浅析新媒体对美国总统选举的影响 联系客服

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Analysis of new media’ influence on United States presidential elections

—take Obama twice general elections for an example

Abstract:. In 2008 Obama presidental campaign and 2012 succession campaign, by creating personal website, writing blog, producing phone software, developing phone game, and many other innovative ways, the United States President Obama made full use of Internet, not only raising large campaign funds, but also promoting his political concept. And eventually, it led him success into White House. By making full use of new media Internet’s potential power, Obama has overturned the traditional campaign way, promoted the political rights socialization, changed the traditional political structure. With the development of the times, technological progress, new emerging media, which itself make full use of advantages others don’t have, will play an important role in the future election campaign. Obama's victory is not only the victory of American blacks, but also a large-scale use of new media, a successful way of opening new media age.

Key words:Obama election creative new media t rends