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浙江省机电技师学院 财经商贸系电子教案

授课班级 授课时间 学科名称 1510 2016.09.14 授课时数 授课教师 英美文学赏析 1课时 LISA 审批签字 章节名称 Lesson 1.The History of British Literature 知识目标:学习英国文学的发展史,初步了解英国小说、戏剧、诗歌的代表作品,熟悉文学批评的基本理论和方法,扩大知识面,积累文学与文化知识。 能力目标:训练对文本的感受能力、思辩能力、分析能力和语言表达能力,提高英语水平。 情感态度和价值观目标:培养学生阅读、欣赏、理解英国文学原著的能力,掌握英国文学的基本知识,促进学生语言基本功和人文素质的提高,增强学生对西方文学及文化的了解。 教 学 目 标 教学重点:帮助学生了解英国文学史的来龙去脉,在脑海中构建基教学重点 本的英国文学体系,带给学生一个初步的英国文学体验。 和 难 点 教学难点:介绍英国文学常识和术语以及帮助学生理解一些较难的词汇与表达,培养学生的文学鉴赏能力。 教学方法 多媒体讲授法 教具准备 多媒体,图片等 教学环节及时间配置 教师活动 学生活动 1. In the first part, SS discuss with their partners on a very important concept; 2. In the second part, they can learn much more about the general review of UK literature. 设计意图 增进师生间的交流与理解;对本门课程做个初步的介绍;对学生的文学功底有个初步的了解;引起学生的学习文学的兴趣。 1. Free talk part; (let students talk about their personal understandings on the concept of literature); 导入讨论环 节(10 min) 2. Short video part; (give students three minutes to enjoy a short video on British literature) 中世纪文学和文艺复兴时期文学基本介绍(10 min) 1.Briefly introduce Anglo-Saxon Period and the Medieval Period,as well as Geoffrey Chaucer with his great Canterbury Tales; 2.Briefly introduce the Elizabethan Age as well as William Shakespeare and Francis Bacon. 1. Briefly introduce 17 century and 18 century Period Literature; 2.Briefly introduce some outstanding poets or writers such as John Donne, John Milton, Daniel Defoe,Jonathan Swift, etc. 1. Appreciate some relevant pictures to learn some different literature forms; 2. Read some short passages of famous works; 3. Try to give some comments on their writings. 1. Guess the theme and main plots of literature works, according to a few relevant pictures and select suitable titles for each item; 2. Read some short passages of famous works; 3. Try to give some comments on their writings. 1. Appreciate some relevant pictures to learn some different literature forms; 2. Read some short passages of famous works; 3. Try to give some comments on their writings. 对英国文学的起源阶段进行初步介绍,以及介绍该时期的文学作品,为接下来的课程做好铺垫。 17世纪文学以及18世纪文学介绍(10 min) 对英国文学的变革阶段进行初步介绍,以及介绍该时期的文学作品,为接下来的课程做好铺垫。 1. Briefly introduce romantic, realistic 浪漫主义,and modern literature; 现实主义2.Lead students to 和现代主enjoy some poems like 义以及当A Red, Red Rose; 代文学介3. Briefly introduce 绍(10 min) some talents such as William Wordsworth etc. 对英国文学的成熟阶段进行初步介绍,以及介绍该时期的文学作品,为接下来的课程做好铺垫。 作业布置 Write a short passage to review the British literature history 课 后 反 思