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一、教学目的:了解在翻译时可以采取不同的策略,加注和释义法适用的情况。 二、教学过程:

1.Annotation 加注法:

You told me the other day that you weren‘t going to write anything about yourself. It would be rather like a dog in manger to keep to yourself a whole set of material that you have no intention of using.前些日子,你告诉我你自己不打算写有关他的任何东西,可你却又占着大批材料自己不用,这岂不是狗占马槽太自私了吗?

A dead leaf fell in Soapy‘s lap. That was Jack Frost‘s card. 一片枯叶飘落到苏比的膝头。那是杰克弗罗斯特的名片。

But I am short-tempered, frazzled from all responsibilities. I am the ―Sandwich Generation‖, caught between kids and parents.但我的脾气不好,都是这些事给烦的。我是个夹在孩子和父母之间的“三明治人”。

People considered that what he had played on that occasion was no more than a Judas Kiss. 人们认为他在那种场合所表现出的不过是犹大之吻,居心险恶。

The favors of Government are like the box of Pandora, with this important difference that they rarely leave hope at bottom.

政府的恩惠如同潘多拉的盒子,后患无穷, 主要的不同之处是:盒底很少留有希望。

The professor rapped on his desk and shouted: ―Gentlemen, order!‖ the entire class yelled, ―Beer!‖

教授敲着桌子喊道“先生们,安静!” 全班同学回应“啤酒!” 再如:Why a river is so rich?

The answer:Because it has two banks.

What usually happen to a lawyer after his death? The answer:He lies still. 2.Paraphrase释义法:

Bill‘s new boyfriend is certainly a knockout. 比尔新结识的女朋友确实很迷人。(源于拳击比赛)

Our team won the game, all right, but it was touch and go for while. 我们队赢了,但又一阵子险些输掉。(千钧一发的形势) I wonder whether he is a Trojan Horse. He acts a lot older than his years. 他年纪轻轻,做事却相当老练。 His best jokes fell flat.


He was smooth and agreeable.他待人处事,八面玲珑。

Arthritis runs in my family, and my mother had struggled with severe arthritis for decades. 关节炎在我家族里世代相传。我母亲患了严重的指关节炎后,在痛苦中煎熬了几十年。 The more you try to hide, the more you are exposed.欲盖弥彰。

He was smooth and agreeable. 他待人处事,八面玲珑。

If you think me in a way to be happier than I deserve, I am quite of your opinion. 如果你认为我的幸福来之容易,受之有愧,那我完全同意你的看法。/不配获得这样的幸福.

Nothing, whether a weighty matter or small detail, was overlooked. 事无巨细,无一遗漏。

―Getting an agent is catch-22,‖Hoffman says, ―You can‘t get one unless you‘re published and you need one to get published.‖



小时候,乡愁是一枚小小的邮票,我在这头,母亲在那头。 长大后,乡愁是一张窄窄的船票,我在这头,新娘在那头。 后来啊!乡愁是一方矮矮的坟墓,我在外头,母亲在里头。 而现在,乡愁是一湾浅浅的海峡,我在这头,大陆在那头。\ When I was a child, my homesickness was a small stamp Linking Mum at the other end and me this.

When grown up, I remained homesick, but it became a ticket By which I sailed to and from my bride at the other end. Then homesickness took the shape of a grave, Mum inside of it and me outside.

Now I'm still homesick, but it is a narrow strait

Separating me on this side and the mainland on the other.

第七讲 词类转换



1. Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. 火箭已经用来探索宇宙。

2. The sight and the sound of jet planes filled me with longing. 看到我们的喷气式飞机,听到隆隆的机声,我感到心驰神往。

3. The streets are marked by an absence of color. ? 街上明显缺乏色彩。

4. We are enemies of all wars, but above all of dynastic wars. ? 我们反对一切战争,特别是王朝战争。

? 5. After several blocks, he found an empty park bench.

? 过了几个街区,他发现一条公园里的长凳,空着没人坐。

? 6. Party officials worked long hours on meager food, in cold caves, by dim lamps.

? 党的干部每天长时间工作,吃的是粗茶淡饭,住的是冰冷的窑洞,点的是黯淡的油

灯。 ? 7. Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study. ? 学习中的独立思考是绝对必要的.

? 8. I saw that his face was pale. I followed his eyes and looked across the room to a

woman who was setting a tray of drinks before some customers. ? 我见他脸色煞白。 我循着他的目光,看到餐厅那边有个女人端着托盘给几位客人上


? 9. He is sitting behind a beer。

? 10. Father passed his hand over his face。 ? 父亲用手摸了摸脸。

11.Traditionally, there had always been good relations between them. 他们之间一直有着传统的友好关系

12. The girl impressed her boyfriend‘s relatives favorably with her vivacity and sense of humor. 这个女孩以她的活泼和幽默感给她未婚夫的亲戚们留下了极好的印象。

? 13. We find that in building socialism we have to overcome a combination of national

poverty and a deeply ingrained belief that an individual can lift that burden from himself and his children by acquisition of personal wealth.

? 我们发现,在建设社会主义的过程中,我们在克服国家贫穷状况的同时,必须克服一种根深蒂固的思想,这就是认为只要个人发财致富就能使本人和子女摆脱贫困。 ? 14. A week after his prelude to the President‘s visit, China was in. ? 在他为总统出访所作的序幕之行一周后,中国成了最时新的话题。 ? 15. I mumbled an embarrassed “no, thank you” and thrust my misshapen hands into my lap.

? 我窘迫地咕哝一声―不用了,谢谢您‖,同时把我那双变形的手缩回放在膝上。 ? 16. As a result of those economies, many of our most important new projects in other fields became possible.

? 由于采取了这些节约措施,我们在其他方面的许多最重要的新工程才得以实施。 ? 17. The design aims at automatic operation, easy regulation, simple maintenance and high


? 设计的目的在于自动操作,调节方便,维护简易,生产率高。

? 18. Such materials are characterized by good insulation and high resistance to wear. ? 这些材料的特点是:绝缘性好,耐磨性强 ? 19. 徐悲鸿画马画得特别好.

? Xu Beihong‘s drawings of horses are exceptionally good. ? 20. 这种人闹什么呢?闹名誉, 闹地位, 闹出风头.

? What are these people after? They are after fame, position and opportunity to be in the limelight.

? 21. 该厂产品的主要特点是工艺精湛, 经久耐用.

? The products of this factory are chiefly characterized by their fine workmanship and




林尽水源,便得一山。山有小口,仿佛若有光,便舍船从口入。初极狭,才通人。复行数十步,豁然开朗。土地平旷,屋舍俨然,有良田、美池、桑竹之属,阡陌交通,鸡犬相闻。其中往来种作,男女衣着,悉如外人;黄发垂髫,并怡然自乐。 ---------选自陶渊明―桃花源记‖

In the years of Taiyuan during the reign of Emperor Xiaowu in the Jin Dynasty, there lived in Wuling a man who made his living as a fisherman. Sailing up a stream one day, he forgot how far he had traveled when all at once he saw a grove of peach

blossoms stretching hundreds of paces on both banks of the stream. There were no other kinds of trees but verdant grass in full splendor and angry flowers in profusion. Enticed by the sight, the fisherman sailed on to have a complete view of the grove.

The grove stretched as far as the source of the stream, where the fisherman found a hill with an opening that seemed to be lit within. He left his boat and entered the opening. At first the opening was very narrow, barely allowing him to pass, but as he went on some dozens of paces, a wide view suddenly opened before him. There was an expansive plain scattered with orderly houses, lush fields, beautiful ponds and clumps of mulberry and bamboo trees. Footpaths crisscrossed the fields, where the crowing of cocks and the barking of dogs were heard within distance. The men an women working in the fields were attired in the same manners as the people living outside; both old and young enjoyed a happy life.

第八讲 正反表达转换



1.英语为肯定式,汉语译作否定式 (affirmative in English but negative in Chinese).

You are quite a stranger here. 这儿的人都不认识你. Free-frost refrigerator

Wet paint!

He yelled ―freeze!‖ Keep off the lawn!

I failed to understand your meaning. 我弄不懂你的意思。

A person who does a regrettable action is often regretful afterwards. 一个人做了不该做的事, 日后往往会懊悔。

But I could see that my arguments were hopeless. Those pigeons would have to go. 但我发现我的争辩是徒劳的,这些鸽子留不住的。

2. 英语为否定式,汉语译作肯定式 (affirmative in Chinese but negative in English). Where is the wretched girl? Why do you not come when I call you? 这死丫头去哪里了?怎么叫你半天才来? Pierre: hey, what the?! You old fool.

Lena: don‘t talk to me that way! I am not your wife. 皮埃尔:哎,怎么,你这傻女人! 莉娜:嘴里放干净点!我又不是你老婆

The United Nations organization has not, so far, justified the hopes which the people of the world set on it.

到目前为止,联合国辜负了世界人民寄予的希望。 Such a chance was denied to me. 我没有得到这样一个机会。

I have read your article. I expect to meet an older man. 拜读了你的大作,没想到你这样年轻。