英语同步优化指导(人教版选修7)练习:阶段质量评估4含解析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章英语同步优化指导(人教版选修7)练习:阶段质量评估4含解析更新完毕开始阅读92d458ab905f804d2b160b4e767f5acfa1c783c8


(时间:120分钟 满分:150分)

第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1.How does the woman keep young? A.She takes some special medicine. B.She has a good sleep every night.

C.She takes exercises and is careful about her diet. 2.What does the woman ask the man to do? A.Treat her toothache. B.Recommend a doctor to her. C.Introduce his cousin to her. 3.What does the woman mean? A.She agrees with the man. B.She doesn’t like the book.

C.The book has the explanation of the answers. 4.Where are the speakers?

A.At the railway station. B At the airport. C.At the parking lot.

5.What should the man eat more? A.Vegetables. C.Candies.



听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6.What happened to the boy? A.He had an allergic reaction. B He had a car accident. C.He had a heart attack.

B.Ice cream.

7.What did the boy eat? A.Seafood. C.Pepper.

8.What do we know about the girl? A.Her face became very red. B.She ordered a salad dressing. C.She doesn’t like study.

听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。 9.What are the speakers talking about? A.A job interview. C.A math class.

10.How many questions did the woman answer? A.3. C.5.

11.How did the woman feel about what she had done? A.Satisfied. C.Worried.

听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。 12.What did the girl use to do as a child? A.Lived in Canada.

B.Fought against water pollution. C.Swam in the Great Lakes.

13.What do people expect within the next generation? A.The Great Lakes will be useful again. B.The Great Lakes will increase in size. C.The Great Lakes will become part of Canada. 14.Where did the man take a tour? A.Great Lakes. C.Lake Erie.

听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。 15.Which leather wallet is cheaper?A.The brown one. B The black one. C.The blue one.


B.An examination.



B.Lake Ontario.

16.Why doesn’t the girl want to take the brown wallet? A.There isn’t a place to put pictures. B.It’s too expensive. C.She doesn’t like its color.

17.What does the girl buy for her father in the end? A.A black wallet. C.A tie.

听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。 18.What is this article mainly about? A.Cigarette sales in China. B.A recent activity in Beijing. C.Raising the price of cigarettes.

19.What happened on the No-smoking Day in Beijing? A.Sellers lost some money. B.Everyone stopped smoking. C.Stores made 800,000 yuan.

20.According to the passage,what does the store have? A.Foreign made cigarettes. B.150,000 smokers. C.Over 60 kinds of cigarettes. 听力原文: 第一节 Text 1

M:Everyone gets older.But you look younger than ever.What’s your secret? W:There is no secret.I get more exercise than you.And I am careful about my diet. Text 2

W:Can you recommend a good dentist?My teeth are killing me.

M:Do you remember my cousin Brian?He’s in practice down at the City Center. Text 3

M:I don’t understand why this study book doesn’t provide an explanation of the answers. W:But it does! Text 4

M:Monica,listen,it is the final call for flight CA102. W:Yes,let’s hurry.Where is Gate 9? Text 5

B.A brown wallet.

M:Honey,the basketball game is about to start.Could you bring me a box of ice cream? W:Anything else?

M:No,that’s all for now.Hey,honey,you know,our company is organizing a basketball team,and I’m thinking about joining.What do you think?

W:Well,you need to watch your diet and cut back on the fatty foods,like ice cream. And you should try eating more fresh fruits and vegetables.

第二节 Text 6

W:Are you OK?Your face is turning really red!

M:No,I think I’m having an allergic reaction.I must have had something with peanuts in it by accident.

W:Uh oh.What should I do?

M:I need to go to the hospital.I’m having trouble breathing.And it usually gets worse before it gets better.

W:Wow,I’m glad the doctor was able to help.I had no idea you were allergic to peanuts. M:Yeah,I’ve been allergic since I was a kid. But it’s been years since I’ve had an attack. W:How could you have known there would be peanuts in a salad dressing? M:Well,I really should have checked before ordering.It’s my fault. W:I’m glad my only allergy is to homework. Text 7

M:Hello,Jackie.How did you get on with your test?

W:Well,not too bad I suppose.But the trouble is I keep thinking of all the things I didn’t have time to do.

M:How many questions did you answer?

W:Oh,I did all four of them.But I didn’t really have time to finish the last one properly. M:Oh well,don’t worry.I’m sure you’ll be all right.

W:Mm,I hope so.But if only I’d done the last question properly.

M:Oh,come on.One question isn’t everything. And I’m sure you did enough of it to pass. W:Well,anyway,at least it’s over. Text 8

W:I haven’t seen you for a while.Have you been away?

M:Yes,I took a tour around the Great Lakes. Have you ever been there?

W:Oh,yes!When I was young,I lived in Erie Town and I used to go swimming in Lake Erie all the time.We also went to Lake Ontario in Canada.

M:But I thought that Lake Erie is so polluted now that everything living in it has died.