英语语法某些短语中含有介词之后的动名词 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章英语语法某些短语中含有介词之后的动名词更新完毕开始阅读a5feb928bf1e650e52ea551810a6f524cdbfcb34


下列短语中的“to”为介词,后接动名词。 (1)表示“反对”、“对立”、“针对”的短语。 object to(反对)

(be)contradictory to(与……相矛盾) (be)opposed to(反对)

in contrastt o(与……成对比) with a view to(为……起见) opposition to(反对)

(2)表示“于”、“对于”的短语。 (be)used to(习惯于)

(be)accustomed to(习惯于) feel up to(感到适于) (be)exposed to(暴露于) (be)dedicated(致力于) (be)limited to(限于) contribute to(有助于) as to(关于)

(be)devoted to(献身于) abandon oneself to(沉弱于) react to(对……有反应) with regardt o(关于) face up to(面对) (3)表示“承认”、“顺从”、“盼望”、“将近”、“与……相同”、“除……之外”的短语。 look forward to(盼望) confess to(承认) admit(承认)

resign oneself to(顺从) in addition to(除……之外) similar to(与……相似) close to(接近于) consent to(同意) 比较:

be used to(习惯于)(to为介词)

be used to(被用来)(to为不定式符号) 例句:

attacking big business with a view to cutting energy and house prices.

主张遏制商业以削减能源价格和房价。 Obviouslyyou’re there with a view to buying, but an exchange of information helps everyone.

He looks forward to going to Cuba soon to

raise that flag.

他期待前往古巴升起美国国旗。 I look forward to working with you. 我盼望和您一起工作。



(1)用在感官动词see, watch,notice, look at, hear, listen to, feel等后面,作为宾语补足语时,动词不定式不带to。比如: We often heard them speak English. 我们常常听到他们说英语。

I saw her walk into the principal’s office. 我看见她走进了校长办公室。

(2)用在使役动词make,let, have等后面,作为宾语补足语时,动词不定式不带to。比如:

What makes you think I’m an intellectual? 你怎么认为我是一个知识分子? Now let me hear you play.


I’ll have my mechanical engineer repair the machine for you.

我要让我的机械工程师给你修理机器。 注意:感官动词see, hear, watch, notice, feel, lookat, listen to和使役动词let, make, have等用于被动语态时,动词不定式作为主语补中语则要带to。比如:

She was heard to sing in the next room. 有人听到她在隔壁房间里唱歌。 (3)用在had better,had best(最好), would rather(宁愿)等结构后面,动词不定式不带to。比如:I’d better go and look for him. 我最好现在就去找他。

You’d best get there before dinner.你最好吃饭前到达那儿。

We would rather wait till tomorrow.我们宁愿等到明天。 (4)两个或者两个以上句法功能相同的动词不定式并列使用时,通常只是第一个动词


So he decided to go and get some medicine for his cough.因此他决定去买点咳嗽药。 They began to read and write.他们开始读和写。

请记住,下面表示喜怒哀乐、运气好坏、心理状态、个人态度、可能性、确定性、性格特征和行为表现的形容词后面要接不定式作状语。 furious(狂怒的)grateful(感激的)humble(恭顺的)


sorry(抱歉的)thankful(感谢的)unhappy(不高兴的) ashamed(害臊的)amazed(吃惊的)amused(娱乐的)

annoyed(烦恼的)astonished(惊异的)cheered(快乐的) confused(混乱的)delighted(高兴的)funny(可笑的)


impossible(不可能的)inconvenient(不便的)interesting(有趣的) 例句:I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take.

我发现很难对你说,因为我难以承受。 I am sorry to have learned that your parents had just divorced.

听说你的父母刚刚离婚,我感到非常难过。 We are sorry to tell you this, but you, Phoebe, are flaky.

很抱歉这么说,但是你,菲比,是个怪人。 Prime Ministe rModi was thankful to the U.S. for returning the artifacts to India.

I’m livingin one of Greg’s houses, and I am thankful to that man.