配套K12江苏省南通市海安县2018届中考英语一模试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章配套K12江苏省南通市海安县2018届中考英语一模试题更新完毕开始阅读968c8cc486254b35eefdc8d376eeaeaad1f316c9


Most high schools in the United States publish a yearbook once a year, usually in the spring. It is a

record of the school year—a “book of memories” for the students.

Inside a yearbook is each student’s photo. The seniors are graduating soon, and their photos appear

first. Next are the juniors. They are one year behind the seniors. Then come the second-year students.

The last photos are the first-year students. The yearbook is not only about students. The teachers have photos, too.

The yearbook also has photos and descriptions of extracurricular (课外的) activities. These are

activities that students do after school, such as the chess club and Spanish club. There is even a yearbook

club. Students in this club write, design and take photos all year for the yearbook. In the yearbook, some students receive special titles. The seniors vote and choose the “class clown” (a

funny student), the “most likely to succeed” (a student who got the best grades), and the “best dressed” (a student with a good fashion sense). There are also other awards.

Students usually sign each other’s yearbooks. This is especially important for the seniors because

they are graduating. Students write notes to each other, such as, “We had a lot of fun,” or “I’ll never forget

you.” They also write about the funny experiences they shared in school together. 76. How many grades are there in most high schools in the USA?

________________________________________________________________________________ 77. Whose photos can we see in a yearbook?

_________________________________________________________________________________ 78. What title might a student with a good fashion sense get?

_________________________________________________________________________________ 79. Why is it important for senior students to sign each other’s yearbooks? _________________________________________________________________________________ 80. What do you think of the yearbook in the USA? (请考生自拟一句话作答)

________________________________________________________________________________ 八、书面表达(本题满分20分)

81. 最近,我校就同学们的习惯养成问题展开了讨论。根据下表所提示的信息,用英语写一篇题为“A good habit, a successful life” 的短文,发表在学校网站上。 良好的学习习惯 K12教育资源学习用资料

1.注意力集中;2.利用自习时间;3.独立完成作业。 K12教育资源学习用资料

良好的生活习惯 养成良好习惯的好处 注意:

1.对所有要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译; 2.词数90左右,短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数; 3.文中不得提及有关个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等; 4.参考词汇:自习 independent study。

A good habit, a successful life

A habit is something that you do often or something that is hard to stop doing.__________________

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____ ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________


第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分)


1-5 CBBBC 6-10 CBCAD 11-15 ADACC

二、完形填空(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 16-20 BCABC 21-25CDCBD

26-30 BDBAB

三、 阅读理解(本题共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

31-33 ACD 34~37 CACA 38-41ADAD 42-45. DDBA K12教育资源学习用资料

1.健康饮食;2.正常锻炼;3.充足睡眠。 …… (结合自身感受补充两点) K12教育资源学习用资料

第Ⅱ卷(选择题 共60分)


46. somewhere 47. explaining 48. international 49. interviewers 50. reminds 51. months’ 55. once

56. were jogging 57. has become 58. missed will save


61. Neither, nor 62. How soon 63. preferred; to 64. unless; tell 65. be cancelled

六、短文填空 (本题共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 66. catch 67. interested 68. finishing what

71. to/that 72. of

73. writer 74. if

75. studied

69. impossible 70.

59. am calling 60.

52. completely 53. impatient 54. nearer

七、阅读与回答问题 (本题共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

76. 4/Four. 77. The students’ and teachers’. 78. The “best dressed”.

79. Because they are graduating. 80. It’s meaningful/ necessary. (答案不唯一,合理即可) 八、书面表达

81. One passible version:

A good habit, a successful life

A habit is something that you do often or something that is hard to stop doing. Developing good habits of learning is necessary for us. First of all, we should focus our attention in class, which will help us better understand what teachers say. Also, we are supposed to make full use of time for independent study, which can improve our ability to learn by ourselves. Finally, we are encouraged to finish homework alone. At the same time, good habits of living are also good for our life. Healthy eating together with regular exercise can make us become fit. What’s more, plenty of sleep every night is also important for our health, for it makes us feel energetic.

Good habits have an active effect on our life. If we insist on behaving ourselves properly, we are sure to live a successful life. K12教育资源学习用资料




2. 内容:表格中所列要点(可自拟),“注意事项”需另外自拟两个要点。

3. 语言:动词与句子层面(如句子结构)的错误视为大错;词语层面的短语(如搭配)、词汇(如用词不当)等错误为小错;另有拼写、标点、大小写等错误酌情扣分。

4. 未分段写作扣2分。

5. 词数少于70扣2分,多于120扣1分。

6. 因书写潦草导致字母或单词难以辨认或卷面不洁等情况扣2分。 7. 各档次的给分范围和要求: 第五档 (很好):(17-20分)

完成了试题规定的全部任务: 1) 覆盖所有要点内容。

2) 语言表达形式多样,词汇丰富;允许有3处以下小错。 3) 有效地使用连接成份,使全文结构紧凑,过渡自然。 第四档 (好):(13-16分)

完成了试题规定的任务: 1) 漏掉1、2个要点

2) 语法结构和词汇运用基本正确,有少数错误。 3) 能应用连接成份,有助于全文结构紧凑,过渡自然。 第三档 (适当):(9-12分)


1) 虽漏掉少数要点,但基本覆盖主要内容。

2) 语法结构和词汇应用基本正确,虽有一些错误,但不影响表达。 3) 尚能注意语句间的连接,使内容连贯。 第二档 (较差):(5-8分)


1) 漏掉或未写清楚一些主要内容,或写了一些无关内容。 2) 语法结构简单,词汇单调;错误较多,影响表达。 第一档 (差):(1-4分)


1) 遗漏或未能表达要点内容,或写了一些无关内容。 2) 错误很多,严重影响表达。 3) 只写出了几个相关单词。

不得分:(0分) 未能表达出与试题有关的任何信息。 K12教育资源学习用资料