高中英语单句翻译练习精选840句 联系客服

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5. Many cosmetic products have been tested on animals to ensure that they cause/do no harm to human beings. 6. This ticket entitles you to a free lunch.

7. Add all these numbers and the total will be equal to zero.

8. The soldiers were equipped with the latest weapons.

9. Even if there were 48 hours in a day, I couldn’t possibly finish so much homework.

10. It is estimated that dozens of people have been injured in the accident.

11. Raise your hand, if you know exactly the answer to the question on the blackboard.

12. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully, but they were not able to find any broken glass.

13. Except for a bed that occupied half of the room, there was nothing inside.

14. There exist a number of sea routes that can take you from one seaport to another along the coastline of China. 15. Those who don’t respect others can’t expect others to respect them.

16. He didn’t enter a university, but he experienced what most young people never did.

17. Only by constantly exploring the unknown can we make new discoveries and inventions.

18. The customers expressed their satisfaction with the after-sale service in that shop.

19. The report didn’t mention the extent of the damage caused by the explosion of the bomb.

20. It is required that a qualified teacher should have good manners and extensive knowledge.

Translation (9)

1. The young man has to educate himself in law every evening after finishing his work.


2. The scientists are studying the effect of tourism on environmental protection.

3. After he failed in the exams many times, he was asked to take effective measures to develop his ability.

4. It is a highly demanding job, which requires great efforts and patience.

5. We all congratulate him, for he was elected chairman in the last election.

6.The English teaching of this school puts emphasis on grammar rather than on communication.

7. It was a pity that he lost interest in study, because his hobby employed his entire free time.

8. Don’t encourage him in his idle (懒散的) way, which does no good to him at all.

9. It is because she received a lot of encouragement from her teachers and worked hard that she succeeded in passing the college entrance exam at last.

10. He had meant to kill time in this bookstore, but he ended up in trouble.

11. It is reported that during the recent years, the book has enjoyed large sales(销售量), especially among the students.

12. As we have enough chairs for everyone here, we don’t need any more.

13. It is common knowledge that a good sleep will ensure us quicker refreshment.

14. He barked at me, “What entitles you to criticize me?” I made no answer.

15. According to the law, it is reasonable for us to demand equal pay for equal work.

16. Parents want to equip their kids with some special skills, so they together with their kids, spend their spare time on extra study.

17. It was freezing cold last weekend, but even so we enjoyed ourselves at the park.

18. Exactly speaking, he didn’t fulfill the task as I told him. I have no

choice but to dismiss him.

19. She is always careful. Before she publishes her works, she examines every detail as usual.

20. I know nothing about him except that he is a new comer by the name of Li Hai in our class.

Translation (10)

1. The town changed more greatly than was expected.

2. The old deserve our help and we should not expect any reward.

3. He experienced great hardships before becoming an experienced doctor.

4. In today’s news report, we learn that another rocket has been launched to explore space.

5. She expressed her thanks to us in the form of a letter for the help we gave her.

6. Her friendliness is an important factor in her rapid success.

7. The working conditions here are far from satisfactory.

8. Her work is far from efficient. 9. Most of the students are in favor of the teacher's suggestion.

10. For all his courage, he hesitated in (the) face of such a big challenge.

11. He has failed in his experiments many times, but he believes that failure is the mother of success. 12. Take a boat trip and you will be fascinated by the scenery along the Huangpu River.

13. A mother should not favor any of her children.

14. I can’t figure out why she wanted to leave the company.

15. In his room there are several bookshelves filled with all sorts of books.

16. After the interview, the employer concluded that she was fit for the job.

17. We’ve fixed the date for the wedding on the 16th of October.

18. Our discussion focused on how to help our students to be independent.


19. You should make efforts to focus your mind on work and study.

20. Please follow the directions on the packet when you take the medicine.

Translation (11)

1. Encouraged by his teacher, he decided to leave his hometown and follow a music career. 2. Once you form / get into a bad habit, it is very difficult to get out of it.

3. More and more people like to live in suburbs, free from crowds and noise.

4. We can gain information of other countries by reading books on travel.

5. Those who want to visit the museum must gather at the school gate at 7:50 tomorrow morning.

6. Generally speaking, old people must have enough nutrition and rest every day.

7. She glanced at the note and recognized his uncle's handwriting.

8. Since so many people are coming to work, I’m afraid there won’t be enough tools to go around.

9. The children went on making noise, so I couldn’t concentrate on writing the article.

10. We are grateful to our teacher for providing us with many good books.

11. It is believed that climbing high mountains can be a great drain on our energy.

12. During the following three months nothing serious happened in that village.

13. What has happened to Tim? He is behaving strangely these days.

14. Her honesty and willingness to help others won the hearts of her classmates.

15. That scholar declined all the invitations and returned to his motherland without hesitation.

16. I hesitated for a long time before I paid the money, as I was not sure whether the quality was good or not. 17. However busy we are, we should hold a farewell party in honor of them.

18. The soldier was honored for his saving the drowning child.

19. However clever you are, you won't succeed without efforts.

20. He hurried to the booking office, only to find that all the tickets had been sold out.

Translation (12)

1. English learners should have a general idea of the cultures of some English-speaking countries.

2. She is young, and ignorant of what life really is.

3. He is a man of remarkable imagination. Can he imagine how it feels to be blind?

4. The professor made a deep impression on everyone present with his sense of humor and good memory. 5. The village is inaccessible by train, so these books are inaccessible to the villagers.

6. The offer of this house is worth considering, for the price includes both the house and the furniture. 7. Last year, the industrial production of that country as a whole increased by 15 percent, but crime in its big cities was also on the increase.

8. The times are changing, independent of anyone’s wishes. Children should be encouraged to be independent thinkers. 9. I inferred from his expression that he was reluctant to do as we asked him to.

10. Parents have great influence on their children. Their attitude will influence the thinking of their children.

11. It is often said that the computer keeps one well informed of current affairs.

12. The man said that he was innocent of the crime. Don't be so innocent as to believe everything he says.

13. The police inquired about the driver and then got down to inquiring into


the accident.

14. Washing hands regularly is one of the effective ways to avoid being infected by diseases.

15. More and more people keep in touch with each other by E-mail instead of by letter.

16. If you take more physical exercise, you are not likely to catch a cold easily.

17. I find it hard to cooperate with those who always stick to their own opinions.

18. In the course of learning a foreign language, special attention should be paid to improving the reading speed. 19. Swimming necessarily involves long hours of hard training.

20. I could not get through, because traffic was completely jammed by the crowd.

Translation (13)

1. It was hard to judge his build because of the heavy coat he had on. Don't judge a man by his appearance. 2. It was the “thought experiments” that he carried out in his head that led to a new understanding of space, time and gravity.

3. The students are looking forward to it that the famous scientist will come to give a lecture.

4. He has difficulty in keeping up with his fellow students. But he believes the saying “Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.”

5. It is a kind act for you to take a blind man across the street. He will never forget your kindness.

6. It is common knowledge that the traffic situation there is bad and I have no idea where she has got now. 7. She seemed to lack enthusiasm when he told her the invitation.

8. At last she came to understand the meaning of life and know the truth of the saying “He who laughs last laughs


9. It was said that he was often late for work but we later learnt that this wasn’t true at all.

10. The audience burst into laughter and the laughter could be heard from the distance.

11. Self-examination may lead us to a knowledge of ourselves. The love of pleasure leads men into evil behaviors. 12. The ceiling leaks and they should lose no time in mending it. Otherwise, a small leak will sink a great ship. 13. She learnt about her son’s success from the newspapers. He has become a man of learning.

14. That he didn’t keep his word left a bad impression on us.

15. Don’t hurry with what you are doing. You can come and visit us at your leisure.

16. The room has been let to a student for 500 yuan per month, it is time to let out the secret.

17. The real interests of the company lie somewhere quite different. But it would be a lie to say I knew, because I didn’t.

18. I don’t like the boy to come here so often. I should like more time to read.

19. I think it is likely to rain. But it seems hardly likely that they will agree with me.

20. He has links with the case of murder. Their names have been linked together in newspaper reports.

Translation (14)

1. It is inconvenient to locate his home, for his new house is located on the edge of the city.

2. He is no longer living in Shanghai. I’m longing to hear from him frequently.

3. He wears on his face a look of confidence. He looks younger than his age.

4. The police are looking into the murder. Don’t look for trouble. Do look before you leap.


5. I was at a loss what he referred to in his talk, so that deal lost us much money.

6. I just couldn’t help falling in love with that magnificent painting.

7. If you are lucky at first, don’t press your luck.

8. The majority of the students who major in economics here have come to realize the importance of limiting population growth. 9. The noisy crowd made it difficult for us to make out what was said over the microphone in the square.

10. No one can match this young fellow in the knowledge of classical music.

11. Come here as soon as you can manage it. I wish you could manage to arrange some time to come and talk to us. 12. He married a Japanese girl and their marriage lasted forty years.

13. It doesn’t matter much whether we go together or separately. He will help us no matter what.

14. Sorry, I didn’t mean it. I don’t mean there to be any unpleasantness.

15. Though he met with one failure after another, his ambition to devote himself to the scientific research work was still with him.

16. It happened in 1990, if my memory serves me right. But the details escaped my memory.

17. You must not mind if your teacher is strict with you. You don’t mind my being frank.

18. Being sick last week, I missed some lessons, but I will try to catch up with others.

19. You mustn’t mistake lack of formal education for lack of wisdom. It is a great mistake.

20. Some of the stories were really more than could be believed. The books that are true to life will attract more readers.