《中考汇编》江苏省常州市2017-2019年三年中考英语试卷分类汇编完形填空 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章《中考汇编》江苏省常州市2017-2019年三年中考英语试卷分类汇编完形填空更新完毕开始阅读a4c7f0c06d85ec3a87c24028915f804d2a168795



二、完形填空(共12小题; 每小题1分, 满分12分)

阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Basketball can be fun, or it can be trouble. People gather around a ball, but their reactions (反应) often go 11 the object. It was a terribly hot summer day when the group of us appeared on the basketball court. Silently, we 12 up and played, as always. The sun was a big \squeezer (挤压者)\as it not only squeezed out of us sweet (汗水) and 13 , but also our unhappy feelings. Body contact became more and more often, and we could all 14 the attacks of elbows (肘部). After another round of game, one of the players and I fell to the ground at the same time. From his burning eyeballs. I could see a 15 was almost unavoidable.

It suddenly came to me that my tins of Cola were lying on the ground, about an inch away from me. \ 16 ?\ 17 I rolled (滚动) one to him, looking at him in the eyes with my most sincere facial expression. \fine. Lucky no 18 bones or we'll end up in the hospital! \Other players watching nearby all laughed. I could clearly see some movement on his face. My 19 did work! He picked the Cola up, tried to open it, and walked over. As he passed by my side, he 20 his left hand, and smiled at me. I smiled back, took his hand, and gave him a light shake.

A gentle wind caught me on the face as I returned to the basketball court. The sun continued to provide 21 for us. What could be better than a group of school students 22 basketball skills on a warm, sunny afternoon? 11. A. towards 12. A. teamed 13. A. time

B. about B. cheered B. energy B. afford B. fight B. talk

C. beyond

D. for

C. cooked D. caught C. health C. smell C. touch C. drink

D. pride D. feel D. risk D. ball


14. A. accept 15. A. match 16. A. game

17. A. Angrily 18. A. lazy 19. humor

B. Equally B. hidden B. chance

C. Guiltily C. medical C. advice

D. Carefully D. broken D. trust D. held out D. peace D. comparing

20. A. looked at 21. A. worry

B. thought of B. warmth

C. put away C. stress

22. A. protecting 二、完型填空 11-15 AABBB

B. encouraging C. exchanging

16-20 CDDCD


1. Mrs. Walker sat down at her desk and sighed(叹息). \. Tell me what happened.\ \,\, \, I went straight to my room to do my homework. After I finished, I needed a(n) (1) B . So I took out my bubble gum(泡泡糖) to (2) D . Michael and I are having a competition to see who can blow the biggest bubble.\

\,\. \.\

\. Soon it (3) C my whole face.\ \?\. Walker.

\. The bubble became as big as a beach ball.\(4) A his arms to show how big it was.

A few kids made faces﹣they didn't (5) D him, but Winston ignored(不理睬) them and went on.

\(6) A over my desk and out of the window. As it sailed away, I noticed something yellow stuck to it. Like paper. Then I noticed my (7) C was missing.\ \?\. Walker asked.

\. Roosevelt's garden. I saw her cat attack it. The bubble broke. All I

saw then was the cat running away. Mrs. Roosevelt helped me search the (8) D . But my homework was nowhere to be seen.\


Mrs. Walker shook her head. \(9) B , Winston, why didn't you just tell me that the homework was too (10) A instead of making up that wild story?\ Just then, the office worker walked in with a letter.

Winston opened the letter and took out the wrinkled homework paper and a note that said, \.\

I am sure Winston (11) D to hand this in. He's a good boy. I have no idea how his homework got stuck to my cat, but I'm sure Winston can give you a(n)(12) B .

Mrs. Roosevelt

Mrs. Walker looked up. \ \, madam,\. (1)A.award (2)A. practice (3)A. cleaned (4)A. rounded (5)A. hear (6)A. floated (7)A. bubble (8)A. room (9)A. Generally (10)A. hard (11)A. refused (12)A.introduction

B.rest B.create B.hurt B.held B. notice B.rode B.book B. cat B. Honestly B. different B. promised B. explanation

C. surprise C. exercise C. covered C.crossed C. remember C. climbed C. homework C. desk C. Finally C. common C. managed C. suggestion

D. choice D. enjoy D. hit D.waved D.believe D. stayed D. gum D. garden D. Exactly D. interesting D. wanted D. instruction

【解答】(1)B 考查名词 ,A.award奖品 B.rest休息 C. surprise惊讶 D. choice选择,根据when I got home, I went straight to my room to do my homework. After I finished,可知Winston 回到家就做作业,做完作业感到累了,需要休息一下,故选B. (2)D 考查动词,A. practice练习 B.create创造 C. exercise练习 D. enjoy享受,根据 So I took out my bubble gum(泡泡糖) to…,结合前文语境说到Winston做完作业


累了,推出他想吹泡泡糖玩一会 ,故选D.

(3)C 考查动词,A. cleaned打扫 B.hurt伤害 C. covered覆盖 D. hit击打,根据 my bubble kept growing泡泡一直在增长,可知泡泡越来越大时,会盖住整个脸,故选C.

(4)A 考查动词,A. rounded弄圆 B.held握住 C.crossed交叉 D.waved挥动,根据Winston的话The bubble became as big as a beach ball气泡变得和沙滩球一样大,推出他把自己的胳膊弄成一个沙滩球的圆形来显示它有多大.故选A.

(5)D 考查动词,A. hear听到 B. notice注意 C. remember记得 D.believe相信,根据 A few kids made faces,可知几个孩子向Winston做鬼脸,推出这几个孩子不相信他,故选D.

(6)A 考查动词,A. floated漂浮 B.rode骑 C. climbed爬 D. stayed停留,根据Suddenly a strong wind took the bubble right out of my mouth!突然,一阵强风把气泡从我的嘴里吹了出来.结合out of the window,可知气泡漂浮起来,跑出了窗户,故选A. (7)C 考查名词,A. bubble气泡 B.book书 C. homework家庭作业 D. gum口香糖,根据后文But my homework was nowhere to be seen.但是我的家庭作业却不见踪影,推出泡泡糖飞走时把作业本粘住带走了,故选C.

(8)D 考查名词,A. room房间 B. cat猫 C. desk桌子 D. garden花园,根据I ran after the bubble into Mrs. Roosevelt's garden我追赶气泡到了Mrs. Roosevelt的花园,推出 Mrs. Roosevelt 帮我搜查花园,寻找作业本,故选D.

(9)B 考查副词,A. Generally通常 B. Honestly诚实地 C. Finally最后地 D. Exactly正确地,根据老师的话 why didn't you just tell me that the homework was too __instead of making up that wild story?\你为什么不告诉我,家庭作业太难了,而是编造那个狂野的故事?\推出老师希望他诚实,故选B.

(10)A 考查形容词,A. hard困难的 B. different不同的 C. common普通的 D. interesting有趣的,根据语境,老师不相信Winston的话,认为他在编故事,所以问他为什么不诚实的说是因为作业太难而没完成,故选A.

(11)D 考查动词,A. refused拒绝 B. promised许诺 C. managed设法 D. wanted想要,根据 He's a good boy,可知Mrs. Roosevelt 认为Winston是个好孩子,所以说她确信Winston想上交作业,故选D.

(12)B 考查名词,A.introduction介绍 B. explanation解释 C. suggestion建议