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10.—Is here?


I、单项填空(共20题,每小题1分,满分20分) 1. September 10 is A. the Teacher’s


--No, LiMing is absent. A. somebody

B. anybody

C. everybody

D. nobody

11.The vegetables didn’t taste very good. They A. cooked

D. a Teacher

Day. B. Teachers’

C. a Teacher’s

for too long.

B. were cooked C. have been cooked D. had been cooked


12.—I’m afraid I dare not speak in --Just have A. a; /

C. each

D. either


B. /; a


2. –Which share is meant for me? --You can take A. this

half, they are exactly the same. B. any

C. the; a D. the; the

13.You can find him in A. Room 201

B. 201 Room C. the Room 201 D. the 201 Room.

3. –Don’t forget to turn off the light when you leave. --No, I A. mustn’t


B. won’t

C. don’t

D. can’t

14.When we are sitting on the bus, we should A. give in

B. give up

our seats to the old.

D. give back

C. give out

15.—May I speak to Mr Wang, please? --I’m afraid he isn’t in. would you like to A. take

B. leave

a message.

D. tell

4. –Oh, there is someone in the room. -- must be my brother.

B. He

C. This help?

D. with; to

D. It

C. write

A. There

16. I like sports and A. so does

my brother. B. so is

C. more does

D. neither is

5. Since you are A. in; for

trouble why not ask

B. in; to

C. with; for

17. ―Would you like to go swimming with us this afternoon? A. I’d like 18.The book

B. I’d like so

C. I’d like to

D. I’ll like to

6. –Where is Jone? --She out for a walk.

B. has gone

you work.

C. where

D. when

C. was

D. went

is not in the library.

B. I need it

C. which I need it

D. I need

A. has been

A. that I need it 19.He has A. so; such 20. 7. Is this the restaurant A. which

little education that he can’t teach

B. too; such

little children.

D. very; so

B. that

C. a so; so

8. –My parents have been to the USA. --Really? When A. will they go

there. B. did they go

C. had they gore

D. have they gore

down the radio. The baby’s asleep in the next room.

B. To turn

C. Turned

D. Turn

A. Turning

angry to

a word.

D. too; say

9. When she heard this news she was A. very; talk

B. so; speak

C. such; tell

2007-7 英语试题(二) - 1 -


The United States covers a large part of the North American continent. 21 neighbours are Canada to the north, and Mexico 22 the south. Although the United States 23 a big country, it is not the largest in the world. In 1964, its 24 was over 185,000,000.

When this 25 first became a nation, after 26 its independence(独立) from England, it had thirteen states. 27 was represented on the American flag by a 28 . All the states 29 in the eastern part of the continent. As the nation grew toward the 30 , new states were added and new stars 31 on the flag. For a long time there were 48 states. In 1959, however, two 32 Stars were added to the flag, representing the new states 33 .Alaska and Hawaii. Sometimes it is said that the 34 are \only real Americans\Most Americans, however, are descendants(后裔) of people 35 came from all over the world to find a new land. Those who came first and 36 greatest numbers to make their homes on the eastern coast of North America were mostly from 37 . It is for that 38 why the language of the United States is English and that its culture(文化) and custom(风俗) are more like those of English 39 of any 40 country in the world.

21. A. Which B. Whose C. Their D. Its 22. A. by B. near C. to D. from 23. A. are B. is C. were D. was

24. A. people B. area C. size D. population 25. A. land B. state C. continent D. world 26. A. founding B. being given C. having D. winning 27. A. One B. Some C. Each D. Every 28. A. star B. moon C. satellite D. planet 29. A. were B. was C. are D. is 30. A. east B. north C. south D. west 31. A. disappeared B. appeared C. painted D. printed 32. A. least B. fewer C. more D. little 33.A. and B. between C. of D. for

34. A. American B. Indians C. Englishmen D. Frenchmen 35. A. who B. those C. they D. whom 36.A. in B. of C. on D. with 37. A. Europe B. Asia C. England D. Africa 38. A. reason B. result C. condition D. situation 39. A. with B. than C. compare D. without 40. A. other B. else C. others D. some III、阅读理解(共20题,每小题1分,满分20分)


Most people have flown a kite or have seen one ride and dip(下降) in strong spring wind. Not so many people know that kites were first made in China thousands of years ago. The ancient (古代) Chinese were making and flying kites even before they were writing.

A long time ago, the Chinese made kites to use in wars. They would fly these war kites in the dark. The kites were fixed(固定) so that they made strange sounds. Men who were at war with them would hear these sounds and run away. They thought those strange sounds were made by gods(神) in the sky.

The ancient Chinese also flew kites to bring good luck and to make their crops grow rich and tall. Sometimes they tied long strings(细绳) and hooks(钩子) to their kites. Then they would fly the kites over water, letting the hooks hang down to catch fish.

The Chinese use sticks, strings and paper for their kites. Some of these kites look like animals or trees. Others look like birds or houses. 41. The main idea of the first paragraph(段落) is that . A. kites were first made in China

B. most of us have flown or seen a kite

C. the ancient Chinese were making kites before they were writing D. the ancient Chinese were good at making kites 42. In ancient China kites could be used for . A. catching fish B. helping people fly C. watering the crops D. helping people walk in the dark 43. The ancient Chinese used kites in wars because the kites . A. could bring good luck B. looked like animals C. could help them win a war D. could fly high 44. The Chinese usually use for their kites. A. sticks, strings and grass B. strings, hair and wood C. paper, strings and sticks D. paper, ropes and hooks 45. What is the best title (标题) of this passage?

A. Lucky Kites. B. Strange Kites. C. Beautiful Kites. D. Chinese Kites.


There are a great many professions(职业)on specialization(专门化). You find these professions in engineering, in production and in teaching. But there is an increasing demand for people who are able to take in a great area, people who perhaps do not know too much about any one field. There is, in other words, a demand for people who are able to see the forest rather than the trees, and able to make general judgement. We can call these people \全才,通才) \And these \are particularly needed for positions in government, where it is their job to see that other people do the work, where they have to plan for other people, to organize other people's work, to begin it and judge it.

The specialist understands one field: his concern(关系) is with technique and tools. He is a ―trained‖ man. The generalist—and especially the administrator(管理者)—deal with people: his concern is with leadership, with planning, and with direction giving. He is an ―educated‖ man. Very rarely is a specialist able to be an administrator. It’s your work to find out, during your training period, into which of the two kinds of jobs you fit.

Your first job may turn out to be the right job for you. Certainly you should not change jobs constantly. At the same time you must not look upon the first job s the final job: it is a training job, an opportunity to undersand yourself and your fitness for being a worker. 46. There is an increasing demand for .

2007-7 英语试题(二) - 2 -

A. specialists B. trained people C. generalists D. different workers 47. The specialist is . A. a man who can see the forest rather than the trees B. a man who has been trained in more than one field C. a man who is an expert in his field

D. a man whose job is to train other people 48. The generalist is .

A. a man who is good at organizing other people's work B. a man who is an \ C. a man who is very strong in society

D. a \49. During your training period, it is important . A. to choose a job that is very easy to be done

B. to decide whether you are fit to be a specialist or a generalist C. to find an organization which fits you D. to try to be a generalist 50. A man's first job .

A. is an opportunity to fit himself for his final job B. is never the right job for him C. should not be changed.

D. should not be regarded as his final job


Chicago—lying in the east of the USA—is rather a young American city. It was almost completely rebuilt after the Great Fire of 1871. One's first impression of the city may include streams of cars running to and fro on the high-ways. Skyscrapers and the wide green water of Lake Michigan lie to the northeast of the city. The area of the city is over 228 square miles with a population of about 3 million.

The climate of Chicago on the whole is almost the same as that of Beijing with rather hot days in summer, colorful and fresh days in fall and often clear days in winter. The spring in Chicago is a little changeable in temperature. For instance, I saw a snowfall in early April this year, while some of the flowers were already in full bloom (花开). Chicago is also famous for its frequent strong winds, and as a result, it has got the name of \

51. Chicago is rather a young city because . A. it lies in the east of the USA

B. it was rebuilt after the Great Fire of the 18th century C. it has a population of about 3 million

D. it is only about 130 years since it was rebuilt

52. Which of the following may NOT be the weather of Chicago?

A. Hot summer. B. Dusty autumn. C. Cold winter. D. Changeable spring. 53. Which of the following statements is right?

A. The weather of Chicago is almost the same as that of China. B. April in Chicago is not stable(稳定) in temperature. C. Chicago was completely rebuilt in 1871.

D. Chicago's population is no more than 3 million.

54. Why does the writer think the spring temperature in Chicago is changeable? A. Because of the snow after flowers were in bloom. B. Because of the hot summer days. C. Because of its frequent strong winds.

D. Because it had the name of \55. This passage tells us about . A. Chicago's climate B. Chicago's industry C. Chicago D. Chicago's history


During the summer holidays there will be a revised(修改过的) schedule(时刻表) of services for the students. Changes for diningroom and library service hours and for bus schedules will be posted on the wall outside of the dining—hall. Weekly film and concert schedules, which are being arranged(安排) will be posted each Wednesday outside of the student club.

In the summer holidays, buses going to the town center will leave the main hall every hour on the half hour during the day. The dining room will serve three meals a day from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm during the week and two meals from noon to 7:00 pm on weekends. The library will continue its usual hours during the week, but have shorter hours on Saturdays and Sundays. The weekend hours are from noon to 5:00 pm.

All students who want to use the library borrowing services must have a new summer card. This announcement will also appear in the next week's student newspaper. 56. The main purpose of this announcement is to . A. tell students of important schedule changes B. tell students of new bus and library services C. show the excellent services for students D. ask students to renew their library cards

57. At which of the following tines will the bus leave the main hall? A. 8:00,9:00,10:00,11:00 B. 8:30,9:30,10:30,11:30 C. 8: 30,9:00,9:30,10:00 D. 8:00,9:30,11:00,12:30

58. Times for films and concerts are not listed in this announcement because . A. they are not to be announced B. they are hard to arrange C. the full list is not ready D. the full list is too long 59. In the summer holidays, the library will have . A. no special hours B. special hours on weekdays

C. special hours on weekends D. special hours both on weekdays and weekends 60. We may infer that during the summer holidays . A. the student newspaper will sell more copies B. there will be a concert or film once a week C. many students will stay in the university D. no breakfast will be served on weekends

2007-7 英语试题(二) - 3 -

毕业学校 姓名 考号 ……………………………………密……………………………………封……………………………………线…………………………………………… 2007理科实验班暨外地生招生考试


I. 单项选择(20分) 1. 6. 11. 16. 2. 7. 12. 17. 3. 8. 13. 18. 4. 9. 14. 19. 5. 10. 15. 20. choose to have l 68 of dishes (菜). You can often see the f 69 food on the table: meat, eggs, fruit, v 70 , orange juice; tea and bacon. 61. 66. 62. 67.

63. 68.

64. 69.

65. 70.

II. 完型填空(20分) 21. 26. 31. 36. 22. 27. 32. 37. 23. 28. 33. 38. 24. 29. 34. 39. 25. 30. 35. 40. V、短文改错(共10题,每小题1分,满分10分)

此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾(√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正: 该行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。

该行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。 该行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。


My favourite sport is football. I was a member of our school football team. We practise for three times every week and often watch football match on TV together. Play football not only makes us grow up

71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and team spirit. We must keep in mind that we play for the team instead ourselves. Also, the sport

III.阅读理解(40分) 41. 46. 51. 56. 42. 47. 52. 57. 43. 48. 53. 58. 44. 49. 54. 59. 45. 50. 55. 60. teaches us the important of obedience(服从). Each player must obey captain, who is the leader of the team. And they must not break the rules too often if we want to win the game.


的正确形式,单词的第一个字母已给出。(共10题,每小题1分,满分10分) Do you know the word brunch? In the West, many people like to have brunch—late breakfast or early lunch. People u 61 have brunch between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Sunday because they p 62 to get up late after a w 63 hard work or want to enjoy brunch with their parents, children, or friends. That is a relaxing (放松) and interesting way of eating for most f 64 .

Today, brunch has become most p 65 in big hotels (旅馆). One can either ask for or c 66 it himself. To make it look like b 67 breakfast and lunch, people

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I、单项填空(共20题,每小题1分,满分20分) 1-5 BDBDA

6-10 BCBDC

11-15 DBABB

16-20 ACDAD

II、完形填空(共20题,每小题1分,满分20分) 21-25 DCBDA 26-30 DCAAD

31-35 BCCBA

36-40 ACABA

III、阅读理解(共20题,每小题2分,满分40分) 41-45 AACCD 46-50 CCABD

51-55 DBBAC

56-60 ABCCD

IV、单词拼写(共10题,每小题1分,满分10分) 61. usually 62. prefer 63. week's 64.families 65. popular

66. cook

67.both 68. lots 69. following


V、短文改错(共10题,每小题1分,满分10分) 71.was→am


73.match→matches 74.Play→Playing


76. √





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