2020届虹口区中考英语一模 - 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2020届虹口区中考英语一模 -更新完毕开始阅读958a15ffa3c7aa00b52acfc789eb172dec639977

78. A. Still B. Just C. Yet D. Even 79. A. creative B. confident C. generous D. responsible 80. A. attitude B. chance C. resource D. order

C. Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

Hello, everyone. I arrived in China a few months ago. Like every other foreigner, I had to f__81__ a few “culture shocks”. Here I would like to share a few of such culture shocks.

It is known to all that China holds 20% of world’s total population but even then it comes as a s__82__ when one steps outside into public areas and sees a flood of people who at first look almost the same, all dark haired with dark eyes.

The next on my list is the language problem. When one first decides to go to China the first thought that crosses a__83__ mind is “how am I going to communicate?!!?” Although most Chinese are very interested in the English language, the fact remains that except the major cities like Beijing and Shanghai, the English language knowledge of most Chinese is very poor if not zero. L__84__, you would always be able to find help.

The third is the silent but keen interest of Chinese towards the foreigners. There are times when you would be sitting in a bus or just passing by and you would n__85__ someone trying to take picture.

Now the next one is my f__86__ one. Chinese have the same love ... FOOD. You start walking anywhere in China and after every 5 steps you will come across a food stall. Honestly, I have never seen a food place empty in China no matter what is being sold there.

But frankly speaking, no matter what a foreigner goes through, life in China can be a total adventure and one thing is certain that the Chinese are the most h__87__ and the most sweet natured people one could ever come across anywhere in the world. Whenever I meet with difficulty, I am sure to get a hand from the strangers to solve my problem.

D. Answer the questions (根据以下内容回答问题)

Some people are standing at a group of low hills in West Texas. Suddenly, they observe glowing reddish - orange lights. Are they the headlights of cars on the highway? Are they the lights of campfires? The people shout and point because the lights are moving! But they aren’t moving the way cars move. They shoot up in the air. They fall back to the earth. And then ... they simply disappear!

Every night, people go to observe the famous Marfa lights. The lights are named for the town of Marfa, Texas, where these lights can be seen in the distant hills east of the town. Over the years there have been many beliefs about these strange lights. One theory is that the lights are the headlights of cars driving down the road.

But that could not be true. Settlers in the 1880s wrote about the lights long before there were cars with headlights. At that time, pioneers thought the Marfa lights were the campfires of Apaches2 in the hills. When the pioneers would ride into the hills, they could find no evidence3 of campsites of fires. Later, the settlers learned that the Apaches, too, could see the lights. They thought the lights were stars that had come down the earth.

Some people say that the lights are moonlight shining on metal in the hills. Others say they are made by gases from swamps4. Some scientists have tried to prove that lights from planets or starts reflect5 in a strange way on the hills. That doesn’t help us understand why the lights “dance”. They move up and down, slow down and speed up. These dancing “stars”, the Marfa lights, stay a mystery.

Word Box

1. theory:thoughts or beliefs about a set of facts 2. Apache: a member of a Native American people

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3. evidence:something that shows proof

4. swamp: land that is always very wet or covered with a layer of water 5. reflect: to return light

88. What colour are the Marfa lights?

89. How do the Marfa lights get the name?

90. Why do many people go to observe Marfa lights every night?

91. Were the strange lights seen earlier or later than the invention of cars with headlights? 92. What does the underlined word THAT in Paragraph 4 refer to?

93. Why does the writer say “the Marfa lights, stay a mystery?” Give your opinions.

Ⅱ. Writing (作文)

94. Write a passage of at least 60 words about the topic “_______in my memory”. (以“我记忆中(的)_______”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)


(注意:1. 在答题纸上将题目补充完整。 2. 短文中不得出现任何真实人名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)

参考答案 Part 2

II. 26-30 DBDCC 31-35 ADCBA 36-40 CBADA 41-45 BBCDA III. 46-49 ECAD 50-53 ECAB

IV. 54. singer 55. length 56. fifities 57. surveys 58. various 59. politely 60. sell 61. dishonest V. 62. doesn’t watch 63. did she 64. so that 65. How long 66. was chosen 67. when , would 68. Parents sometimes find it difficult to communicate with their children Part 3

A: 69-74 CDBDBA B: 75-80 BCADAB

C: 81. face 82. shock 83. anyone’s 84. Luckily 85. notice 86. favourite 87. helpful D:

88. Reddish-orange

89. The lights are named after the town of Marfa, Texas. 90. Because people are curious about the cause of the lights.

91. The strange lights were seen earlier than the invention of cars with headlights. 92. “That’s refers to what some scientists have tried to prove.

93. Because people still don’t know why the Marfa lights dance and how they form.

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