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优格雅思《口语救星》9 月新题更新一

以下为《口语救星》9 月份的新题第一部分,因为更新的 话题个数不多,所以没有整版更新,直接以补丁的形式更 新,其他新题我们还在收集整理中,会尽快发布后面的更 新,等所有新题收集齐后,会统一更新 37 版。请大家关注 官方的《口语救星》微博或咨询客服。


1.离不开的东西(除手机和电脑)........................................................................................ 2 2.家族企业................................................................................................................................ 2 3.一个名人................................................................................................................................ 3 4.搬家的经历............................................................................................................................ 5 5.与陌生人谈话........................................................................................................................ 6 6.不喜欢的一门课.................................................................................................................... 7


Describe sth. that you cannot do without (except for phones or computers) You should say:

What is it (are they)?

Why you cannot get away from it (them)? Sample:

The stuff I cannot get away from is my watch, without which I feel that I lose control of myself, as I keep on thinking what time it is. My watch can keep me calm and it's an indispensiblc part of my life.

I got my first watch on my tenth birthday from my grandma. It's a lovely pink watch designed in the shape of a Hello-kitty, which, however, I lost while playing with friends, for which 1 was sad for a long time. At that time, watch was just a beautiful decoration to me, since I had not much idea of time as a kid. Then on my enrolled in secondary school, I received a special watch from my cousin, which was in blue, my favourite colour. It's unique for it only had two hands, one for hour, the other for minute. What's more, there were no numbers in the watch, but just four short lines in the places of three, six, nine and twelve o'clock respectively. At first, I was not used to it, and had difficulty in telling the time, but at night I could see the lines clearly. I got to used to it gradually, and I could tell exactly what time it was. Others, however, were confused at seeing my watch. It seemed that telling time was the secret between my watch and me, of which I was proud


Describe a family business You should say:

What kind of business? How do you come to know it? What kind of clients it targets? Why it is successful?


I'd like to talk about a family business selling a full range of clothes. It's the one run by the family of my brother-in-law's, and I got to know it after my sister was engaged to her husband. Their shops are those in small cities and towns where people care more about the quality and price of clothes, rather than the brand.

Mother of my brother-in-law's, together with her family started to open retail-chain selling clothes in Xi'an about fifteen years ago. His mother was responsible for selecting and purchasing clothes from the wholesale merchants', and his father was in charge of selling and other affairs. The competition was not so fierce at that time, and they did well in running their first two shops. Then they succeeded in persuading their relatives in investing in them, and more than twenty shops are in running. Family members, especially the young generation, the peers of my brother-in-law, gradually take up the business.

I had a visit to one shop of theirs, which is about 100 square meters, with four sections selling clothes for children, male, female and the old respectively. My brother-in-law told me the success of their business is that they are strict with the quality of clothes from very beginning which won them loads of customers who are regular customers, and that with so many chains available, people trust in their clothes. Because of the increasing competition and the huge influence of the e-business, however, their business is not so successful as before. My brother-in-law has started a shop online which is not bad, which I think highly of.


Describe a famous person who is important to your countly. You should say:

Who he/she is

Why he/she is important to your country.

What do you think of him/her ? Sample:

The famous person I'd like to talk about is called Yuefei, a well-known General in history. As recorded, Yuefei, together with his army, won many battles, and protected his country from being invaded by some minority groups. Although he lived more than eight hundred years ago, his spirit of devoting to his country has always been praised by Chinese people. His work (poems included) has been included to the textbooks and his story adapted to several TV series, being appreciated by people. In another word, he is influential to people nowadays.

Bom in Beisong dynasty, a time when the country suffering invasions and people living with misery, Yuefei was fan of reading, especially those in military strategy, and by learning from two teachers how to ride a horse, to shoot, and to use sword to fight, he became an excellent fighter. At the age of twenty, he enrolled in the army, and made much contribution in defending his country. During the time, he made him known in his country and its enemy, too, who wanted to bribe him so as to conquest his country, which, of course, was turned down by him. Gradually, he had his own army and invented many strategies in defeating the so called 'undefeatable' enemy, and became the nationally-acclaimed General. However, he was framed and poisoned to die by the evil officials who were bribed by the enemy.

I admired him for his talent in training his army and in coming up effective strategies in beating his enemy. What's more, he made some poems expressing his resolution to defense his country and its people which are impressive. He set an outstanding example for one to love his people, and to be loyal and devoted to his country, virtues which are spoken highly throughout the history of china.