湖南省2019-2020学年高二上学期期末考试 英语含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章湖南省2019-2020学年高二上学期期末考试 英语含答案更新完毕开始阅读929e3de7ae1ffc4ffe4733687e21af45b207fe63

的认知是一种疯狂的想法。A.respectful “恭敬的”;B.mad “疯狂的”;C.admirable “令人钦佩的”;D.funny “滑稽可笑的”。故选B。

48.D。考查名词。根据下文提到的 “Being ten minutes late, I__50__handed it to him and dashed into the classroom.”可知,作者把对父亲的不满写在了一张卡片上,想把它作为一种交流工具。A.ability “能力”;B.service “服务”;C.gift “礼物”;D.tool “工具”。故选D。

49.C。考查形容词。根据上文提到的 “Dr. Simon, a unique excellent teacher”可知,这是一位独特的老师,因此推断他应有自己创新独特的教学方式。A.extreme “极端的”;B.outdated “过时的”;C.creative “创新的”;D.unrealistic “不现实的”。故选C。

50.D。考查副词。根据上文可知,卡片上写下的是作者对父亲的不满,在把它交给老师看时,作者内心应是紧张不安的,而且已经迟到了十分钟,因此推断他匆忙地把卡片交给老师就飞奔回了教室。A.impatiently “不耐烦地”;B.unwillingly “不情愿地”;C.slowly “缓慢地”;D.hurriedly “仓促地;匆忙地”。故选D。

51.A。根据下文 “It read, ‘Why not stop blaming and be responsible for yourself?’”可知,这张卡片被返还给了作者,作者在卡片上看到了老师写的话。A.returned “被返还的”;B.empty “空的”;C.obtained “获得的”;D.dirty “脏的”。故选A。

52.B。考查动词。根据上文可知,老师建议作者停止责备,为自己负责,这些话深深地打动了作者,因此推断此处意思是:以前没有人告诉作者让他这么做。A.forced “迫使”;B.told “告知”;C.ensured “保证”;D.begged “求”。故选B。

53.D。考查名词。根据语境可知,此处指上文提到的老师写在卡片上的评论。A.description “描述”;B.concept “概念”;C.order “命令”;D.comment “评论”。故选D。

54.A。考查动词短语。根据上文可知,老师的话 “为什么不停止责备别人,自己为自己负责呢”深深地打动了作者,因此当作者再次因为各种事情责备父亲的时候,作者会反问自己,“为什么我总是逃避责任而因为自己的生活而责备别人呢?”A.get away from “逃避”;B.get along with “取得进展”;C.get hold of “得到,抓住”;D.get close to “与……接近”。故选A。

55.B。考查动词。根据下文 “I was taking responsibility for my own actions and feelings”可知,作者开始为自己的行为和情感负责,因此推断作者的想法改变了。A.remained “保持”;B.changed “改变”;C.failed “失败”;D.survived “幸存”。故选B。

56.C。考查连词。由前文提到的 “Gradually”可知,作者的想法逐渐改变了,大约一年以后人们才开始注意到作者在为自己的行为和感情负责。 “It is/was/takes/took+一段时间+before+…”是一个固定句型,译为 “(花费)多长时间以后才……”。A.since “自从……以来”;B.after “在……以后”;C.before “在……之前”;D.as “当……时候”。故选C。

57.D。考查名词。根据上下文可知,作者逐渐改变了,开始学着为自己的行为和情感负责,他也惊奇地发现自己学习成绩也提高了,朋友的人数和素质也提高了。A.appearance “外貌”;B.decrease “降低”;C.demand “要求”;D.increase “提高”。故选D。

58.C。考查副词。根据上下文可知,同样令作者感到惊奇的是父亲似乎也比以前精明了。A.severely “严厉地”;B.usually “通常”;C.equally “平等地,一样的”;D.sadly “悲伤地”。故选C。

59.A。考查名词。由前文的 “a loving man”可知,作者逐渐了解到父亲是一个好心的充满爱的人,因此与父亲的争吵更少了,最终消失了。A.intentions “目的,意图”;B.imaginations “想象”;C.memories “记忆”;D.behaviors “行为”。good intention “好心;良好的意图”。故选A。

60.D。考查动词。根据语境可知,作者逐渐了解到父亲是一个好心的充满爱的人,之所以父子争吵是因为父亲没有使用合适的方式指导作者。A.accept “接受”;B.impress “使铭记在心”;C.greet “打招呼”;D.guide “指导”。故选D。

61.embarrassed。考查词性转换。embarrassed adj.尴尬的。 62.reaction。考査词性转换。

63.to ensure。考查习惯搭配be thought to do sth.。 64.areas。考查名词复数形式。

65.while。考査连词的用法。while引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管”。 66.off。考查习惯搭配。take off 脱下、取下。

67.getting。考査固定搭配。have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth.表示 “做某事有困难”。



70.cooked。考査非谓语动词的用法。过去分词短语在此作后置定语,相当于定语从句which is cooked over the fire。


The families living in northern Thailand are in poor conditions. Children enough food to eat. There is little money coming to their families and often


not have do


cannot afford to they


people so

purchase important things like medicine. The trees around the villages are gone,

have to walk further and further away to obtain wood for cooking and heating. Water is also a constant problem. Some villages do not have a well and pump, so they have to fetch water with containers from miles far away. Wells need to be dug and pumps need to 错误! put in to pump water into some of the villages. However, if the pump breaks down, troublesome, as area


it can be



engineer has to come from the nearest town to repair it. Education is another an


is affected by hardship. Many schools are small and there is often only one



different ages. 错误! big problem is of

teacher to teach all the children even though they are

that many children do not go to school, because they need to help their parents farm the land, collect wood and fetch water.

【参考范文】 Dear Tom, I'm very sorry that I can't go on a trip to Beijing with you next weekend, which I have promised you. I'm writing to tell you the reason for it.

Just now, my cousin, Li Ming, who went abroad for further education last year, informed me that he would return the next Saturday morning. He asked me to pick him up at the airport with his parents. As you know, we haven't seen each other for about a year, so I'll have to help him in the first place.

I really hope that you can accept my apologies and understand me. I would appreciate it if you allow me to fix another time to show you around some places of interest in Beijing.

Wish you have a good time this weekend! Yours faithfully,

Li Hua


Text 1

M: What's your plan for the coming holiday?

W: I'm going to stay with my grandparents for two weeks and then stay at home. What's your plan?

M: I'm going to be a volunteer to help disabled people. Would you like to join us? Text 2

W: You know what? I won the gold medal in the women marathon. M: Wow, congratulations! How about having a party to celebrate? Text 3

M: I have been to Sydney, San Francisco, Washington and New York, but I prefer to live in Paris.

W: Of course. You've been here for so many years. Text 4

M: It looks like it's going to be sunny. I can't believe there was such a heavy wind last night. W: Yes. The wind broke several windows. But they say we're going to get some rain later. Text 5

M: I want three tickets for the movie. Here is 25 dollars.

W: Here are your three tickets, and here is the change—four dollars. Text 6

M: Hi, I got them, two tickets to Wangfeng's concert. W: You're kidding! How did you get them?

M: My brother gave them to me. You know, I went out at four in the morning and lined up, but there were already a lot of people there. I couldn't buy any tickets. However, my brother called and told me he had two extra tickets.

W: You were very lucky.

M: I know you're a fan of Wangfeng. If you are free tomorrow, would you like to come with me?

W: That would be wonderful! Thank you very much! Text 7

M: Mom, I'm back.

W: Hi, Sam. You get home from school early today.

M: Yeah, our teachers will have a meeting so we all go home early.

W: Well, now that you are here, you can help me with dinner. I need those potatoes peeled and cut.

M: Mom, give me a break. Allan's coming over to help me with my math final. W: Well, in that case, you can do the dishes and clean up after dinner. M: OK. Can I invite Allan to stay for dinner?

W: Of course. You and Allan have become good friends, haven't you? M: Thanks, mom. Of course we are best friends now. Text 8

W: Hey, look over there. Let's go and have a look.

M: Sure. It's probably the ski show. There were many ski clubs putting on shows to attract more visitors.