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发布时间 : 星期二 文章研究生英语精读教程教师参考书(第三版上)-参考答案及授课详解更新完毕开始阅读9ea2554ea9956bec0975f46527d3240c8447a139

硬皮。蛇在被激怒时摆动尾部,一圈圈的硬皮就发出哗啦啦的声响。 多数自然学家认为这声音是爬行动物紧张时不自觉的反应,而不是响尾 蛇在对可能之敌传出的警告。研究表明,响尾蛇是唯一在进攻前发出信号的 毒蛇,而事实上又是唯一尾部有响环的爬行动物。可是牛蛇和狐蛇在紧张时 也都快速颤动尾部。因响尾蛇出击前发出声响,是否就可称之为“ 蛇中君子” 呢? 这是个有趣的问题。 B. My respected editor,

I am greatly delighted that CCTV and your TV GUIDE are inviting us

readers to contribute articles on the subject “Television and Me”. But I regret to tell you that I am a disabled girl. My handwriting is bad you’ll know when reading my manuscript. This is because I’m unable to move my hand, and I can write only with “my mouth”. For many years I grip the pen with my teeth and write the way I do. Over the past years I have “mouthwritten” one essay after another, and one poem after another. At this very moment my heart is throbbing with great excitement while answering your call for a report also from me. Yours respectfully, Wang Li

a disabled young girl

Ⅴ. Writing

Suggested passage.

A Football Match

On the afternoon of Oct. 1st, a football match took place between the Beijing Team and the Shanghai Team in the city stadium. When I got there the stand was already packed with spectators. 26



The match started on time and went very exciting. A home player got

hold of the ball and kicked it miles over the bar. Towards the end of the match, a forward got a chance to give the ball such a thumping kick that it bounced off an opposing player and skidded straight into the back of the net, out of the reach of the goal keeper. The crowd went wild. Cheers and hail, boos and jeers filled the air.

I returned home at about six o’clock. All the way back, my heart was full of stimulating excitement.

Exercise B

Ⅰ. 1. flaw 2. erosion 3. engagement

4. Revenue, enriched 5. enterprise 6. eyewitness 7. Embassy 8. rage, emotions 9. emit 10. feat 11. exploitation 12. estate

13. explicit 14. expressive 15. evaluation Ⅱ. 1. that 2. until 3. of, that

4. while, in 5. After, how 6. to, when 7. if 8. When, back 9. such, that

10. before, as 11. away, in which 12. As, of 13. that 14. when, where, to 15. such, that Ⅲ. 1. come along 2. dripping

3. to embark 4. cleared away, came out 5. ferried 6. is fabricated

7. evolved/has evolved 8. dozed off 9. duplicated 10. esteems

11. evaluated/evaluates 12. dulled, erased 13. flung, work 14. to dominate 15. to run, has, been electrified

Exercise C

Ⅰ. 1. D 2. A 3. A 4. C

Unit Three 27

5. back/backward

6. For example: microcomputer, microfilm, microgap, microgram, micrograph, microhardness, microwave.

7. Yes; to write in a hurried or careless manner. 8. writings which are carved into the wall

9. to predict: to foretell; say that something will happen before it does (pre: before; dict: say)

Ⅱ. 1. D 2. E 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. G 7. F 8. J 9. H 10. I

?Supplementary Reading

Ⅰ. 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. C

Ⅱ. 1. Physiological needs of people can be satisfied by money. Food, clothing and shelter are the basic essentials to life, and all of them can be hardly imagined without money in modern societies.

2. Humans are social animals. They need to be loved by others and accepted by co-workers. They need to feel self-esteem, a sense of personal worth derived from their competence, achievement, or independence. It can be said that the social needs of people are friendship and a respect based on a recognition of their competence. 3. A person’s high status can be judged by his wealth, social standing, advanced education, and a prestigious occupation.

4. It depends on individuals’ idea of the problem. Some people think money is the first. They believe earning a million dollars may bestow status on an individual. Other people consider the status conferred by the title “vice-president” is more important than the salary that also




comes with the job. They always seek one of the occupations that our society holds in high esteem.

5. It is because people’s needs work out in real life and their expectations rise from year to year. As people partially satisfy each need, they tend to require more of it for full satisfaction. So it is not strange that a worker, who enjoyed earning enough to support his family in 1989, now

becomes angry at not being able to buy a new car even though he earns much more than he did ten years ago. 29

Unit Four 4 ?Text:

Einstein’s Painful Romance

Walter Sullivan Language Points

1. Para. [4]:Intertwined with the disclosures of a difficult romance are fragments of Einstein’s thought as he struggled toward confidence in his concept of relativity.

This sentence is in an inverted order. Its subject is “fragments of Einstein’s thought”. “Intertwined” is its predicative.

2. Para. [7]:Maric appears to have been more of a “sounding board” than a contributor to Einstein’s ideas.

“more ... than ...” here means “It is more true to say ... than ... ” 与其说?? 不如说??

He is more mad than stupid. Word Study

1. confide v. tell (information, secrets, personal matters, etc.) secretly to a person one trusts 吐露( 心事、私事)

confide in: talk freely to (a person) esp. about one’s secrets 告知心事 ① I confide the secret to you. ② He confides in everybody. 30



2. intersperse among or in set (sth.) here and there among other things. intersperse with: vary or interrupt (sth.)with (sth.different)

① Bushes were interspersed among trees. ② The pattern was interspersed with small dots. 参 考 译 文



[1] 新近披露的艾伯特·爱因斯坦与意中人(此人后来成为他的元配)之间 的来往信件,向人们展示了这对情侣饱含辛酸的爱情经历。

[2] 有许多信件都叙述了这位年轻科学家和他未婚妻米莱娃· 玛丽克之间的 爱情,叙述了因为爱因斯坦的母亲拼命反对这门亲事而引起他俩的痛苦心情,还 叙述了他俩为孩子的即将出世油然而生的兴奋心情。

[3] 然而,这个女孩后来的命运如何依然是个谜。她是在这对夫妇于1903 年结婚前生下的,而且对她后来的情况显然没有记载。

[4] 与所披露的艰难的罗曼史交织在一起的是爱因斯坦满怀信心地为自己的 相对论概念而努力奋斗的思想片断。

[5] 爱因斯坦与玛丽克( 她出生在当时匈牙利的塞尔维亚地区,现为南斯拉 夫的一部分。) 是在1896 年交上朋友的。当时他俩正一起在苏黎世的联邦理工 学院学习,在后来的许多岁月中,因爱因斯坦为找工作奔波,玛丽克为回家探亲 而造成多次分离,所以他们通信频繁。

[6] 爱因斯坦在信中向玛丽克吐露,自己正投身于物理学的许多领域( 其中 包括光的特性、相对运动和分子现象) 内发生的革命。

[7] 据波士顿大学物理学教授、爱因斯坦论文集的编辑约翰·施塔赫尔博士 说,看起来,与其说玛丽克是爱因斯坦思想的贡献者,不如说是爱因斯坦思想的 “共鸣者”。

[8] 1899 年爱因斯坦20 岁。在给玛丽克的一封信中,他提前谈论了自己6

年后发表的早期相对论思想。当时许多物理学家仍然认为空间充满着一种能使光 波传播的不可见的介质。他们将这种介质称之为“传光的以太”。

Unit Four 31

[9] 爱因斯坦的信还透露了他家里的人对玛丽克的鄙视态度。1900 年7 月, 他得到姐姐的警告说,父母竭力反对他与玛丽克结婚。当他把自己的打算告诉母 亲后,“妈妈一下子扑倒在床上,把头埋在枕头下,哭得像孩子似的”,他在给玛 丽克的信中写道。

[10] 爱因斯坦继续写道:“当她从开头的打击中恢复过来后,便立即转换方

式,发起猛烈攻势。”他还援引母亲的话说:“你是在毁掉自己的前途,你是在阻 塞自己的人生道路。”

[11] 虽然爱因斯坦的家人瞧不起玛丽克的出身,另外一个原因也是因为这

对未婚夫妇的微薄收入。就像爱因斯坦在给一个朋友的信中所写的那样,“我们 俩都还未找到工作。我们只靠给私人上课为生( 如果我们能找到一些这样机会的 话),但这还是很成问题的。”

[12] 在爱因斯坦的那些情意缱绻的信中也掺带着对他们双方都关心的科学 问题的讨论。

[13] 在游览瑞士的阿劳城时,“我心中产生了一个好主意,”他写道,“即关 于研究一个物体与传光以太的相对运动如何影响光在透明物体中的传播速度的方