工程学科英语(整合第二稿) 参考答案 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章工程学科英语(整合第二稿) 参考答案 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读96e4d5fc9b6648d7c1c746c9


re- retro- semi- sub- super-/supra- syn- tele- tra-/trans- ultra-

再,后,反 后,回,反 半 下,接近 在…上 一起,共同 远离 超过,转移 超 regression 退化,resistance 阻抗,revolve 旋转 retroflex 反曲的,retrospect 回顾,retrogress倒退 semiconductor半导体,semicircle半圆 subtropis亚热带,subartic近北极圈的 supermarine海面的,supravasal 导管上的 syntonic谐振的,synchrotron 同步加速器 teleseism 远震,telephotometre 远距离照相术 traverse 横过,traject 传导,transplant 移植 ultrasonics 超音速,ultrared 红外线的


Unit Six

Task 1

③①⑥⑤⑩⑧④⑨②⑦ Task 2

① career-building

保持灵活性,以开放的态度接纳不同的机会和境遇,是培养职业境遇的最佳方式。 ② on the lookout

所以,留意你所能提供给这类桀骜不驯的员工的最前沿的培训,有趣的会议和其他学习机会。 ③ keep abreast of

奥巴马总统在宣扬其清洁能源远大目标时常常提到中国取得的进步,他说如果美国想与中国这个主意亚洲竞争对手并驾齐驱的话,美国必须迅速行动。 ④ take stock of

因此,这是对世界汽车工业的状况完全恰当的评估。 ⑤ get acquainted with

他尽可能多地了解中国文化。 Task 3

F T F F T Task 4 Value 1) stay current 2)broaden one's horizon Ways 1) providing learning experiences 2) certifying educational experiences Assessing standards 1) the relevance of the information to the profession 2) the level of the course 3) the qualifications of the instructor Conclusion Task 5

① 保持与时俱进,不断开阔视野,这事专业的工程人员最为重要的特征之一。

② 同样地,如果工程师不接受继续教育,他的价值会严重降低,尤其当技术每六个月似乎

Continuing is a good and necessary thing. 23


③ 有些公司通过授课、专题研讨、开会讨论和在线研讨等方式给员工提供他们自己的学习经验。

④ 从业者必须在中学或者大学里学到的知识,不应该包括在职业发展的教育中。 ⑤ 这里涉及到备课,要为在公共场合里遇到的意想不到的问题做好准备。 Task 6

① Big companies cannot stay competitive and lose market share without innovation. ② Because they won’t do anything that is untested or could risk future profits.

③ Partnering with other organizations; designing products around customer need; adopting start-up approach and so on. Task 7

① a microprocessor ② a postage stamp ③ 5.4 billion

④ the cells and electric forces that carry messages to and from the brain ⑤ 100 billion ⑥ 150 trillion

⑦ understand difficult problems and then solve them as humans would

⑧ recording conversations involving several people and then making a printed record of those conversations

⑨ machines becoming more and more like humans ⑩ artificial intelligence

? to work together more closely

? where computers have more control over our lives ? as human knowledge expands

? smarter computers are good for humans ? predict what will happen Task 8







模式,获得授权的大学的教师可以使用这些在线课程,就像新一代的教科书。 Task 9

2013 was a year of hype for MOOCs (massive open online courses). Great big numbers and great big hopes were followed by some disappointing first results. But the head of edX, Anant Agarwal, makes the case that MOOCs still matter — as a way to share high-level learning widely and supplement (but perhaps not replace) traditional classrooms. Agarwal shares his vision of blended learning, where teachers create the ideal learning experience for 21st century students.

Through blended courses Anant Agarwal is pairing online education with face-to-face student-faculty interactions, reshaping the university campus experience. In his opinion, education has to be changed. We need to go from lectures on the blackboard to online exercises, online videos. We have to go to interactive virtual laboratories and gamification. At edX and a number of other organizations, they are applying these technologies to education through MOOCs to really increase access to education. When they launched their first course, 155,000 students enrolled in it. Meanwhile, it achieved good results with blended class and it helped to decrease the failure rate of circuits and electronics course from 40 percent to 9 percent.

What are some key ideas that makes all of this work? One idea is active learning. Students might watch a five-, seven-minute video and follow that with an interactive exercises. The second idea is self-pacing. If you cannot follow the professor, you can hit the pause button, you can rewind and even mute the professor, which is very helpful to learning. The third idea is instant feedback. With instant feedback, the computer grades exercises, which can turn teaching moments into learning outcomes. The fourth idea is gamification. Teachers can teach creativity or design through online labs and use computing power to build these online labs. Learners are building a circuit with Lego-like ease. The fifth idea is peer learning. They use discussion forums and discussions and Facebook-like interaction to really help students learn. Students are learning by teaching.