2020中考英语作文50篇带翻译 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2020中考英语作文50篇带翻译更新完毕开始阅读93aa7811864769eae009581b6bd97f192279bfc6

us to take exercise. Exercise will keep us active and strong.


23、感恩是一种美德。在我们一生中,最应该感激的人应该是我们的父母。假如你叫李明,你非常爱你的父母。在一次“我爱我的爸爸妈妈”的主题班会上,老师让你们想一想在那些小事上有愧于父母。你想出了以下几点:1、不知道父母的生日;2、笔记本里有许多明星的照片,却没有一张父母的照片。3、自己再设想出1~2点。 注意:1、适当发挥想象,丰富相关内容;2、结合以上内容写一封信给父母,心中应包括你的一些感受;3、词数:80左右。信的开头以给出,但不计入总词数。 Dear Dad and Mom,

Thanks for your love for me. You’ll be surprised when you read this letter. Do you want to know why? Well, let me tell you! I can always remember my birthday, but I’ve forgotten your birthdays. I have many stars’ photos in my notebook, but there isn’t a photo of you in it. You’ve done so many things for me, but I’ve never said thank you to you. Dad

and Mom, I know you don’t mind because you love me. But I should really say sorry to you, because I love you in the same way.



If I were a(n) teacher/ doctor/ actor …, I would… 如果我是一名老师/ 医生/ 演员, 我会…….

I have many dreams. When I grow up, I will try my best to work hard. If I were a teacher, I would make friends with my students first. I would allow them to practice what they were interested in after school. If I were a doctor, I would think much of my patients. I would chat with them with a smile and they would not spend much money on their illness. If I were an actor, I would bring happiness to every family. If someone wanted to take photos with me, I would be pleased.





2、市民违反交通规则的现象:闯红灯、无驾照驾驶、不戴头盔等; 3、提出倡议:倡议大家遵守交通规则。 提示词:hit (碰撞) helmet (头盔)

Traffic rules are very important for our safety. If people don’t follow the traffic rules, they will be hit by running cars, and the traffic will be a real mess. If so, there will be no safety for all of us. Unfortunately, there are so many people who don’t want to follow the traffic rules. They don’t wait for the green lights. They drive without a driving license or a helmet. I don’t think they are doing the right things. I believe that if everyone follows the traffic rules, there will be fewer and fewer traffic accidents. 交通规则对我们的安全非常重要。如果人们不遵守交通规则,他们就会被奔跑的汽车撞倒,交通将会真正的一团混乱。如果是这样的话,对于我们所有人来说将没有安全可言。不幸的是,有如此多的人他们不想遵守交通规则。他们不等待绿灯,他们开车没有驾驶证或头盔。



Now lots of children like to eat hamburger. They think hamburgers are really delicious, so they eat more and more hamburgers, hot dogs and so on. And they become fatter and fatter. But in fact, hamburgers are junk food, which are bad for our heath. So if you want to keep healthy, you shouldn’t eat too much junk food, but have more vegetables and fruits. You’d better do some sports to keep your body strong. For example, you can get up early to run or to do morning exercises. If you want to have a strong body, you’d better eat less junk food and do more sports. That is good for your health.
