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发布时间 : 星期二 文章中考英语短文改错专项练习题(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读8ed09eb9ee3a87c24028915f804d2b160a4e864b



At present, China is Spain's largest trading partner outside the EU, while Spain remains the six biggest trading partner in China within the EU. The bilateral trade volume(双边贸易额) have grown to over $30.9 billion in 2017 from $12 million in 1973 when two countries just established diplomatic ties. In recent year, Spain has witnessed a rising number of Chinese tourists or students, and the interests of the two people in each other’s cultures are too soaring.

Earlier this year, Spanish has been officially include in China’s high school curriculum by the Chinese Ministry of Education and will be taught in this fall.


As the larger developing country, China will always be a active force for safeguarding(维护) world food security. Although China faces quite a few difficulties ahead in its agricultural development, we will continue work tirelessly to deliver on we promise through actions. We will ensure(保证) food enough supply main on our own. We are ready to work for countries

around the world to create a world of sustainable(可持续) develop that is free from hunger and poverty(贫困).


It is reported by People's Daily Online that help the pandas deal with a recent bout of scorching (炎热的)weather, feeders at the zoo have provided them for watermelons, ice and chrysanthemum(菊花)tea, a beverage(饮料)used to clear heat and inflammation(清热消炎)in traditional China medicine.

The panda house is also air-conditioned, keep the average(平均的)temperature at a pleasant 23°C. According to the feeders, 6 air-conditioners have were installed(安装)

and are kept for 24 hours per day.

Besides, the zoo has built a pond around the panda house that the twins can enjoy a refreshing dip(清凉澡) in the water. The zoo added that if they are playing outside the panda house, ice and fruits will offer to them.

Apart from the pandas, other animal at the zoo are also well protected from the summer heat with zookeepers.


A . At present, China is Spain's largest trading partner outside the EU, while Spain

remains the six biggest trading partner in China within the EU. The bilateral trade sixth of

volume(双边贸易额) have grown to over $30.9 billion in 2017 from $12 million in has

1973 when two countries just established diplomatic ties. ∧


In recent year, Spain has witnessed a rising number of Chinese tourists or students, years and and the interests of the two people in each other’s cultures are too soaring. peoples(该处做非集合名词,应该用复数) also

Earlier this year, Spanish has been officially include in China’s high school included

curriculum by the Chinese Ministry of Education and will be taught in this fall. from

B. As the larger developing country, China will always be a active force for

Largest an safeguarding(维护) world food security. Although China faces quite a few little difficulties ahead in its agricultural development, we will continue work it`s ∧

to tirelessly to deliver on we promise through actions. We will ensure(保证) our food enough supply main on our own. We are ready to work for countries enough food mainly with around the world to create a world of sustainable(可持续) develop that is free from development hunger and poverty(贫困).

C. It is reported by People's Daily Online that help the pandas deal with a recent

∧ to

bout of scorching (炎热的)weather, feeders at the zoo have provided them for with

watermelons, ice and chrysanthemum(菊花)tea, a beverage(饮料)used to clear

heat and inflammation(清热消炎)in traditional China medicine.


The panda house is also air-conditioned, keep the average(平均的)temperature at a


pleasant 23°C. According to the feeders, 6 air-conditioners have were installed(安装)


and are kept for 24 hours per day. on

Besides, the zoo has built a pond around the panda house that the twins can

so that

enjoy a refreshing dip(清凉澡) in the water. The zoo added that if they are playing

outside the panda house, ice and fruits will offer to them.

be offered

Apart from the pandas, other animal at the zoo are also well protected from the


summer heat with zookeepers.
