上海交大版应用型大学英语综合教程-第3册-unit-1课文翻译与练习答案解读 联系客服

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the special paper, where you can tap on words to get 能看到像脚注一样的注释,或能听到《旧约》里那些稀奇古怪的名字的发the bizarre Old Testament names. 8 Write an email


8 写电子邮件

The pattern of dots on every sheet of paper is 每张纸上的小灰点样式都是独特的。unique. So if you write on a specific piece of paper, 因此如果你在特殊的纸张上写字,这只钢the pen can use the dots not only to figure out what 笔不但可以根据墨点弄清楚你写的内容,you wrote, but to figure out where you wrote it. 而且能弄清楚你是在什么地方写的。比方Scratch a note on the back of someone's business 说,在某人的名片背面写下潦草的笔记card, for example, hook the pen up to your 后,将钢笔连接到电脑,软件便会将你的computer, and the software sends an email of your 笔记发给名片主人。在杂志封底随手写封note to the card owner. Scratch a complaint out on 投诉信,你就能自动将信发送给杂志编the back page of a magazine and you can 辑。 automatically send a letter to the editor.

New Words


n. 1) [C] someone who has a lot of experience of a particular area or activity 经验丰富的人,老手

The veteran in journalism has been kidnapped in Iraq. 这位资深记者在伊拉克被绑架了。

n. 2) [C] someone who has been a soldier, sailor, etc. in a war 老兵,退伍军人 Unlike the United States, there is no day for the memory of veterans in China. 与美国不同,中国没有纪念退役军人的节日。 fascination

n. 1) [U] the state of being very attracted to and interested in sb./sth. 入迷,着迷 n. 2) [C, usu. sing.] a very strong attraction that makes sth. very interesting 魅力 sketch

n. [C] a simple, quickly-made drawing that does not show much detail 草图;素描,速写 His sketch of the suspect helped the police capture the murderer. 他画的嫌犯素描帮助警方抓到了谋杀犯。

vt./vi. to make a quick drawing of sb./sth. 画素描,画速写 He quickly sketched the view from the window. 他很快勾勒出了窗外的风景。 infrared

a.红外线的,使用红外线的 invisible

a. that cannot be seen 看不见的,隐形的

I couldn't help daydreaming after reading the novel The Invisible Man. 我看了小说《隐身人》之后老是做白日梦。 recycle

vt. to treat things that have already been used so that they can be used again 回收利用,再利用

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This envelope is made from recycled paper. 这个信封是用再生纸制作的。 notepad

n. [C] 记事本,便条本 graphics

n. [pl.] 图像;图案,图样,绘图 laser

n. [U] a device which produces a very strong beam of controlled light 激光 lousy

a. 1) (informal) very bad 非常糟的,恶劣的

a. 2) used to show that you feel annoyed or insulted because you do not think that sth. is worth very much 讨厌的,该死的 shorthand

n. [U] a system of fast writing which uses special signs or abbreviations to record what sb. is saying 速记(法) commentary

n. [C] a written explanation or discussion of sth. such as a book or a play 注释,解释;评论footnote

n. [C] a note at the bottom of the page in a book, which gives more information about something 脚注 scratch

vt./vi. 1) to write something hurriedly or awkwardly (匆忙或笨拙地)写 The secretary scratched in the notebook as her boss was giving directions. 老板下指令时,秘书匆忙地在笔记本里做记录。

vt./vi. 2) to mark or score the surface of sth. with a sharp or pointed object 刮擦 They scratched their initials on a rock. 他们把自己名字的首字母刻到一块石头上。 hook

vt./vi. to fasten or hang sth. on sth. else using a hook 钩住,挂住 Please hook the rope over the nail. 请把绳子挂在那根钉子上。

n. 1) [C] a blow given with the elbow bent (拳击的)钩拳 n. 2) [C] 挂钩

Phrases and Expressions

bar code 条形码

laser printer 激光打印机 play sth. back

to play music, a film, etc. that has been recorded on a tape, video, etc. 播放录音(或录像等)She enjoyed My Heart Will Go On so much that she played it back time and time again. 她太喜欢《我心永恒》这首歌了,一遍又一遍地放。 hook sth. up to sth.

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Will it take long to hook the telephone up? 安装电话要花很长时间吗?

As soon as they hook up the computer to the network, I can e-mail my friends. 他们一把电 脑连到因特网上,我就可以给朋友发电邮了。

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