上海交大版应用型大学英语综合教程-第3册-unit-1课文翻译与练习答案解读 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章上海交大版应用型大学英语综合教程-第3册-unit-1课文翻译与练习答案解读更新完毕开始阅读a7c9a71829ea81c758f5f61fb7360b4c2f3f2a4b


Reporter: What do you think of your decision of dropping out?

乔布斯:就像我刚才演讲中所提到的,这或许是我所做的最棒的决定之一。我辍学之后参加了书法班,学到了衬线和无衬线字体,10年后这些在设计Mac时都用上了,不然,很有可能现在的个人电脑就没有这种美妙的版面设计了。 Jobs: Just as I mentioned in my speech, that was probably one of the best decisions I ever made. Since I had dropped out of Reed College, I took a calligraphy class and learned about serif and sanserif typefaces which were designed into the Mac 10 years later. Otherwise, personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do.


Reporter: We learn a lot from your story. Thanks for granting my interview.

7. Practice: translation

A. Put the following sentences in the text into Chinese. Pay special attention to the italicized expressions.

1. I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit.

我在里德学院读了6个月就退学了,但是作为旁听生又在那里待了18个月左右,然后才真正离开学校。 2. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption.


3. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made.


4. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on.


5. None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. 这一切在我的生活中是否实用,我不抱希望。

B. Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in the brackets.

1.[Every time I saw the straw hat] (每当我看到那顶草帽), it reminded me of the tour I had made years before.

2. This is[the most wonderful time that I have ever had] (我度过的最美好的时光).

3. [I'm honored to attend the closing ceremony of the conference] (我很荣幸能参加大会闭幕式) and give you a speech.

4. Bill Clinton has helped to get the two American journalists released and he seems to [have a hope of making peace] (有希望调解) between North Korea and the US.

5. One friend of mine has decided to [quit his/her well-paid but demanding position] (辞去那份工资高但要求也高的工作) recently.

Summary outline:

1. The start of Steve Jobs' life;

2. The reason why he dropped out of college;

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3. What he learned in the calligraphy class after dropping out of college; 4. The effect of what he learned in the calligraphy class in his life; 5. The implications of Steve Jobs' story.

Reference answer: Steve Jobs was adopted several months after birth since his biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student. As his parents had promised, Jobs did go to college 17 years later. However, he found the college was much too expensive and he couldn't see the value of attending it, so he dropped out six months later. Then he dropped in on a calligraphy class which he found fascinating. He learned serif and sanserif typefaces and many other things, of which he found an application 10 years later—they were all designed into the first Macintosh computer. It made all the difference in Jobs' life. If he had never dropped out, he would have never dropped in on the calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have had the wonderful typography that they do. Therefore, one has to trust in something—his/her gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever, and this approach will give one the confidence to follow whatever he/she trusts in.

computer repairs

A customer has bought a new computer, but she is having a lot of trouble with it. She is now calling Computer Technical Support for help.

Clerk: Hello and thank you for calling Computer 职员:您好,欢迎致电电脑技术支持部。Technical Support. How can I help you?


Customer: Yeah, I bought one of your laptop 顾客:是的,大约三个星期前我买了一台computers about three weeks ago, but it just isn't 你们的手提电脑,但是它运行总是不正常。 working properly.

职员:啊,很抱歉,但您的电脑已不在保Clerk: Well, sorry to say, but your computer is no 修期内。它昨天已经过期了。

longer under warranty. It ran out yesterday. Customer: What? A three-week warranty? Clerk: Yes, I'm afraid so. What's the problem?




Customer: Well, first of all, the machine always 数次。 freezes and has crashed at least a zillion times. 职员:呃,女士…… Clerk: Uh, madam... 顾客:而且我认为这台电脑感染了间谍软Customer: And I think the computer's infected with 件和大香蕉木马病毒,这是我最担心的。

spyware and the Big Banana Trojan virus. That's my biggest concern. Clerk: Oh, uh, madam...



Customer: And plus there are a ton of pre-installed 应用软件,它们把电脑弄得很混乱。我现third-party applications that just clutter the 在没有办法让电脑工作。 computer. I'm at my wits' end trying to get this thing working.


Clerk: Madam. I have to put you on hold. 顾客:什么? Customer: What? 职员:我们需要一些时间来判断这些问题。Clerk: It's going to take us a minute or so to 我将把电话转给我们的技术人员。

diagnose the problems. I'm going to transfer you to our technician.


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Phone Recording: Thank you for waiting. Your call 们非常重要。您的等候号码是84号。您的is important to us. You are number 84 in the queue. 等待时间大约是2小时17分,或者我们Your approximate waiting time is 2 hours 17 一有机会便会回复您的来电。 minutes, or whenever we get around to answering your call.

New Words


n. [U, C] a written agreement in which a company selling sth. promises to repair or replace it if there is a problem within a particular period of time 保修单 zillion

n. [U, C] an extremely large number 极大的数目

I've told you a zillion times what the problem is. Don't you understand it now? 关于问题的症结,我已经跟你讲了无数遍了。你现在还不明白吗? clutter

vt. to fill an area with too many things and make it messy 凌乱地塞满,乱堆放

I hate some computer companies because they tend to clutter their machines with junk software most people don't use.

我讨厌某些电脑公司,因为他们老是在电脑上乱装些大多数人根本用不上的垃圾软件。 queue

n. [C] a line of people, cars, etc. waiting for sth. or to do sth. 队,行列

Phrases and Expressions

be under warranty

to be bound by a written promise by a company to fix or replace one of its products 在保修期内

The camera is still under warranty. 这个相机仍在保修期内。 run out

1) (of an agreement or a document) to become no longer valid 过期,失效

Sometimes, a product you buy will function perfectly long after the warranty runs out. 有时候买来的产品在保修期过了很久之后,仍然很好用。

2) (of a supply of sth.) to be used up or finished 用完,耗尽 Time is running out for the trapped miners. 被困矿工的时间正在一点点流失。 be at one's wits' end

to be very worried or upset because you have tried every possible way to solve a problem but cannot do it 智穷计尽;全然不知所措

To tell the truth, I'm at my wits' end trying to figure out the problem with my computer. 我想找出电脑里存在的问题,但说实话,我已经一筹莫展了。 get around/round to doing sth. 抽出时间来做某事

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3. Text A Do-anything Pen May Change the Face of Computing 万能笔革新计算机技术

1 At a conference in California yesterday, the 1 昨天,在加利福尼亚的一个会议audience of 500-some technology veterans watched 上,500名资深技术员饶有兴趣地观看in fascination as a company called Livescribe 了Livescribe公司展示其卓越发明:一introduced its brilliant invention: a pen.


2 Well, not just a pen—a computer that looks like a 2 当然这不仅仅是一只笔——是看pen. The pen does have ink and it makes lines on 上去像笔的电脑。这只钢笔确实有墨水,paper, but it also records a digital whatever you 能在纸上留下笔划,同时也能把你写的任write—both text and sketches—by using an infrared 何东西录为数码文件——文本和草图都camera to read a code of tiny, nearly invisible gray 可以——利用红外摄像机读入代码,即一dots on the paper. It can also read bar codes. To 种在纸上几乎看不见的小灰点。此外,它make it work, you need to either buy a recycled 还能读入条形码。要让它工作,你需要从paper notepad from Livescribe, or roll your own by Livescribe公司购买环保型记事本,或downloading a graphics prints on most laser 是自己下载适用于大多数激光打印机的printers.


3 It also records the sound around you and links it to 3 它还能记录你身边的声音并把这what you were writing at the time. Tap the pen to 种声音同你当时所写的东西连接在一起。that text again, it reads the little dots, and you get an 比如,在对应文件上再次轻击钢笔,它会audio playback from that time. As a journalist with 读入这些小灰点,播放当时录入的声音。lousy handwriting and no shorthand skills, I could 我是一名新闻记者,字迹潦草,还不会速use that. Just write an outline of what someone is 记,正好需要它。在采访中只须就采访内saying in an interview, and tap on the notes to hear 容写个提纲,然后用笔轻击笔记,就可以again what the person said.


4 That in itself would be very cool, but the Livescribe 4 这种功能本身已经够新奇了,但folks have bigger plans. Here are some other things 是Livescribe人有更大的计划。下面是the pen can do: 5 Create 3D audio files

这只钢笔的其他功能: 5 制作3D音频文件

The Livescribe headphones include microphones, so Livescribe耳机有麦克风,因此你you can record the sound exactly how and when it 能实时、实效记录传入你耳朵的声音。播hits each of your ears. Play it back through any 放时,用任何耳机听,你都能得到和你当headphones, and you get the same effect as if you 时听到的一样的效果。 were hearing sounds around you. 6 Create flash animations

6 制作flash动画片


Whatever you write or draw can be captured as a 成flas*******。播放时,你会看见你flash movie. Play it back and you see the drawings 的图画在屏幕上如何成形。点击动画文件take form on your screen. Click on parts of the text in 的不同部分,可以转到不同的超链接,如the animation and launch any linked items, such as 网页、音频或视频文件。 web pages, audio files, or videos. 7 Access commentary in a book

7 显示书中的注释


The pen works for reading as well as writing. As an Livescribe给我展示了一本印在那种特example, Livescribe showed me a Bible, printed on 殊纸张上的《圣经》,轻击纸上的文字就

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