英译汉短文翻译10篇 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章英译汉短文翻译10篇更新完毕开始阅读9a3a6e0b856a561253d36f05


7.The Law of Competition

1) Under the law of competition the employer of thousands is forced into the strictest economies among which the rates paid to labor figure prominently.2) The price which society pays for the law like the price it pays for cheap comforts and luxuries is great but the advantages of this law are also greater than its cost—for it is to this law that we owe our wonderful material development which brings improved conditions in its train.3) But whether the law be benign or not we cannot evade it; of the effect of any new substitutes for it proposed we can not be sure; and while the law may be sometimes hard for the individual it is best for the race because it insures the survival of the fittest in every department.4) We accept and welcome therefore as conditions to which we must accommodate ourselves great inequality of environment; the concentration of business industrial and commercial in the hands of a few; and the law of competition between these ,as being not only beneficial but essential to the future progress of the race.

8. Key to Success in Business

1) Every successful business is built on superior senses—of timing opportunity responsibility and not infrequently humor.2) None however is more critical than the ability to sense the market.3) A senior executive’s instinctive capacity to empathize with and gain insights from customers is the single most important skill he or she can use to direct technologies product and service offerings indeed all elements of a company’s strategic posture.4) People like Bill Gates brought this ability to the enterprises they founded.5) Without it their ventures might have been short-lived or at least far less successful.6) But many top-level managers particularly those at industrial companies consider customer contact the bailiwick of sales and marketing staff.7) And even if they do believe that market focus is a priority most retain only limited contact with consumers as their organizations grow relying instead on

subordinates’ reports—second –or-third-hand informati0n—to define and sense the market for them.


每一个成功的工商企业都是建立在一些卓越的意识之上的,即懂得审时度势,抓住机遇,承担责任,并不乏幽默感。但这一切都没有比对市场了解的能力更为重要。高级管理人员的一个非常重要的本事是能很自然地设身处地的为客户着想,并从他们那里获得真知灼见。他们利用这种能力来指导技术、产品和售后服务,乃至公司战略计划的各个方面。比尔 盖茨之类的成功者就曾把这种本事带进他们各自创立的企业中。没有这种能力,他们的事业或许只是昙花一现,至少没有像今天这样成功。但是许多高层经理,特别是工业公司的高层经理,把与顾客接触看成是销售和市场营销人员的事。即便他们确实也认为市场是公司的重心,但随着公司的发展,他们中在多数人也只与消费者保持十分有限的接触而已。他们判断和把握市场,依赖于下属送来的报告,即二手、三手的材料。

9. The Policy of Mass Media

1) Life is indeed full of problems on which we have to make decisions as citizens or as private individuala.2) But neither the real difficulty of these decisions nor their true and disturbing challenge to each individual can often be communicated through the mass media.3) The disinclination to suggest real choice which is to be found in the mass media is not simply the product of a commercial desire to keep the customers happy.4) The organs of the Establishment however well—intentioned they may be

have a vested interest in ensuring that the public boat is not violently rocked and will so affect those who work within the mass media that they will be led insensibly towards forms of production which though they go through the motions of dispute and inquiry do not break through the skin to where such inquires might really hurt.5) They will tend to move when exposing problems well within the accepted cliché—assumptions of democratic society and will tend neither radically to question these clichés nor to make a disturbing application of them to features of contemporary life

10. The American and the English

1) Of the intrinsic differences that separate American from English许多本质上的不同造成了美语从英语中分出来。 the chief have their roots in the obvious disparity between the environment and traditions of the American people 而主要的不同是两种语言根植于两个完全不同的社会环境和文化传统。since the seventeenth century and those of the English自从从17世纪来,美国人和英国人在这两方面的差异十分明显。.2) The latter have lived under a relatively stable social order and it has impressed upon their souls their characteristic respect for what is customary and of good report. 英国人相对说来生活在一个相对稳定的社会秩序里。这种秩序铭记在他们心灵里的是对习惯上和名誉上的东西有一种特有的尊敬。3) Until the World War brought chaos to most of their institutions their whole lives were regulated perhaps more than those of any other people save the Spaniards by a regard for precedent. 虽然第一次世界大战改变了他们大多数的风俗习惯,但在这之前,他们的全部生活,或许比其他任何民族的生活,除西班牙人,都更受到先例的制约。4) The Americans though partly of the same blood have felt no such restrain and acquired no such habit of conformity. 而虽然美国人中一部分的祖先是英国人,但他们没有这种约束。也没有这种一致性习惯的要求。5) On the contrary they have plunged to the other extreme for the conditions of life in their country have put a high value upon the precisely opposite qualities of curiosity and daring and so they acquired that character of restlessness that impatience of forms that disdain of the dead hand which now broadly marks them. 相反,他们走到了另一个极端,因为他们国家的生活状况使他们看重的是好奇和冒险这恰恰相反的品质,这样他们养成的是不安现状,厌烦形式主义,藐视旧势力的影响的个性。这些个性在他们身上普遍反映出来。
