新世纪大学英语综合教程3课后答案Unit4 联系客服

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be going over on the boat 乘船渡海 have my eye especially on 尤其期待 set the world’s record of 打破……世界纪录 add some new support to 增添新的证据 foul out of the trials 预赛犯规出局 easily qualified for the finals 轻松地获得决赛资格 offer sb. a firm handshake 紧紧地握住某人的手 Something must be eating you. 一定有什么事儿让你心神不安。 take pains to reassure sb. 千方百计地消除某人的焦虑 a lean, muscular frame 身体精瘦,肌肉发达 a strikingly handsome, chiseled face 棱角分明、非常英俊的面庞 the tension…ebb out of 紧张情绪从……退去 push sb. on to a peak performance 激励某人攀登成绩的巅峰 a fake smile with a broken heart 伤心欲绝的强颜欢笑 Useful Expressions from Text B Chinese Equivalences chances evaporate 希望化为了泡影 flash a dazzling smile 灿然一笑 spirited recovery 重振旗鼓 firm inner fiber 不屈不挠的意志 mount the winners’ stand 登上领奖台 burn inside sb. 在某人内心深处燃烧 narrowly miss a gold medal 因毫厘之差与金牌擦肩而过 the most psychologically challenging race 最具心理挑战的比赛 a major competition 一次重大比赛 call the time to the split second 做出毫秒不差的预测 tremendously poignant moment 让人极度痛苦的时刻 deafening applause 震耳欲聋的掌声 go through a grind 埋头苦干 fill in for 填补位置 Section B Grammar in Context

Study the following sentences, each of which contains either an “appositive phrase” or an “appositive clause”.

1. … Luz was the typical example of what Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern

Olympic Games, must have had in mind …(Para. 19, Text A, Unit 4)

2. Her spirited recovery gave her the gold medal—a tribute to her determination and courage.

(Para. 1, Text B, Unit 4)

3. One of the things I am most thankful is the fact that I have grown up in a nation with a

grand tradition of optimism. (Para.8, Text A, Unit 2, Book 1)

4. This is significant counterevidence to the claim that men want to focus on information

while women are interested in rapport. (Para.11, Text A, Unit 8, Book 1)



1. 由两个或两个以上同一层次的语言单位组成的结构,其中前项与后项所指相同,句法功能也相同,后项是前项的同位语。

e.g. Mr. Smith, our new teacher, is very kind to us.


*Mr. Smith是主语our new teacher的同位语,指同一人。 e.g. Yesterday I met Tom, a friend of my brother's.


*a friend of my brothers'是受词Tom的同位语,指同一人。

2. 同位语与其同位成分关系紧密时不用逗点隔开,同位语对其同位成分只作补充解释时可


e.g. He told me that his brother John was a world-famous doctor.


*限制性同位语John和其同位成分his brother两者之间关系紧密,不用逗点隔开。 e.g. Yesterday I talked to my English teacher, Mr. James.


*同位语Mr. James补充解释my English teacher,同位语与其同位成分之间可用逗点隔开。

3. 同位语除表示其同位成分的全部意义外,还可以表示部分意义。 e.g. We Chinese people are brave and hardworking.

我们中国人民是勤劳勇敢的。 *Chinese people是we的同位语。

e.g. He is interested in sports, especially ball games.

他喜欢运动,特别是球类运动。 *ball games是sports的同位语。

Now, please do the tasks on Page 113 in your textbooks.

Section C Theme-Related Writing

Write an essay about your favorite sports team. The following hints may be of some help. a) What is your favorite sports team? b) Why do you like it so much? c) Do you always support the team?

▇ Sample essay

My Favorite Sports Team: the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team

In quite a few sports, Chinese women athletes outshine men athletes. As a girl, I always feel proud of our women table tennis players, badminton players, women divers and gymnasts. But my greatest enthusiasm always goes to the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team, who, though it has undergone some ups and downs, always presents a positive, inspiring image to the public.

I’ve never missed any major TV coverage of the Chinese women’s team. I can’t help getting excited watching the girls shine in court, with their amazing spikes and blocks, and their never-26

ceasing courage and faith in winning the match. There are times when they lose the game, sometimes with embarrassing result like 0:3; there are years when they suffer a lot of injuries and new players do not match up to the veterans, yet, one must admit that the Chinese girls have been practising very hard all the way.

Recent years have witnessed a difficult period for the team as Russian, American, Cuban, and Brazilian teams have been rising in ranking and winning championships, but I still have faith in our team and give them my support. I wish them good luck in the coming Olympics. (196 words)