《跟我学汉语》第一课教案 联系客服

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一. 课程介绍:本课程为初级班\零起点\的汉语课程,选用”人民教育出版社”

出版的<跟我学汉语>为教材进行教学.每周三次课,其中周一,周三各为1个半小时(6:00PM---7:30PM),周五为45分钟(6:00PM---6:45PM),每周共计3个半小时. 二. 课前准备:中国地图,板书内容:1.上课-----class begins 2.下课----class is over

3.跟我读-----read after me 4.做练习-----do practice 三. 新课导入 (一) 汉语基本知识介绍

展示中国地图,向学生提问:This is a map of China, Do you know how many ethnic groups are there in China? ------------totally there are 56,Such as Han, zang, yi, zhuang and so on. Although each ethnic group possess its own language, yet all of their languages can be called “中文Chinese” for their joint nationalities. So , in fact, \中文” is a general designation of the overallChinese’s languages. And among them, “汉语”, Han people’s language, is used most in the whole country for the Han is the majority, accounting for approximate 92%. Therefore, “汉语” became the official language of China. However, the composition of Han yu is a little complicated, because it includes various dialects, for instance, Cantonese, Sichuanese, shanghainese. So, finally, Chinese government decided to take “普通话” as our standard Chinese. It means that If you master “普通话”, on the great degree, you can travel everywhere in China, even in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia for a large number of overseas Chinese living there.


藏语 彝语 壮语 苗语 汉语(Mandarin) 维吾尔语 蒙古语 朝鲜语

粤语 北京话 普通话(standard Chinese) 上海话 客家话 闽南语

(二) 引入汉语拼音

1. 好的,那么现在就让我们一起来学习汉语吧.我是你们的老师---罗毅(Luo Yi),大家可以叫我罗老师.你们是学生,我的学生.(板书----罗毅\\老师\\学生及其汉语拼音).

2. 指着汉语拼音提问:这是什么?(what’s this?)再指着汉字提问:”这又是什么?”接着解释:汉语由两部分组成,上面的部分叫拼音,使汉语的发音,下面的部分叫汉字,是汉语的符号文字.( Chinese consists of two parts, the top part is the pronunciation, named “pinyin”,and the another part is the character of Chinese, which is called “Hanzi”.)

lu? yì lǎo shī xu? shenɡ (拼音,pronunciation) 罗 毅 老 师 学 生 (汉字,character)

3. 学习汉语拼音的基本构成

要学好汉语,首先就要学好拼音.汉语拼音是由声母,韵母和声调组成的.在汉语拼音中一共有23个声母,24个韵母和4个声调.当声母和韵母结合在一起的时候,就构成一个音节.再加上声调,就形成了汉语的发音.(Chinese pinyin contains three parts: initials, finals and tone. Totally there are 23 initials, 24 finals as well as 4 tones in Chinese. The combination of initials and finals forms the syllables of Chinese, and when the syllables are equipped with tone, they give the birth of pinyin.)


Lu?= L+u+?lǎo= L+ǎoxu?=x+u?

4. 学习6个单韵母和4个声母

a o e i u ǜ+ b p m f

(1)依次出示韵母卡片 a---o---e, u---i---ǜ,重点讲解音节e,i和ǜ的发

音方法.(e---The top of your tongue is approximately located in your lower jaw. i--- pronounce“u” firstly, and then make your mouth flat slowly with your tongue top against the back of your lower teeth.ǜ----pronounce “u” firstly, and then stretch out your mouth like a fish’s mouth with strength.)







(5)出示声母卡片 b-p-m-f.重点讲解发音规则,b和P可以用纸片法进行

操练和区分.m主要是the friction between your two lips. f主要是the friction between your upper teeth and your lower lip.) (6)操练四个声母,先带读模仿,接着抽读.然后进行辨音练习. (7)音节+声调教学.b+a=ba---四个声调----bà bɑ

爸 爸 (father)

b+o=bo—四个声调---b?bo 伯 伯 (uncle)

b+i=bi---四个声调----bǐ bú 笔 (pen)不

m+a=ma---声调---mā mɑ 妈 妈 (mother),mǎ 马 (horse) m+o=mo---声调---mōm? 摸 (touch)墨 (ink) M+i=mi---声调---mǐ 米 (rice)

P+a=pa---声调---pápà 爬(climb)怕 (scared)




(三) 对话教学

nǐ hǎo

A:你 好 ---hello 文化点1:讲解\打招呼\的演变. B:nǐ hǎo 文化点2:讲解中国人名字的规则.

你 好 中国人的名字一般是姓在前,名在

A:wǒ jiào lu? yì.nǐ ne ? 后.姓可以是一个字,也可以是两

我 叫 罗 毅.你 呢?个字.如:李,张,赵,罗,欧阳,皇甫.

B:wǒ jiào dà wai 名和情况和姓相同.(surname+given 我 叫大 卫.Name).男孩子的名字大多和力量/

A:hěn ɡāo xìnɡ ran shí nǐ 国家/军队有关,象征着阳性.女孩子 很 高 兴 认 识 你. 的名字大多和花\\草\\鸟等自然

(Nice to meet you.) 事物有关,象征美丽,勤劳和善良.P3 B: hěn ɡāo xìnɡ ran shí nǐ

很 高 兴 认 识 你.(Nice to meet you.)


再 见.


再 见.

(四) 对话操练(利用N+1的原则扩充词汇-----早上好,晚上好,下午好)

1. 看着对话进行操练,老师带读.

2. 老师依次跟每个同学进行对话,引入\早上好,下午好和晚上好”. 3. 除去对话中的某些词句,继续引导学生进行操练.

4. 两人一组进行练习,然后请同学上台进行表演,选出最好的同学给他一个礼物.

(五) 朗读课文P2-3,第3页的部分由学生自己先试读,老师再教读. (六) 家庭作业:

1. 复习第一课,熟读批P2-P3的课文. 2. 完成P3第二小题的对话. 3. 完成拼音和汉字的练习.