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2. 读英语故事书10-20分钟。 3. 准备一张全家福的照片。 【板书设计】

Unit 1 My family mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, parents, grandparents, brother, sister —Are those/these your grandparents? —Yes, they are. Unit 1 My family第2课时教学设计

【内容来源】Join In三起点(2013年版)五上 Unit1 【主 题】part2a, 2b,2c 【课 时】第2课时 一、教学目标(Teaching aims)

1. 能根据听到的单词family, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, parents, grandparents, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, cousin指认图片或人物;并能说出、认读、写出家庭成员的单词。

2. 能运用句型Who’s that boy …? He’s…等,就个人和家庭情况进行简单交流。

二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)

家庭成员单词、’s的用法。 三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)

课件、音频、图片(教师可以在优教平台直接调用或下载) 四、教学过程 Step 1: Review

教师播放歌曲My family,复习家庭成员名称。

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教师出示曹格一家照片,让同学们说说他们家人的关系。可以用Are these Joe’s parents? 复习句型。 Step 2: Presentation

学生打开课本到第10页,观察图片,老师介绍图片中的男孩Bob Adams,并引导学生对其他人物进行猜测,如:Who’s that boy? Is he Bob’s brother?

在学生充分预测的基础上,老师播放录音,学生初步感知短文内容。 老师再次播放录音,学生完成听音圈单词的练习,师生共同核对答案。 老师采取分句听的方式,借助图片或课件,依次介绍并教授新单词cousin, aunt, uncle,如:I am Bob Adams. Ann is my cousin. We are in the same class.

在教授aunt和uncle时,可向学生解释:Aunt is your father’s or mother’s sister. Uncle is your father’s or mother’s brother.


老师引导学生根据图片和单词提示,模仿Bob复述图片中的人物关系,不一定完全用录音中的句子。如:Ann is my cousin. This is my aunt. She is Ann’s mother. And she is my father’s sister.等。

老师先带领学生大声朗读2c方框内的单词,然后播放录音,学生完成选词 填空的练习。老师对学生进行一定的做题技巧指导,如先标序号,再填空等。 We They He She uncle aunt cousin brother 师生共同核对答案,然后学生大声朗读短文。 录音稿:

I am Bob Adams. Ann is my cousin. We are in the same class. Ann’s mother is my aunt. She is my father’s sister. My uncle is Lin Tao. They are both teachers. Ann

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has got a brother Sam. He is four years old. I go to their home every Sunday. My uncle cooks very well. 答案:

2a: cousin,mother,aunt,father,sister,uncle,brother 2b: aunt, uncle, brother, cousin

2c: cousin, We, aunt, She, uncle, They, brother, He Step 3: Practice



Step4: Homework

1. 登陆优教同步学习网,听课本第10页2a、2b部分录音3遍。 2. 读英语故事书10-20分钟。 3. 默写单词。 【板书设计】

Unit 1 My family mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, parents, grandparents, brother, sister uncle, aunt, cousin She is my father’s sister. He is Bob’s… Unit 1 My family第3课时教学设计

【内容来源】Join In三起点(2013年版)五上 Unit1 【主 题】part3a, 3b, PAIRWORK 【课 时】第3课时

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一、教学目标(Teaching aims)

能运用句型Are you …’s mother/...? Yes, I am. /No, I’m not. I’m ...

Is he/she ...? Yes, he/she is. /No, he/she isn’t. Who’s that boy …? He’s…等,就个人和家庭情况进行简单交流。

二、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties)

家庭成员单词、一般疑问句及答语。 三、教学准备(Teaching preparation)

课件、音频、图片(教师可以在优教平台直接调用或下载) 四、教学过程 Step 1: Review

老师事先让学生准备自己的家庭照片,并依据图片展开师生对话,如:Are you Amy? Is she your mother? Are they your parents? 等,引导学生回答:Yes, I am. Yes, she is./No, she isn’t. Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t.等。 Step 2: Presentation

老师利用课件呈现课本第8页的情境,或学生打开课本到第8页,回答老师的提问,如:Is he Emma’s grandfather? Is she Emma’s mother? Is Tim Emma’s brother? 等,引导学生回答:Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn’t.

老师通过板书呈现句型,并引导学生学习和操练:Are you...? Yes,I am./ No, I’m not. Is he/she …? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn’t.等。



老师播放录音,学生模仿跟读。然后分角色朗读对话,如师生对话、男女生对话、两人一组对话等。 3b录音稿: Number 1:

W: Are you Emma’s father? M: Yes, I am. Number 2:

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