听力教程4(第二版) - 答案 - 施心远(1—13) - 图文 联系客服

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Alzheimer's. They say this points to the value of keeping the brain active by working.

They also acknowledge that the nature of retirement is changing, and for some people it may be as intellectually stimulating as working. The Alzheimer's Research Trust, which funded the study, says more people than ever retire later in life to avert*(避免) financial hardship, but there may be a silver lining*(一线希望): lower dementia risk. However it says much more research is needed in order to understand how to delay or prevent dementia.

A: … about the research that shows working protects against dementia. B:

1. The study looked at nearly 400 men who developed Alzheimer’s disease. It assessed the time they spent in full-time education, the type of work they did and the point at which they retired. 2. No, the researchers detected no link between the onset of dementia and education or occupation. 3. Every extra year at work was associated with a six week delay in Alzheimer’s. 4. To lower dementia risk.

5. Much more research is needed in order to understand how to delay or prevent dementia.

Unit 7 Section 1

Listening and Translation

1. Each year, more than two million weddings take place in the United States. 2. More than 80,000 million dollars is spent on those weddings. 3. And that does not include honeymoon travel for the newlyweds.

4. An old tradition says brides should wear something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue.

5. These four things are supposed to bring good luck.

1. 每年在美国有两百多万对新人结婚。 2. 这些婚庆要花去八百多亿美元。 3. 这还不包括新人的蜜月旅行。

4. 根据一项古老的传统,新娘在结婚那天必须穿戴一样旧的东西、一样新的东西、一样借来的东西和一样蓝色的东西。 5. 据说这四样东西可以带来好运。

Section 2

Part 1 Dialogue

raw fish hanging pick up ask for these things quantities did with these things

odd didn’t have a car how much the bus fares were what number of bus

listen to it shake it ―sell-by‖ date listen to same result nature what they eat


great pride Tailoring (成衣业) Chinese community garments (服装) absolutely, perfectly fitting Hairdressing(理发业) go in sit there for a quick hair wash massage your head completely for about 10 minutes

a wonderful experience quite hard system

nervous experience how people live on a daily basis get into the way that the people who live in that country permanently exist

Part 2 passage

Ex C: 1-4 A B C D 5-8 D C D B

Section 3 News Item 1

Many hunters from fishing communities in eastern Canada didn't even bother taking their boats out for this year's seal hunt. The market price for a seal pelt* is around 12 US dollars, a steep decline from a peak of 100 dollars a pelt a few years ago. The seal quota* (配额) had been set at 273,000, but this year those who ventured out barely took 70,000.

The depressed value of the Russian rouble(卢布) and the subsequent erosion of one of Canada's largest markets for seal products is partially to blame for the decline in numbers.

But it's clear that the prospect of a European Union ban on seal products and growing international disdain* (鄙视)for the hunt is becoming a major factor in its near collapse. The European parliament passed the ban in May, but it still needs the backing of EU governments.

The annual kill has been a source of critical seasonal income for fishing communities already hit hard by dwindling fish stocks(渔业资源). But some here are wondering if this could be the beginning of the end for the centuries-old practice.

A: …about the decline of this year’s seal hunt in Canada . B:

1. Because of the sharp decline of market price for seal pelts. 2. 100 dollars

3. The depressed value of the Russian rouble and the subsequent erosion of one of Canada’s largest markets for seal products, is partially to blame for the decline in numbers.

4. The prospect of a European Union ban on seal products and growing international disdain for the hunt is becoming a major factor in its near collapse. 5. The European parliament passed the ban in May.

News Item 2

The producer price index is a measurement of prices paid for produced or manufactured items here in the United States. And this number came out today indicating a growth that was greater than we've seen dating back to 1990 and it also tends to reflect the growth in the consumer price index (消费价格指数)that we saw on Friday. That also indicated that the inflation is heating up(加剧) and it is higher than we've seen since January of 1991. And now investors are worried that the Fed* could have to be more aggressive about raising interest rates to slow inflation which in fact might end up slowing corporate earnings (公司收益).


A: … about the produce price index and its indications for economy.

News Item 3

In Germany, 40,000 farmers have been protesting over plans to cut their subsidies(补贴) which they receive for growing sugar beet*. The farmers are arguing that a better deal for sugar farmers in Africa is going to cost them their livelihoods.

Back in June the European Union agreed to reduce by almost 40% the guaranteed price currently paid to Europe's sugar producers. This move (对策) came off the years of campaigning by less developed countries who argued that their own sugar industries were being adversely affected by the distortions in the world market caused by European subsidies. Not surprisingly perhaps the EU plan has proved very unpopular with Europe's own sugar beet growers. Germany's Food Industry Union said the plan would spoil the ante*(预付款) of 46,000 sugar beet farmers and threaten more than 26,000 employees in the sugar industry.

A: … about the dispute over the cut of government subsidies the European farmers receive for growing sugar beet. B:

1. The German farmers are arguing that a better deal for sugar farmers in Africa is going to cost them their livelihoods.

2. The European Union agreed to reduce by almost 40% the guaranteed price currently paid to Europe’s sugar producers.

3. They argued that their own sugar industries were being adversely affected by the distortions in the world market caused by European subsidies.

4. The EU plan has unsurprisingly proved very unpopular with Europe’s sugar beet growers.

5. Germany’s Food Industry Union said the plan would spoil the ante of 46,000 sugar beet farmers and threaten more than 26,000 employees in the sugar industry.

Unit 8 Section 1

Listening and Translation

1. The oldest of American’s baby boomers are 60 years old this year.

2. The United States and many other industrialized countries have a growing retiree population and are expecting that growth to continue.

3. By the time this generation reaches the traditional retirement age of 65, they will represent 20 percent of the US population.

4. Baby boomers have a higher rate of home ownership than the national average and one out of four own more than one property.

5. Many boomers feel they are in good health and believe they will live longer and be happier if they continue to be active.

1. 年龄最大的一批在美国二战后生育高峰出生的人今年将满六十岁。

2. 美国和许多工业化国家的退休人口都在增长,而这种增长预计还将持续。

3. 当这一代人到达传统退休年龄——65岁时,他们的人数将占美国人口的百分之二十。


4. 战后生育高峰年代出生的人拥有住房的比例高于全国平均水平,其中四分之一的人拥有一处以上的房产。

5. 很多战后生育高峰年代出生的人觉得自己现在还很健康,并且相信如果继续保持积极的心态,他们将更加长寿,生活得更愉快。

Section 2

Part 1 Dialogue

1-6 T F T F F T 7-12 F T T T T T

Part 2 passage

Ex C: 1-5 C C D B D

Section 3 News Item 1

New research comparing the different ways that babies are reared (抚养)suggests there is chemical evidence to support the view that those deprived of affection when young find later life much harder to cope with. The research was conducted by the US National Academy of Sciences (美国国家科学院).

The researchers say it was a very rare opportunity for them to have access to a group of young children who had been brought up very early in life in an orphanage (孤儿院) before being taken in by families. In the orphanage the children utterly lacked the kind of physical affection they should have experienced. By comparison with their family-raised peers, they had very depressed levels of the hormone arginine vasopressin*, which plays a key role in regulating stress and managing social interactions (社会交往). And they reacted far less when cuddled (抚爱的拥抱)by their adoptive parents as indicated by levels of the relaxing hormone oxytocin*.

A: …about a research which has found chemical evidence to support the view that those deprived of affection when young find later life much harder to cope with . B:

Hypothesis: Children deprived of affection when young find later life much harder to cope with

Method: an orphanage being taken in by families with their family-raised peers

Findings: 1. very depressed regulating stress and managing social interactions 2. far less cuddled adoptive parents relaxing

News Item 2

There is quite a party going on outside this London bookshop. Some teenagers have even traveled over from the Netherlands to join the British young and not so young, so enchanted (入迷)by the Harry Potter publishing phenomenon that they are willing to stay up half the night to mark the arrival of the latest book in the series, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. But it's not just the fans who are excited about the newest Potter tale. For Bloomsbury, the books' publishers, the author J. K. Rowling is proving to be a goose laying golden egg after golden egg. The previous five books in the series have sold more than 250 million copies worldwide and have been translated