翻译理论与实践 Chapter 5 Texture of the Sentence Structure 联系客服

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Chapter 5 Texture of the Sentence Structure

1. Word Order (P183-188) ? Chinese pays more attention to the languuage feel as a whole and sometimes

the sound effect is also important while English tends to give emphasis to the focus of view.

Eg. Mr Zhang,

Protocol Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部礼宾司张先生

东西南北 north, south, east and west

every student of the class 班上每一个学生 Room 911 911房间 East China 华东 Word Order:Inversion

1)It’s good you’re so considerate. 你想得这样周到是很好的。(主语从句换序) 2)Formerly a worker himself, he is now an engineer. 他过去是工人,现在当了工程师了。(同位语换序)

3)From the moment they set foot on the territory of their motherland, they were warmly received by their compatriots.

从他们走上祖国土地的时刻起,他们就受到同胞们热情接待。(定语从句换序) 4)He witnessed ①the sixth ②post-war ③economic crisis ④of serious consequence ⑤that prevailed in various fields ⑥in the USA.

他亲眼目睹了⑥美国②战后①第六次④后果严重的⑤波及各领域的③经济危机。 5)①For this reason, our company explained ②solemnly ③to your company ④many times ⑤in February ⑥last year.

我公司①为此⑥于去年⑤二月②郑重地④多次③向贵公司解释。 6)It’s certain that man will eventually solve the riddle of UFO. 人类最后必将解开不明飞行物之谜。// 这一点是可以肯定的。(拆开名词从句) 7)He is not happy, though he is rich. 他虽富有,但不幸福。

8)Never have we seen so bright a future before us! 我们从来都没看见过这样光明的前途。


Shop assistants should be polite to customers, not make customers angry and leave. 10)小羊上山吃草。

The lamb went up the mountain and ate grass. 山羊吃上小草。

The goat has got young grass to eat./ The goat can now eat young grass.


Going up the hill, the goat ate grass.

2. Disjunctive Modifier (P188-190) Disjunctive Modifier: separate phrases or even independent clauses are preferred in the Chinese transaltion to bring out their exact meaning and be of a more natural word order. Eg.

1) She was pardonably proud of her wonderful cooking. 她对自己能做一手好菜感到自豪,这是可以理解的。

2) The accident was still horrifyingly present in the back of her mind.


3) Sometime, somewhere, some one is always bound to go mad. Where this happens, easily available guns can catastrophically worsen the result.


4) When we feel faceless and unidentified, it is temptingly easy to do things we otherwise wouldn’t.


Sometimes attributives can also be “Disjunctive”, eg. 1) Sometimes they view each other with regrettable suspicion. 有时他们互相怀疑,可事后又有点后悔这样。

2) The negotiations were marked all the way by haggling over face-saving details. 整个谈判过程一直在为具体细节争论不休,其实只是为了要保住面子。

3. Behind the Parallel Structure: the Conjunction And (P190-202) And in English is often used to connects words, phrases, clauses, or

sentences that are to be taken jointly.

In grammatical structure the parts joined by and are parallel.

However, in some cases the meaning of the items joined by and may not be parallel.


Customer: Can you give me a room and a bath?

Hotel clerk: I can give you a room, but you have to take your own bath. (“bath” is secondary in meaning and refers to 卫生间as part of the room) Another example:

Our company supplies this new machine and all its parts. 本公司供应这种新机器及其所有部件。

1) Sometimes the word after and modifies the word before it a necklace and gold

金项链(not 项链和金子) All the maids looked at her with eye and envy. 羡慕的眼神/光

2) Sometimes and emphasizes different qualities of some thing rather than its


You can find doctors and doctors. 大夫跟大夫可不一样。(implying “you can find a much better doctor than the one you are seeing” or “this is really a good doctor much better than the ones you have seen”, etc.)

3) Sometimes and means “very”. He was good and angry. 他非常生气。

4) And in spoken English means to replace the sign of infinitive to.

Come and help me to lift these boxes. 来帮我抬一下这些箱子。

5) Sometimes and (the tone of this pattern) shows the speaker thinks such things should not have been done or not in such a way, so blame is implied. And who has gone and told him about it? 谁那么缺德,竟然告诉了他?

You’ve gone and woken him. He’s so tired out. 你怎么搞的,竟然把他吵醒了。他可是累坏了。

6) And is used to express emphasis, that is, to introduce additional meaning. Farther out, some of the houses were strictly for shelter and barely that. 再往前,(严格地说,)有的房子只能遮遮风雨罢了,甚至连遮风避雨都不顶用。 However, we still have shortcomings, and very big ones too. 但是我们还有缺点,而且是很大的缺点。 7) And in negative sentence implies a concession. Eg. I cannot go to Beijing and not see the Great Wall.

我若是到北京去,那就得去看长城。/我不能去了北京而不去看长城。 I couldn’t see you, and not love you. 见到你,我不可能不一见钟情。 8) And is often used to form metaphors.

Eg. Secrets and edged tools must be kept from children.

犹如利器要放在孩子碰不到的地方,秘密也不要让孩子知道。 On painting and fighting, look aloof.


The usages and translation of or as another common conjunction in English

1) She doesn’t need your money or sympathy. 她既不需要你的钱,也不需要你的同情。(join a series of negation)

2) A certain amount of care or pain or trouble is necessary for every man at all times. 对任何人而言,无论什么时候,一定的忧愁、痛苦或烦恼是必要的。(selection) 3) Put up or shut up.

忍住,要不就闭上嘴。(meaning “otherwise”) 4) Rain or shine, we are alive.


5) You know you have to work much harder, or you’ll be the last to catch up with the others.

你知道你必须大大加把劲,不然你就会落在最后跟不上。(result) 6) We think in terms of images that coincide or collide or stick together.


7) He must have been ill, or he wouldn’t have missed the meeting. 他一定是生病了,否则他不可能不出席会议。(inference)

4. The Conjunction When (P202-203) When

1) as an adverb (of time in most cases)

2) as a conjunction to bring out an adverbial clause of time

3) is often used to introduce other adverbial clauses, like concession, condition, etc.

The meaning or the focus of the sentence will be different when when appears in different positions. Eg.

1) 表示突然发生某事或紧接着发生某事,常可译为“…还没/刚刚…就…”,“…正在…忽然…”或“正要…这时…”,主要用于“had done…when…,be doing…when…和be about to do…when…”这三个句式. Eg.

I had hardly opened the door when the man hit me. 我刚打开门,那个人就打了我一拳。

I was reading a book attentively when an old friend came to see me. 我正在全神贯注地读一本书,忽然一位老友来访。

I was about to swim in the river when the guide told me there was man-eating fish in it.



Why are you here when you should be at school? 你本应在上学,怎么会在这儿?

Why did you take a taxi when you could walk here within five minutes? 你本来五分钟就可以走到这儿,为什么还打的? 3)表示让步,常可译为“既然”或“在…情况下”

How can they learn anything when they spend all their time watching TV? 既然他们把所有的时间都花在了看电视上,又怎么会学到东西呢?

5. Repetition Word and Word Repetition (P203-207) Translation of Repetitive Structures ? 1) Omission


This is a lucky place; if it isn’t, why do more and more people come to live here? ? 我们能够去掉不良作风,保持优良作风。

We can get rid of a bad style and keep the good. ? 老师是桃花沟的李白、齐白石、钱钟书;老师是桃花沟的杨振宁、钱学森、


(1) In the eyes of the villagers, he (the teacher) was no less than Li bai, Qi