高考英语一轮选训习题Unit2Poems(含解析)新人教版选修6 联系客服

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选修6 Unit 2 Poems


一、阅读理解 A

Best Companies

Shine United (Madison, Wisconsin)

In the past five years, this Wisconsin-based advertising agency has shared more than $500,000 in profits with its employees through the company's ShineShares program. The agency partnered with the University of Wisconsin's oncology department to develop the Ride, a biking event that benefits cancer research. Employees also get snacks every day, “Beer Thirty” on Thursdays, and Summer Fridays, a program that lets employees leave at noon.

GroundFloor Media (Denver, Colorado)

The key for workers at this midsize public relations firm in Denver is that employees work anytime, anywhere. Headquarters are in a former warehouse downtown, near Coors Field. The offices are spread around the central space that doubles as a wet bar every Thursday when the company's “beer club” brings in a new brew.

Ergodyne (St. Paul, Minnesota)

The St. Paul-based company has grown to operate out of a retired storehouse with plenty of natural light. Rules about dressing? “Wear something.” Its purpose? To create cool, comfortable, and tough safety workwear for those who need it to get the job done. Ergodyne has around 50 employees, who enjoy hot-dish cook-offs, tickets to sporting events, and at least one happy hour every quarter.



Southwest Michigan First (Kalamazoo, Michigan)

It's family first at this Michigan economic development advising agency. CEO Ron Kitchens says that in the past year, the company has made a push to go green, initially started by the millennial employees who make up half the agency's workforce. A new staff position was created for the purpose of making sure every employee is able to balance working and cheering at their kids' sporting events or going fishing.

【文章大意】 本文是一篇广告类应用文,主要介绍了四个最好的公司。它们有的和员工分享利润并给员工提供零食和啤酒,有的鼓励员工陪伴家人,有的允许员工在任何时候任何地点工作,有的允许员工穿着随意的衣服。

【难句分析】The key for workers at this midsize public relations firm in Denver is that employees work anytime,anywhere.(第2个小标题第一句)

分析:该句为主从复合句。句中“that employees work anytime,anywhere”为that引导的表语从句。


1.What's the purpose of the ShineShares program? A.To raise money for a research. B.To let employees leave earlier. C.To share the company's benefits. D.To partner with a local university.

答案与解析:C'考查细节理解。根据第一段第一句“In the past five years, this Wisconsin-based advertising agency has shared more than $500,000 in profits with its employees through the company's ShineShares program.”可知,在过去的五年时间里,这家位于威斯康星州的广告代理公司通过ShineShares项目和公司员工分享了五十万美元的利润;据此可知,ShineShares项目的目的在于和员工分享利润,故C项正确。



2.What does Southwest Michigan First encourage their employees to do? A.To accompany their families. B.To create new staff positions. C.To join in cooking competitions. D.To enjoy themselves in sporting events.

答案与解析:A'考查推理判断。根据第四段第一句的“It's family first”和最后一句“A new staff position was created for the purpose of making sure every employee is able to balance working and cheering at their kids' sporting events or going fishing.”可知,该公司创立了新的职位,目的是保证每个员工能平衡工作和在孩子的运动会中加油或钓鱼的安排;据此可以判断,该公司鼓励员工陪伴家人,做A项正确。

3.Which company allows its staff a flexible working time? A.Shine United. B.GroundFloor Media. C.Southwest Michigan First. D.Ergodyne.

答案与解析:B'考查细节理解。根据第二段第一句“The key for workers at this midsize public relations firm in Denver is that employees work anytime,anywhere.”可知,在该中等规模的公关公司工作的重点是员工可以在任何时间任何地点工作;据此可知,GroundFloor Media公司允许员工有弹性的工作时间,故B项正确。

4.What can we know about the companies mentioned in the text? A.They offer employees financial support. B.They care about employees' happiness. C.They have strict rules about dressing. D.They have training programs.

答案与解析:B'考查推理判断。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了四个通过自己的政策为员工谋幸福的公司:Shine United公司与员工分享利润,为员工提供零食;GroundFloor



Media公司允许员工有弹性的工作时间;Ergodyne公司允许员工任意穿着以创造轻松安全的工作环境;Southwest Michigan First公司鼓励员工陪伴家人。故B项正确。


One cold day last November, my wife and I came home from work to a sick young daughter and we decided to stay at home for the night. Problem was, we had two tickets to see Miranda July, the performance artist, being interviewed at the Herbst Theatre. We decided to sell them online for $50. One hour before the event, a guy named Peter called me and said he wanted to buy the tickets. Since the time was limited, I told Peter to pay me the next day. Peter seemed touched and we said a fond goodbye.

However, a month later, Peter still didn’t pay me back. A few more weeks passed. Another month. There’d been one e-mail promising to mail the check, then silence.

Maybe he was having a hard time, I thought. But truth was, Peter seemed to be having a pretty normal time. According to the pictures and messages on his Facebook, he had been playing golf, dancing happily with his friends, and traveling on a boat. But he just refused to answer my calls, or reply to my e-mails or messages. So I tried reaching him with my wife’s phone one night. And he didn’t pick up when I called,but texted right back, playfully wondering who might be calling him.

“You should go to his office,”my wife said, “He would have to give you the money if all his coworkers were watching.”

But I didn’t want to become a debt collector. My efforts to reach Peter over these months had been light and I wanted to keep it that way. My initial exchange with
