2013年考研英语专题:难句突破与作文 联系客服

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Brevity is the soul of wit.



例1:I‘m sending you this letter because I want you to meet with me and give me some info about the job you do.

显然在一封求职信中这句话太随便了,want, info等词都是口语中的常用词汇,应该改为:I‘m writing to inquire about the possibility of an interview.

例2:The driver education course prepares the student for the skills of handling a vehicle on the highway transportation system.

而在这句话中handling, vehicle, transportation system等词则过于正式,让人读起来感觉非常生硬。应改为:The driver education course teaches the student how to drive.


2、汉语的词汇与英语的词汇不总是一一对应的。有时,汉语词的含义较英语的广,比如汉语中看电视、看电影、看报纸、看病等等都用一个看字,而在英语中则分别对应着watch TV, see a film, read newspaper, visit the doctor.有时汉语词的含义较英语的窄,比如complaint一词就对应着抱怨、疾病、控诉等意思。因此,我们在选词时要注意词义对应准确。

例1. The living level of the people in China has been greatly raised in recent years.

句中level一词不符合英语的表达习惯,应改为standard. 例2. I forgot my keys in the office. 句中forgot一词被误用了,应改为left.


例3. The traffic is crowded in some large cities. 句中crowded一词用错了,应改为heavy.

3、当我们使用prehistoric man, manpower, chairman, mailman和the brotherhood of man等单词或短语时,我们所说的man指的是人类,但往往会引起误解。因此我们在作文中要谨慎地使用带有man的单词,在使用人称代词的时候也要注意。

例1:Mankind has always been obsessed with man‘s inhumanity to man. (mankind, man)

应改为:Human beings have always been obsessed with people‘s cruelty to one another.

例2:Did you leave a note for the mailman? 应改为:Did you leave a note for the mail carrier? 例3:Today‘s student values his education. 应改为:Today‘s students value their education.

下面列出一些常见的带有性别色彩的词和它们的替换词。 ExampleAlternatives

mankindhumanity, people, human being man‘s achievements human achievements man‘mademanufactured

common manaverage person, ordinary people man‘hour staff’hour

businessman business executive fireman firefighter

Deliberate slowly, execute promptly. 谋虑要慢,行动要快。 二、用词要活



会出现辞藻华丽(flowery)而内容空洞的文风,这是应当避免的。准确性是灵活性的前提,也是提高灵活性的基础。然而,灵活、生动与简练相关。英国文豪莎士比亚的名言Brevity is the soul of wit相当于汉语的言贵简洁。我们说话、写文章都要以言简意赅四字为目标。谴词造句要尽可能避免不必要的用词重复,反复地使用同一个词,容易使文章单调乏味,缺乏表现力,而且会使读者感觉到作者词汇量的贫乏。

1.同义词替代法。同其他语言一样,英语中也存在着大量的同义词,而且在许多情况下,同一个意思可以使用不同的单词甚至是一些短语来表达。 例如:

例1.The fog was so thick that we could not see anything. (dense) The fog was so dense that we could not see anything.

例2. You‘d better take this sofa away. It takes too much room. (space)

You‘d better take this sofa away. It takes too much space.

例3. I used to live in the town which is about twenty miles away from our college. (some, distant)

I used to live in the town which is some twenty miles distant from our college.

例4. Finally he managed to get the airline tickets. (At length, In the end, At last……)

At length he managed to get the airline tickets. In the end he managed to get the airline tickets. At last he managed to get the airline tickets.

例5. A decrease in demand causes lower prices. (results in, leads to, produces)

A decrease in demand results in lower prices. A decrease in demand leads to lower prices. A decrease in demand produces lower prices.


例6. He is considered as the right candidate. (thought/ believed/regarded)

He is thought as the right candidate. He is believed as the right candidate. He is regarded as the right candidate. Friendship cannot stand always on one side. 友谊是双方的事。


例1:Queen Elizabeth II served as a driver and mechanic in World War II. Elizabeth joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service in 1944, while the future queen was still a princess. Although Princess Elizabeth did not know how to drive, she quickly learned how to strip and repair kinds of engines.

上面一段中黑体字部分的Elizabeth, the future queen和Princess Elizabeth不仅让读者感觉啰嗦,而且有时会感到费解,甚至有时会引起误解。如果用she来代替的话不仅避免了重复,而且还可以起到连接上下文的效果。 「友情提示」


One tree does not make a forest.——独木不成林。

