2021高考英语(新高考版)一轮复习考点考法精练:第三部分+题型六 读后续写 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2021高考英语(新高考版)一轮复习考点考法精练:第三部分+题型六 读后续写更新完毕开始阅读a01b247d41323968011ca300a6c30c225801f06b

The madam said, \you please take me for a ride? I can offer double fare...\Kent interrupted her, \! Come on!\, \my suitcase into the car?\

Kent proceeded to drive. He stopped at a petrol station where he wanted to purchase gallons of gasoline(汽油). During the interval when they waited in a queue, the madam began her narration, \you please send me to the charity house in the suburbs? I want to send the people there something. I was given help there 50 years ago. The president and workers were all good guys.\tears, \they’ve all passed away. The life was tough at that time, but we all loved and cared about each other. I’ve held a desire to be back there again for long.\was recalling a section of the good missing days. A complicated feeling surrounded him, and he decided to cancel his plan and stay with the old madam. Paragraph 1:

After a two-hour drive, they came to the gate of their


Paragraph 2:

Hearing this, Kent lapsed into silence, because he knew the rest home was for patients with incurable diseases.

题组1 有下划线关键词语

Writing 1


一个叫Sundial的村庄这一年经历了极端的天气,但令村民们相当惊讶的是,一个从山上下来的雪人走进了他们村,村民们都怀疑雪人是只怪兽,害怕遭到雪人的攻击。充满好奇心的Andy却主动和雪人交谈,并和他一起玩耍,两人成为了朋友。然而Andy的父亲——村长看见雪人后却直冒冷汗,于是在雪人再次到来的时候,他组织村民对雪人进行了围攻。 【写作指导】

Paragraph 1的开头是\那晚,Andy没有回家,而是离开了村庄去寻找雪人\,根据文章第一段的信息可知,雪人是从山上来的,故Andy是去山中寻找雪人,再结合续写第二段的开头可推测,山中天气寒冷,常年生活在温暖地区的Andy可能在寻找朋友的过程中遇见麻烦,最后被雪人送回村庄。写作时可用关键词:Andy,snowman,whispered等。

Paragraph 2的开头是\雪人再次走进了Sundial村庄\,再结合上文信息可知,接下来应该描绘雪人将Andy送回村庄,以及村民和Andy父亲的反应。写作时可用关键词:coat,father,torch等。 【范文展示】 Paragraph 1:

That night, Andy didn’t come home but left the village to look for the snowman. He followed the trail of melted snow up into the mountains. As he walked farther, the trail disappeared, fading into the snowfield. Shaking in the biting wind, the poor little boy walked through the icy mountains, searching for his friend, before collapsing from the cold. As he fell into unconsciousness, he felt someone pick him up. Andy opened his eyes with an effort, only to see the snowman carrying him in his wooden arms. \,\, managing a weak smile. Paragraph 2:

The snowman walked into Sundial once more. Andy’s limp body was held in his wooden arms. Wrapped around Andy were the snowman’s coat and hat, given to the boy in an attempt to keep him warm. The snowman placed Andy at the feet of the villagers. Andy’s father threw down his torch and ran to his boy, looking at the snowman, tears in his eyes, \you.\The snowman walked away without saying a word, never to come back.

Writing 2


女儿生日那天,她最好的朋友苏珊送给她一块地毯的零头布料,女儿很失望,把它丢进了垃圾桶里。然而在拜访过苏珊家之后,这块地毯成了女儿最宝贵的生日礼物。 【写作指导】

Paragraph 1的开头语是\天渐渐黑了,我从苏珊家接走了霍莉\,再结合文章最后一段中对苏珊家里情况的描写和Paragraph 2的开头可知,作者接下来应该描述拜访完苏珊家之后,女儿霍莉理解了苏珊的不易和对于自己丢掉苏珊送的礼物的懊悔之情。可能会用到的关键词有:Holly, carpet, kitchen, tears等。

Paragraph 2的开头语是\我把地毯放在她面前的桌子上\,由此可知,作者接下来应该描述女儿见到丢掉的地毯又重新出现的惊喜和开心,以及女儿为自己的行为给苏珊道歉和对苏珊表示真诚的感谢。可能会用到的关键词有:gift, Susan 等。 【范文展示】 Paragraph 1:

As daylight began to fade, I picked Holly up from Susan’s home. Holly sat silently in the car on the way home. After coming back home, Holly sat on the sofa motionlessly, crossing her fingers on her lap, with sorrow and regret written all over her tear-stained face. Half confused, half concerned, I softly asked her what was up. Hesitating for a moment, she murmured, \carpet.\, large bright drops of tears rolled heavily down her cheeks. I stroked her shoulders and took out the carpet from the kitchen. Paragraph 2:

I placed the carpet on the table in front of her. In a split second, she curved her lips into a broad smile through tears. She jumped up, screaming in an excited voice, and wrapped her arms around me like a vice. Then she gave the carpet a light brush. Watching it hang in the yard, Holly smiled with satisfaction. She called Susan, apologized for her behaviour and expressed her sincere gratitude. She said the carpet was the most precious birthday gift she had ever received in the whole world.

Writing 3


一则求购小提琴的广告引起了作者的注意,并勾起了她对小时候的回忆。那时,作者家里经济困难,父亲没有钱购买作者一直渴望拥有的小提琴,最后在父亲朋友的帮助下,作者拥有了自己的小提琴。 【写作指导】

Paragraph 1的开头是\我在一个二手商店发现了它,卖7美元’,Finkle先生说道,并将小提琴递给了我\,再根据Paragraph 2的开头可知,Paragraph 1的内容应该是作者继续回忆小时候得到小提琴的经过,主要描述作者拿到小提琴后的欣喜和激动的反应。写作时可用关键词:Daddy, Mr. Finkle, surprise, melody等。

Paragraph 2的开头是\我努力让思绪回到现实,接着又读了一遍广告\,显然接下来的内容应该是作者受到广告内容的打动,决心将自己的小提琴送给需要的人。写作时可用关键词:violin,face, case等。 【范文展示】 Paragraph 1:

\ found it in a second-hand shop for seven dollars,\ Mr. Finkle said, handing the violin to me. I noticed the tears in Daddy’s eyes as I finally comprehended. It was mine!I skipped forward for it, yelling with excitement. I took it over and stroked it gently.\beautiful,\said, barely breathing. Then I put it under my chin, and as Mr. Finkle did, started to play. The melody flowed from the bow and danced in the air, with my dream of being a violinist ignited by the seven-dollar surprise. Paragraph 2:

I forced my thoughts to the present and read again the advertisement. The simple words echoed loudly in my mind, bringing the visualized face of a child cherishing a music dream and yearning for his own violin. Pulling out the dusty case from the drawer, I made a resolution to pass it on to the one in need, together with my wish that it could bring him warmth and hope to strive for his dream. Staring at the violin, I found it glossy in the sunlight, as if it had sensed its new voyage of another sparkling dream.

Writing 4


十岁的小男孩Kusa虽然年幼,但是很懂事和有创造力,在照顾患有自闭症的姐姐的时候,发明了Aeropong这种好玩又方便的游戏,不仅丰富了家庭活动,更为自己赢得了荣誉和发展机会。 【写作指导】

Paragraph 1的开头是\已经变成Kusa家必不可少的家庭活动\,再根据Paragraph 2的开头可知,Kusa家把玩游戏的视频发到了网上,引起了大家的广泛关注。因此,Paragraph 1应该讲的是Kusa一家共同享受游戏的过程并将其制作成视频的内容。写作时可用关键词:the family, game, paddle, Pahnuly, Aeropong等。

Paragraph 2的开头是\的游戏在网上迅速传开,在全国引起了大家的广泛关注\,显然接下来的内容应该是Kusa的游戏受到了普遍的欢迎以及该游戏的成功对Kusa的影响。写作时可用关键词:autism,Kusa,inspired等。 【范文展示】 Paragraph 1:

Aeropong has become an essential family activity in Kusa’s home. The family all play the game wearing T-shirts with the game’s name on them. They’ve enjoyed the time of picking up a paddle to play. The family has also made videos to capture these kinds of moments. Pahnuly watches the online clips nearly every day. At the end of one clip, she jumped up and down. She was celebrating a win at Aeropong over her dad. She waved her pink cat paddle in the air. Cats are Pahnuly’s favorite animals. Paragraph 2:

Widely spreading on the Internet, Kusa’s game got attention across the country. It soon gained great popularity. Meanwhile, an increasing number of kids with autism began to play it, which not only helped to improve their hand-eye coordination but also gave them an opportunity to communicate with their families. Actually, a toy company decided to produce Aeropong on an industrial scale. For Kusa, the success of his game has led to a change in his dream. Now, he dreams of becoming a \inventions.

题组2 无下划线关键词语

Writing 5


\我\和家人一起去森林中看巨石,长途跋涉后到达了目的地,返程时,\我\被动物的脚印吸引,于是走近观察,却跟丢了队伍。 【写作指导】

Paragraph 1的开头是\当我突然意识到森林变得如此安静时,我抬起了头\,再结合文中的\behind the group when we approached a crossroads\以及续写第二段的开头可推测,\我\在临近一个交叉路口时跟队伍走散了。续写的第一段应该描述\我\跟队伍走散后的担忧紧张以及面对交叉路口时如何选择。

Paragraph 2的开头是\在我担心地走着时,我听到远处有人呼喊\,所以接下来的内容应该是\我\作出回应,顺着声音前行,最终和家人团聚。 【范文展示】 Paragraph 1:

I looked up when I suddenly realized how quiet it had gotten. \?\

Nothing. They couldn’t have gone far. I would catch up if I hurried. After a short walk, I came to the crossroads where I could turn left or go straight, but both trails had red markers. I turned to the left which looked familiar. As I strode, it got quieter and quieter. I worried I wandered off. Soon it might be too dark for me to tell what color the markers were. I had no flashlight and no phone. What if I couldn’t find my way back? Paragraph 2:

As going worriedly, I heard voices, someone calling far away. Then I noticed the stone wall, the trail running alongside it. This had to be right. I rushed downhill with big steps. Then, the best sight ever: the parking area and my family! I shouted as I ran toward them. \? Are you OK?\voice of Dad was urgent. He shined a flashlight in my direction. I’d only been lost for minutes, but it had felt like a very long time. Now all I wanted was a bear hug from Dad and to make tracks for home.

Writing 6


今天是Alice上班的第一天,她早早地起了床,收拾完毕后出门坐公共汽车,然而却久久没等来车。正在她着急时,一辆小汽车停在她附近,主动提出载她一程,犹豫之后,她决定搭这辆顺风车。 【写作指导】

Paragraph 1的开头是\她开始担心自己可能坐了一个坏人的车\,续写部分第二段开头提到Alice意外地看到了自己办公室所在的大楼,因此她会感到担心,询问司机,但是司机并不是坏人,她没有遇到危险。故续写的第一段应该描述Alice和司机的对话以及她的心理活动。

Paragraph 2的开头是\然后汽车转过一个弯,Alice的办公室所在的大楼意外地出现在她眼前\,所以接下来会讲到Alice最终顺利到达大楼,她意识到自己误会了司机,感到内疚等。 【范文展示】 Paragraph 1:

She began to worry that she might get into the car of a bad man. So she asked cautiously whether they were going to her bank. The driver said that they took a new shortcut, as there was usually heavy traffic on the other roads at this hour, and continued his song. That made some sense and Alice didn’t say anything more. Another fifteen minutes passed, and the road was even stranger to her. The man was driving speedily and Alice became more and more anxious. She decided that when the car stopped at the next traffic lights she would jump out. Paragraph 2:

Then the car turned around a corner and Alice saw the tall building where her office was unexpectedly. She breathed a sigh of relief. Within minutes, they reached the gate of the building. \!\, her face turning red. She felt quite sorry for having doubted the driver. She believed there were indeed more kind people in the world. She said, \you very much!\with a big smile, and hurried to her office with great expectations. She knew she would have a good day.

Writing 7


作者结束表演返回家中,却发现一个大约12岁的头发凌乱、脸庞瘦削的小男孩想要偷走自己心爱的小提琴,他充满恐惧的眼睛使得作者不忍责罚他,而是假借一个善意的谎言将小提琴送给了他。 【写作指导】

Paragraph 1的开头是\几年后,我受邀在一个高中生音乐比赛中担任评委\,再根据Paragraph 2的开头可知,当年的男孩也来参加了比赛,故Paragraph 1的内容应该是作者认出这个男孩的情景。

Paragraph 2的开头是\比赛之后,‘迈克尔’拿着一个小提琴盒跑向我\,显然接下来的内容应该是男孩感谢作者当年的善举,以及作者自身的感悟等。 【范文展示】 Paragraph 1:

A few years later, I was invited to be a judge at a music competition of senior high school students. Fascinated by the gentle sound of one participant, I was wholeheartedly impressed by his wonderful performance and solid strength. As I flicked my eyes up to glance at the performer, I was so astonished to see a thin face, so familiar, yet now lit up with joy and confidence. The \! For an instant, I was amazed that the kindness I offered to cover the boy’s misconduct would made such a big difference! Paragraph 2:

After the competition, \ ran to me, holding a violin box. He asked with a tremble in his voice, with his thin face reddening with excitement, \, do you recognize me? The nephew! It’s