自考《英语二》2012年出版最新讲义第五章 联系客服

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the brackets.

1.You'd better not let your ________ run away with you.(imagine, imagination) [答疑编号506430050407]



2.Don't ever ________ me again or I will seek ultimate justice.(threat, threaten) [答疑编号506430050408]



3.He is seriously ill and unlikely to ________.(recover, recovery) [答疑编号506430050409]


【答案解析】be unlikely to do sth.固定搭配,意为“不可能做某事”,后面接动词原形。recover动词,意为“恢复”;recovery名词,意为“恢复”。句意是“他的病太严重了,不可能恢复了”。答案为recover。

4.We're trying to ________ him with confidence.(inspire, inspiration) [答疑编号506430050410]


【答案解析】be trying to do sth.意为“尝试做某事”,to后面接动词原形。inspire动词,意为“激动”;inspiration名词,意为“激励”。答案为inspire。

5.The book provides ________ information on recent trends.(value, valuable) [答疑编号506430050411]


【答案解析】此处information前需要一个形容词来修饰。value 做名词时,意为“价值”;做动词时,意为“评价、估计”。valuable 形容词,意为“有价值的”。句意是“这本书对目前的趋势提供了有价值的信息。”答案为valuable。

6.The writer illustrates his point by ________ from a number of sources.(quote, quotation) [答疑编号506430050412]



Section B

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary.



challenge inspire value contact desperate cheerful uncaring battle 1.One of the most ________ aspects of coping with illness is the unpredictable nature of many conditions and the uncertainty.



【答案解析】the most desperate是形容词的最高级,因此这里填形容词。句意是“对抗疾病最悲观的一点是,各种情况的不可预知性和不确定性。”答案为desperate。

2.As she repeated the same message over and over, she could hear the growing ________ in her voice, but she could do nothing to control it. [答疑编号506430050414]



3.People are more alert, focused, and even ________ after chewing gum, according to a study from Cardiff University in Wales.



【答案解析】此处more alert, focused 是形容词的比较级,因此and后应填入和前边对应的、意思相近的形容词形式。句意是“根据威尔士卡迪夫大学的研究报告,人们在嚼口香糖后会变得更警觉、注意力更集中,甚至更快乐。”答案为cheerful。

4.Now, too frequently, style and technique seem to be ________ over powerful story telling in TV production.



【答案解析】seem to be 固定搭配,意思是“似乎”。其后直接接名词或形容词形式。value 的形容词为valuable,意为“宝贵的”。句意是“现在,在电视节目制作过程里,风格与技术似乎比有力量的故事更有价值。”答案为valuable。

5.The website allows people to ________ me directly about my editing and mentoring services. [答疑编号506430050417]


【答案解析】allow sb.to do.sth.意思是“允许某人做某事”。to后直接跟动词原形。句意是“人们可以通过网络就我的写作和职业辅导方案进行直接沟通。”答案为contact。

6.It is so ________ that so many people feel moved to come out and express themselves. [答疑编号506430050418]








阅读下面短文,请完成短文后的2项测试任务:(1)从第16~20题后所给的6个选项中为第①~⑤段每段选择1个正确的小标题;(2)从第21~25题后所给的6个选项中选择 5个正确选项,分别完成每个句子。 Five Reasons to Celebrate Mistakes(教材P186) P1

Mistakes have a way of focusing our attention and putting crucial problems right in our face.Mistakes light a path for us.When we own up to our mistakes, we often know exactly what's not working and what we can do to fix it. P2

There is one sure way to avoid mistakes and that's to avoid life.The writer who never finishes a book will never have to worry about getting negative reviews.The comedian who never performs in front of an audience is sure to avoid telling jokes that fall flat.When we are comfortable with making mistakes, we're more likely to take risks and tackle projects.Celebrating mistakes involves wisdom.Effective people don't set goals with the idea of making mistakes.Instead, they aim to reach those goals while accepting the risk of error. P3

Imagine working at a company that has no standards — where mistakes are not distinguished from successes and no one is held accountable for errors.We could turn in the most careless and the crudest pieces of work we'd ever done, and they would get treated, the same as our best work.We'd never be able to count on having the supplies we needed because no one would complain when vendors failed to

deliver.Projects could go permanently unfinished and no one would say anything.In an atmosphere where there's no difference between failure and success, the word \can happen only when people are truly committed to making things work. P4

The word \mistakes reminds us of what we really want to have, do, and be.Mistakes offer us an opportunity to practice truth telling.With this act come the rewards of honesty and frankness, including self-knowledge and the capacity for change.As we tell the truth about our mistakes, we can benefit by releasing shame and blame.Fixing mistakes and preventing them from happening again are key goals. P5

Mistakes are usually more instructive than successes — and often far more interesting.The lessons we learn from making mistakes often stick with us for a lifetime.We can translate those lessons into new values and behaviors that make a profound difference.With all these potential benefits from mistakes, we have plenty of reasons to celebrate them. Task 1 A.Mistakes encourage taking risks B.Mistakes practice telling truth C.Mistakes make powerful teachers D.Mistakes are as important as successes E.Mistakes focus our attention ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════


F.Mistakes make things work 16.Paragraph 1 __________________________ [答疑编号506430050419]


【答案解析】第一段首句给出I我们相关的信息, Mistakes have ,a way of focusing our attention a时?in our face,即错误会给我们一种集中精力和直面关键问题的方法。综合来看,只有E项中出现了关键词focus our attention。答案为E。

17.Paragraph 2__________________________ [答疑编号506430050420]


【答案解析】第二段通过事例讲到人应该不惧怕犯错误,才能改正错误,让自己进步。A项中的关键词encourage taking risks符合本段语境。答案为A。

18.Paragraph 3__________________________ [答疑编号506430050421]



19.Paragraph 4__________________________ [答疑编号506430050422]


【答案解析】第四段是对“错误”的意义的论述,承认错误可以让我们知道自己真正所想,可以给我们机会来说出真相。这样的话我们就会得到诚恳和坦率,自身知识的提高和改变的能力。又讲到了说出错误的种种好处。因此B项中的关键词telling truth 符合本段主旨。答案为B。

20.Paragraph 5___________________________ [答疑编号506430050423]



Task 2

A.stick with us for a lifetime D.accepting the risk of error B.what we can do to fix it E.worry about being criticized C.committed to making things work F.committed to making things work 21.We often know through mistakes what's going wrong and________ . [答疑编号506430050424]


【答案解析】第一段最后指出当我们完全供认自己的错误的时候,我们才会清楚地知道到底哪里出了问题以及如何来弥补(When we own up?to fix it), 所以B项最符合本空。答案为




22.If a writer never finishes his book, he will never have to__________ . [答疑编号506430050425]


【答案解析】第二段第二句指出一个从来不写作的作家,永远不用担心得到负面的评论(The writer who never?negative reviews), criticized与negative reviews语义一致。答案为E。

23.Effective people aim to reach their goals while _________. [答疑编号506430050426]


【答案解析】第二段最后两句讲到有效率的人从来不制定有错误的目标,相反,他们接受在达到目标时出现错误的风险(Effective people don't set?the risk of error.)。因此D项符合本空含义。答案为D。

24.People can make mistakes only when they are truly___________. [答疑编号506430050427]


【答案解析】第三段最后一句指出只有人们在真正投入到工作中让事情有所进展的时候,错误才会发生(Mistakes can happen only when?making things work),答案为C/F。

25.We can learn some lessons from making mistakes, which often__________. [答疑编号506430050428]


【答案解析】最后一段第二句指出,我们从错误中得到的教训会伴随我们终生(The lessons we learn?for a lifetime) 。因此只有A项符合。答案为A。
