03-01 邀请参加婚礼 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章03-01 邀请参加婚礼更新完毕开始阅读8d0bed61783e0912a2162a22

03-01 邀請參加婚禮

● E-mail 範例1 ●

Dear Michelle,

I can't wait to tell you the great news that I am going to marry Jane, my girlfriend of three years, at St. Peter's Church at 10 o'clock on Saturday.

Both Jane and I want to have your blessing on our wedding day. We both believe that the wedding would not be perfect without your presence. Many of our good friends will also attend the wedding on Saturday. I think you will be very happy to meet them there. Moreover, there will be a reception for you too.

Yours affectionately, Peter




你摯愛的, 彼得

● E-mail 範例2 ●

Dear Juliet,

On Sunday, June 27th, at two o'clock p.m. Susan and I are taking an important step. We are getting married at St. John's.

We have sent you an invitation. I hardly need to tell you that we would not consider it a real wedding if you were not present. There will be an informal reception in the church parlor after the wedding and we would like you there too.

Affectionately, Tom


6 月 27 日,星期日下午兩點,我和蘇珊將邁入人生重要的一步。我們將在聖˙約翰教堂舉行婚禮。


愛你的 湯姆

● 如果這樣寫也可以! ●

1. 我們本週六要在那迷人的教堂舉行婚禮了。

We are getting married at the charming church on Saturday.

2. 誠摯地邀請您參加我們週日的婚禮。

You are cordially invited to our wedding on Sunday.

3. 我想邀請您參加我們的婚禮。

I would like to invite you to take part in our wedding.

4. 你一定要出席我的婚禮喔。

You are definitely present on my wedding day.

5. 我和瑪麗將於本月結婚。

I am going to get married to Mary this month.

6. 婚禮後將在客廳舉行派對。

There will be a party in the parlor after the wedding.

7. 我和亨利將踏出重要的一步。

Henry and I are going to take the important step.