2019新概念英语第一册Lesson105106练习题(无答案)语文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2019新概念英语第一册Lesson105106练习题(无答案)语文更新完毕开始阅读94c618e4bfd5b9f3f90f76c66137ee06eef94e90

Lesson 105 and Lesson 106

一 根据句意填空(10分)

1. I want Sandra to to my office. 2. Can you tell Lily her twin sister?

3. Can you your name? Yes, J-A-N-E. Jane. 4. Have you any mistakes? Yes, I have.

5. The letter is ready for you. We have it out on the computer. 6. The teacher has the children’s homework for hours. 7. She put salt into her tea by . She thinks it is sugar. 8. I’m sorry being late again.

9. A dictionary helps us a lot. It is to us. 10. He is very stupid. He is a boy of low . 二 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)

1. Dogs are (intelligence) animals.

2. I hope the dictionary will be (help) to you. 3. This letters full of (mistake). 4. You are not good at (spell). 5. Tell him not to cut (him). 6. My money is (lose).

7. The icy road is very (slip).

8. I’m sorry for (make) the spelling mistake. 9. He did very (bad) in the high jump.

10. Read the text (loud). Don’t read it silently. 三 指出下列动词不定式的句子成分(10分) 1. She wants the porter to carry the case. 语 2. To learn English well is not easy. 语 3. My job is to feed the animals. 语 4. I have a lot of work to do. 语 5. You must go to the grocer’s to get some groceries. 语 6. The apple is too hard for the old lady to eat. 语 7. I’m sorry to hear that. 语 8. Tell him not to fall down. 语 9. Sports help to keep people healthy. 语 10. She is too young to go to school. 语

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四 用所给动词的适当形式填空(10分) 1. He (learn) English for 15 years. 2. I don’t want him (slip). 3. I’m sorry for (talk) loudly.

4. He helps his mother (do) the housework. 5. Tell her (come) at once.

6. The wall is too low for the boy (climb). 7. The letter is ready. We (type) it out for you.

8. our teacher (correct) our exercise books yet? 9. I not (go) to Beijing next Sunday. 10. He asked us (close) the window. 五 选择填空(15分)

( ) 1. I often hear him in the next room.

A. sings B. sing C. to sing D. sang

( ) 2. The attendant wanted Mr. Hall it.

A. describe B. to describe C. describing D. described

( ) 3. My teacher often asks us much English.

A. to speak B. not to speak C. speak D. speaking

( ) 4. I from Mr. Lee that you and her sister have each other for

many years.

A. know; known B. learned; known C. learn; learn D. know; learned

( ) 5. Mrs. Green hasn’t got money with her. She her bag in her room.

A. stayed B. forget C. left D. took

( ) 6. Will you please us a story. Miss Gao? Ok, shall I it in

English or Chinese?

A. tell, speak B. talk, speak C. tell, say D. talk, say

( ) 7. Can you tell me how “intelligent”?

A. do you spell B. did you spell C. can you spell D. you spell

( ) 8. When we were on holiday, we too much money.

A. spent B. cost C. took D. paid

( ) 9. He asked me to his birthday party.

A. to go B. go C. goes D. went

( ) 10. She tried hard to ask her husband to stop smoking. But she .

A. failed B. fell C. made it D. got it

( ) 11. This letter is full mistakes.

A. with B. in C. for D. of ( ) 12. I want you to type the letter again.

A. do B. am doing C. will do D. have done

( ) 13. The teacher told the students in class.

A. not talk B. don’t talk C. didn’t talk D. not to talk

( ) 14. Please him to the nurse there, and she’ll give him some medicine.

A. carry B. bring C. fetch D. take

( ) 15. Max likes English very much. She tries her best English well.

A. to learn B. learn C. learning D. of learning

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六 句型转换(10分)

1. The doctor said that the girl should stay in bed for two days. (用动词不定式改写句子) The doctor the girl stay in bed for two days.

2. The farmer said that the boys mustn’t walk in the tomato field. (用动词不定式改写句子) The farmer the boys not walk in the tomato field. 3. She spoke so loudly. I could hear her. (改写句子)

She spoke loudly for me hear. 4. I cleaned the room. She helped. (两句合并一句) She me the room.

5. Someone walked into the room. I felt it. (两句合并一句) I someone into the room.

6. “You’ve typed it with only one ‘L’.” the boss says to Sandra. (改为间接引语) The boss Sandra that she typed it with only one ‘L’. 7. I hope the dictionary will help you. (改为同义句)

I hope the dictionary be to you. 8. How do you spell the word? Can you tell me? (两句合并一句) Can you me how spell the word? 9. “Don’t break the vase.” Suan says to Bill. (改为间接引语) Suan Bill not break the vase. 10. She doesn’t want them to lose it. (改为统一句) She them not lose it. 七 根据汉语提示完成句子(10分) 1. 老师要那个男孩改正他的书写错误。

The teacher wanted the boy to his spelling . 2. 告诉他不要伤了他自己。

him not to himself. 3. 狗是有智慧的动物。

Dogs are . 4. 他已犯了许多错误。

He has a lot of . 5. 我为此很抱歉。

I’m that.

6. 我希望这个辞典将有助于你不犯拼写错误。

I hope that the will help you to make spelling mistakes. 7. 那个苹果太酸你吃不了。

That apple is too for you to . 8. 他妈妈要他别爬树。

His mother him not climb the tree. 9. 你很难算出这道数学题。

It is for you to out the maths problem. 10. 这个女孩的愿望是当个教师。

The girl’s is be a teacher. 八 补全对话(10分) Tom: My head hurts, Doctor.

第 3 页

Doctor: Open your and say “Ah”. Tom: What’s me?

Doctor: You’re a bad cold. this medicine and stay in bed for two days. You be better soon.

Tom: Thank you. By the way, how much is the medicine? Doctor: How much? Look, don’t you know me?

Tom: Ha! It’s you, Uncle John. I didn’t know you here. How are you? Doctor: Fine, thank you. And you must look yourself. Tom: Yes, I . Thanks a . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 九 完形填空(10分)

Ling Feng’s classmates all went to 1 Summer Palace on Friday afternoon. 2 he didn’t. He stayed at home and looked 3 a baby. The baby was only 4 old.

At first, the baby was 5 . Later, she 6 up and began to cry. Ling Feng talked to her and let her 7 the music. But the baby still cried. Then Ling Feng sang and jumped 8 a monkey. The baby stopped 9 . All that afternoon, Ling Feng did all 10 of things to make the baby laugh and laugh.

( ) 1. A. a B. the C. / ( ) 2. A. And B. Or C. But ( ) 3. A. after B. for C. over

( ) 4. A. ten-months B. ten month C. ten months ( ) 5. A. sleep B. asleep C. getting to sleep ( ) 6. A. wakes B. waked C. woke ( ) 7. A. listen B. listened to C. listen to ( ) 8. A. like B. likes C. liking ( ) 9. A. to cry B. crying C. cry ( ) 10. A. kind B. kinds C. kindes 十 阅读理解(5分)

A young man once went to town and bought himself a pair of trousers. When he got home, he found that they were about two inches longer.

He went to the kitchen. There his mother and two sisters were doing housework. He said to them, “The new trousers are too long. Could one of you help me to shorten them by two inches?” But they were too busy. They said nothing and were still working.

After his mother finished washing all the plates, she shortened the trousers by two inches. Then one of his sisters remembered his trousers and shortened them by two inches. When the other sister came back home from the cinema, she also remembered the new trousers. “I nearly forgot that.” she thought.

Then she shortened them by two inches.

( ) 1. When the man got home, he found his new trousers were too .

A. short B. long C. big D. small

( ) 2. The young man had . A. only one sister B. two brothers C. two sisters D. a brother and a sister

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