四六级场景词汇 联系客服

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At a travel agency (在旅行社)

make a reservation 预订 visit/visitor/traveler 观光/游客/旅行者

vacation 假期 pay a visit to 参观/访问 weather 天气 one-way fare 单程车费

historical site 历史名胜 final destination 终点站 scenic spot 景点 a round trip ticket 往返车票 resort place 风景名胜 first class 头等位 fishing 垂钓 one way fare 单程费用 tour guide 导游 traveler's check 旅行支票

by air/train/bus/taxi/sea/ship/coach plane ticket 机票 乘飞机(火车/公共汽车/出租车/轮船/长途车) economy class 经济仓

use a credit card 使用信用卡 hike along the trail 沿小径徒步旅行 14. 娱乐场景

At a theater/concert/cinema/art gallery (在剧院/音乐厅/影院/艺术画廊)

drama 喜剧 classic music 古典音乐

leading character 主要演员 light music 轻音乐 hero/heroine 男/女主人公 audience 观众/听众 opera 歌剧 conductor 指挥


starring actor/actress 男/女领衔主演 musical instrument 乐器

setting 场景 screen 银幕 climax 高潮 fine arts 美术 scene 幕 oil painting 油画 Beijing opera 京剧 portrait 肖像画 folk music 民乐 modern art 现代艺术 pop music 流行音乐 看电影:

ticket, booking office/box office, be sold out电影票 售票处 卖光

horror movie, thriller movie, tragedy恐怖片 惊险片 悲剧 comedy, science fiction (movie), art film喜剧 科幻电影 艺术片

action movie, love story/romance, disaster movie动作片 浪漫爱情片 灾难片

detective movie, cartoon movie/animation, cinema/movie theatre侦探推理片 卡通片 电影院


stage, drama/dramatic, concert舞台 戏剧(性) 音乐会/演唱会 audience, a long queue/line, crowded观众 长队 拥挤 leading role, supporting role, be moved/touched主角 配角 感


student discount, appreciate, exaggerate学生折扣 喜欢/欣赏 夸张

be taken/occupied, dress circle, back seat座位被占 前排座位 后排座位 15. 银行场景

bank account 银行账户 cash 现金 check 支票

open a savings/checking account bank teller 出纳员 开一个存款 /支票帐户

exchange rate 兑换率 credit card 信用卡 withdraw 提款 nickel=5 cents

make a withdrawal 取钱 a quarter=25 cents deposit 存款 penny=cent interest rate 利率 dime=10cents

traveler's check 旅行支票 a half dollar=50 cents foreign currency/exchange 外汇/外汇兑换 Bank clerk and customer (银行职员与顾客) account 账户 deposit 存款

open a savings account 开一个储蓄账户 withdraw 取款 cash 现金 exchange rate 兑换率 check 支票 interest rate 利率