2019秋外研版九年级英语上册Module 7模块话题写作同步测试 联系客服

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2019秋外研版九年级英语上册Module 7模块话题写作同步测试

Module 7 模块话题写作[见学生用书B28]


请根据表格中的内容提示,以“My Favourite Book”为题,写一篇80~100词的英语短文(题目已给出,不计入总词数)。

书名 《丁丁历险记》(The Adventures of Tintin) 人物 丁丁 丁丁是一名记者,他有一个小狗朋友。他们在旅游采访的过人物介绍 程中经历了种种奇遇。作为一名记者,丁丁从不记录人们告诉他的东西,相反,他总是自己去调查。他不惧怕任何人和任何势力,因此他成为了和平与正义(justice)的象征,受到世界人民的喜爱。 My Favourite Book




本模块的话题为“故事、诗、戏剧和作家”,其常见的命题形式有两种:1.写一位在某方面有成就的人的生平,介绍他/她的出生、成就等;2.谈论你最喜欢的作品以及该作品的内容,谈谈该作品对你所产生的影响等。 【佳作欣赏】

My Favourite Book

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2019秋外研版九年级英语上册Module 7模块话题写作同步测试

My favourite book is The Adventures of Tintin.① The hero of the story is Tintin.He is a brave reporter.He has a good friend,a little dog.During their travels,they experience many adventures.② As a reporter,Tintin doesn't write down what people tell him,but tries to find out the truth himself.③ He isn't afraid of anybody or anything.④ So he becomes the symbol of peace and justice and he is loved by people all over the world.⑤

I hope to become a reporter like Tintin when I grow up.⑥ 【精彩点评】


②During their travels这一短语的选用,将文章话题移到故事的情节上,使句子充实而有生机;experience在此处作动词,意为“经历”,用得出彩。

③介词as(作为)使用得非常准确;用what引导宾语从句,使得语法结构复杂。 ④be not afraid of 意为“不惧怕……”,表现出了主人公的勇敢;anybody和anything虽然用词简单却贴切自然,此处使用了押头韵的修辞手法,读起来朗朗上口。

⑤此句是对全文的升华。作者通过运用the symbol of这一短语,将丁丁的形象上升到一个新的高度。同时,该句使用了被动语态,提升了文章的可读性,由此可知丁丁广受世界人民的喜爱。


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2019秋外研版九年级英语上册Module 7模块话题写作同步测试

【学以致用】 Ⅰ.佳句欣赏与模仿

1.Shakespeare's plays also make a lot of sense to us today.(make sense有意义) 他的思想今天对我们仍然很有意义。

__His____thoughts__still__make__a__lot__of__sense__to__us__today.__ 2.He doesn't work as hard as his brother.(not as…as不如……) 我想他并不如孔子或者莎士比亚那样出名。


3.Success is more hard work than good luck.(more… than…与其说是……,不如说是……)


__I'd____describe__Confucius__more__as__a__teacher__and__thinker__than__a__ writer.__ 4.Don't mention my name,or you'll get me into trouble.(get into trouble遇到麻烦) 快点,否则你会遇到麻烦。

__Hurry____up,or__you__will__get__into__trouble.__ 5.Why don't you watch the film with me together?(Why don't you…为什么不……) 为什么不加入讨论会跟我们聊聊它呢?

__Why____don't__you__join__in__the__discussion__and__tell__us__about__it?__ Ⅱ.写作微技能:1+n(n≤3)写作拓展策略

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2019秋外研版九年级英语上册Module 7模块话题写作同步测试

请欣赏下面的片段:My__favourite__great__book__is__Robinson__Crusoe__by__ Daniel__Defoe. It describes the amazing experience of Robinson drifting on an island.In my mind,Robinson was a brave man.Though he had to face all kinds of dangers,he never gave up coming back to real world. 划线部分就是“1”,相当于主题句,斜体部分就是“n”,将最喜欢的书进行拓展:梗概(海岛漂流的经历)+主人公形象(勇敢)+动人之处(直面困难)。请对下面句子进行1+n(n≤3)拓展: 1.My favourite great book is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. __It____is__about__children's__growing__up__problems.Tom__Sawyerthe__hero__ of__the__story,,is__a__lively__and__clever__boy.I__like__it__very__much__ because__the__book__is__full__of__wonderful__dialogues.__ 2.My favourite book is Harry Potter by J.K.Rowling.

__It__is__about__Harry__Potter__and__his__friends__fighting__against__the__evil.Harry__Potter__is__a__magical__school__student__who__is__very__brave__and__ clever.When__I__first__read__the__book,I__found__it__very__exciting__and__ interesting.__ Ⅲ.仿写

Cinderella is a popular story and people all over the world still read and love it.People of all ages like Cinderella because she was beautiful and hard-working.Though her stepsisters were not kind to her,she never gave up her dream,and still looked forward to a good future.The story touches everyone's heart.In my opinion,we should be optimistic just like her.We should try our best to achieve our dreams whatever difficulties we meet.As long as we keep trying,we will also have a bright future.


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