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分类号: 2012 学校代码: 12621 密 级: 学 号:409070323


题 目:浅析新形势下税收与会计的双向协调

系别班级: 会计系09本会计(3)班 专业方向: 会计学 学 号: 409070323 学生姓名: 林伟贤 指导教师: 温洪伟

提交日期:2013 年 5 月




关键词:统一模式 分离模式 核算目标 可靠性


The relationship between tax law and accounting system is an unavoidable problem in our economic activities.Our relation model of tax choice mainly extracts from the experiences of other countries. And the choice of the world of tax can be mainly divided into the unification and separation model.

This paper begins with a review of China's different economic system with tax and accounting relationship, a brief understanding of the evolution. Then by comparing the different tax mode, in-depth analysis of advantages and disadvantages of different tax mode,exploring the accounting system problems that we are facing, and work out the solutions to these problems.At last put forward constructive suggestions about relation model of tax choice.

Keyword:The unified model separate mode Accounting objectives security

目 录

一、中国税收与会计的发展状况及协调历程 ....................................... 1 (一)计划经济体制下税收与会计关系状况 ........................................ 1 (二)特色社会主义市场经济体制下税收与会计关系的状况............ 1 (三)新会计准则下税收与会计关系的变化 ........................................ 1 二、税收与会计现有模式的双向协调现状 ........................................... 4 (一)统一模式下双向协调的利弊 ........................................................ 4 (二)分离模式下双向协调的的利弊 .................................................... 5 三、如何把握好税收与会计双向协调的平衡点 ................................... 7 (一)财会系统信息化对税收与会计双向协调带来的冲击................ 7 (二)在社会主义市场经济发展趋势下,寻找新的平衡点................ 7 参考文献 ………………………………………………………………...9 致谢