【完整版】电饭煲单片机智能控制系统毕业论文设计 联系客服

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景德镇陶瓷学院 本科生毕业设计(论文)

中文题目: 电饭煲单片机智能控制系统 英文题目:Intelligent Rice Cooker SCM Control System



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最后 ,本文针对模糊电饭煲设计和开发过程中参数调整的复杂性问题,提出了一种基于模糊电饭煲参数调整的专家系统。由于在参数调整的过程中同样是利用了煮饭专家的经验,而这些经验是有规律可循的,可以用思路清晰的程序语言表达。

关键词: 电饭煲;模糊推理;试错法;专家系统


With the living quality improved, the micro-computer controlled electrical cookers are getting more and more popular. For practical uses, the design and application of a electrical cooker control system based on fuzzy control technology is studied, which aims at am or e effective control strategy.

This paper is mainly about the design of a kind of typical fuzzy object一electrical cooker, whose characteristics not only varies with the quantity of stuff in it but also varies with what kind of stuff it is. As the result to estimate the amount of rice in round is crucial for control strategy. This paper discusses the cooker if the electrical cooker is cooking rice. The differences generated by the amount of rice are found out by lots of tests. Two appropriate variables are selected as the input of the fuzzy reasoning machine to judge the amount of rice and the method \reasoning are displayed.

The controller of the system of the fuzzy controlled electrical cooker is set up. Both the the paper. The main structure of the detail and for each parts, a sort of popular circuit module is shown. The main software flowchart is show to analysis flowchart is shown.

With all of these done, the design of aking of fuzzy cooker is still so complicated and ES is brought forward in the last chapter to use computers instead of engineers to do the \is established on the experience of the skilled electrical cooker engineers, which is complicated but well-regulated and could be writen into programs.