb4daa58da0116d171fe3

. . . . The first two periods: 1. lead-in (10’) 1) Listen to the song Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree 2) Question: Is there any really significance for American people to tie a yellow ribbon? 2. Background information (10’) 3. Discussion(20’) 1) If a close friend of yours committed a crime and told you about it, what would you advise him or her to do? Why? 2) Suppose your boyfriend or girlfriend were found guilty and sent to prison for three years, would you still maintain your relationship with him or her? Why or Why not? 3) What do you think is the right attitude towards reformed criminals? 4. Global reading---General understanding 1) New words preview (5’) 2) Reading comprehension questions about the text(10’) 3) Text structure(10’) Questioning (PPT) Group work &discussion (video-watch & discuss) Audio-lingual Audio-lingual (audio) Task-based Task- based Part I (paras.1-7) Vingo's unusual behavior and young people's curiosity. Part II (paras.8-15) Vingo's story and his appointment with his wife. Part III(paras.16-18) different attitudes of Vingo and young Communicative approach people to the yellow handkerchief. 4) Words Scanning (10’):find the phrases and sentences Task-based showing that Vingo was in low spirit. Communicative approac 5. Detailed Reading of Part I---Further understanding(15’) Questioning (PPT) 1) Explanation of language points; 2) Analysis of difficulty sentences; 3) Appreciation of some writing skills. Group work &discussion (video-watch & discuss) Audio-lingual Audio-lingual (audio) Task-based Task- based The second two periods: 1.Revision(15’) 1) Review the new words n Check the vocabulary on page 239 2) Review the content of Part I 2. Detailed Reading of Part II and Part III (35-40’) 1) Explanation of language points; 2) Analysis of difficulty sentences; 3) Appreciation of some writing skills. 3.Words, phrases and structure practice on page 240-243(35-40’) 学习.参考

. . . . The third two periods: Lecture Lecture 1.Revision: English-Chinese translation of useful phrases(5-10’) Testing 2. Presentation: role playing(10’) Individual work 3. Discussion(10’) 1) What is the theme of the text? 2) What is the writer’s purpose of writing the story? 3) If you were Vingo’s wife, what would you do ? 4. Practice and Exercises in the unit (45’) Cloze, translation, skilled reading and guided writing 5. Do a listening test. (20’) 作业和思考题: 1. Review words and sentence structures. 2. Make a summary of the text 3. Prepare for the final examination. . 课后小结: Multimedia


. . . . 1. 若不给自己设限,则人生中就没有限制你发挥的藩篱。2. 若不是心宽似海,哪有人生风平浪静。在纷杂的尘世里,为自己留下一片纯静的心灵空间,不管是潮起潮落,也不管是阴晴圆缺,你都可以免去浮躁,义无反顾,勇往直前,轻松自如地走好人生路上的每一步3. 花一些时间,总会看清一些事。用一些事情,总会看清一些人。有时候觉得自己像个神经病。既纠结了自己,又打扰了别人。努力过后,才知道许多事情,坚持坚持,就过来了。4. 岁月是无情的,假如你丢给它的是一片空白,它还给你的也是一片空白。岁月是有情的,假如你奉献给她的是一些色彩,它奉献给你的也是一些色彩。你必须努力,当有一天蓦然回首时,你的回忆里才会多一些色彩斑斓,少一些苍白无力。只有你自己才能把岁月描画成一幅难以忘怀的人生画卷。
