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restore -qvxf (filename or device) Restores all

restore -qvxf (filename or device) (\(use -d for restore directories)

restore -qvxf /dev/rmt0.1 \restore -s4 -qTvf /dev/rmt0.1 Lists contents of a mksysb tape

BACKUPS ACROSS A NETWORK ------------------------

To run the backup on a local machine (cpio) and backup on the remote machine's (remhost) tape drive (/dev/rmt0)

find /data -print | cpio -ocv | dd obs=32k | rsh remhost \

To restore/read the backup (cpio) on the remote machine dd ibs=64k if=/dev/rmt0 | cpio -icvt

To restore/read the backup (cpio) on the local machine from the remote machine's (remhost) tape drive (/dev/rmt0) rsh remhost \