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energy, force, power, strength, vigor, might这组词都有“力”的意思。

energy 有“力,力量,精力”之意,原是物理学用语,其含义是“能”的意思,用于人时,指人的能力、精力。

force 有“力,力量”和“势力,武力”之意,指运用或发挥出来的力量,着重“力”产生的效果,即使人或物克服阻力,按要求的方向运动,达到一定目的。

power 有“力量,能力,权力”之意,含义广泛,可指内存的或外来的、具体的或抽象的力,可引申为“势力,政权”。

strength 有“力量,体力”之意,指人或物内部存在的力量,除指人身体的力气外,还可指感情、意志、记忆、判断等能力,指物时可指法律、风俗、文笔以及舆论等的力量。该词一般做不可数名词。

vigor 有“活力,力量”之意,侧重生命的活力或生命本身内在的力量,可指“精力,干劲”等,是不可数名词。

might 有“力量,威力”之意,指强有力的、强大的、超人的力量,是不可数名词。 The work took me a lot of energy.这工作花费了我很多精力。

The old man pulled the wagon with all his force.老人用尽全力拉货车。 The man has strong desire for power.这人渴望拥有权力。 These two boys are equal in strength.这两个男孩力气相等。

It is patriotism that gives the vigor of her writings.是爱国主义精神使她的作品充满生命力。 She worked with all her might.她竭尽全力地工作。

arouse, rouse 这组词均含有“唤醒,引起”的意思,两者往往可以通用。 rouse 一般作及物动词,有时也可用作不及物动词。 arouse 只作及物动词:

The fire roused the people from their sleep.大火把人们从睡梦中惊醒。

We must arouse them to fight for their own emancipation.我们必须唤醒他们起来为自己的解放而斗争。


1. He told me only part of the story ____. A. so that was it B. so that was this  C. and that was so D. and that was that 2. ____ increases every year as natural habitats disappear.

A. The amount of endangered species  B. The quantity of endangering species C. The number of endangered species D. The majority of endangering species 3. Prices reach an equilibrium at the level at which quantity demanded ____ quantity supplied. A. is equal to B. equal C. equals to D. is equal 4. The tenant must be prepared to decorate the property ____the terms of the agreement. A. with regard to B. in relation to  C. in accordance with D. provided by 5. Mr. Johnson is ____ to our party. A. more than pleased to come  B. pleased more than to come C. more pleased than to come  D. more pleasing than to come 6. She intends to move that the committee ____ discussion on this issue. A. suspends B. suspend C. will suspend D. suspended

7. It has been suggested that people who watch television incessantly ____ overly passive.

A. become B. may become  C. should become D. became 8. He will remain here if ____. A. needed B. need to be C. need be D. need is 9. The publishers will send you a specimen copy of their new books ______. A. when it will be requested B. when they are requested it C. when it is requested D. when requested

10. The most useful way of looking at a map is not as a piece of paper, but as a record of ____ . A. organized geographical information  B. geographical organized information C. geographically organized information  D. organizing information geographically

11. As Mr. Best was passing the bookstore, he thought he’d just ____ to see whether any interesting books were on sale.

A. look through B. look in C. look up D. look for

12. Margie’s bedroom was in a ____, with books and papers covering every possible surface. A. litter B. disorder C. rubbish D. mess

13. Burton said he could not swim until the ____ came in because the sea was too far out. A. current B. tide C. flood D. wave 14. They decided to ____ their original plans for the house and make it smaller. A. scale down B. look down upon C. break down D. keep down

15. It is not uncommon to ____ large numbers of automobiles in the streets of cities like London, Paris and New York.

A. entail B. enclose C. encounter D. endure

16. The oxygen equipment made it possible for the climbers to rest and sleep at very high ____. A.latitude B. altitude C. level D. hemisphere 17. ____ scientists say the earth will heat up like a pot of flowers in a greenhouse. A. In the first place B. At any rate C. As a matter of fact D. As a result 18. Prizes are open to all, ____ nationality, race, or ideology. A. for the sake of B. regardless of  C. at the cost of D. because of 19. The church is ____ on the hillside, about a mile from the town. A. situated B. lied C. stationed D. placed

20. Because some teachers believe that memorization and learning are _____, they may tell you that you shouldn’t memorize material; rather, you should understand it. A. relevant B. compatible C. incompatible D. incomplete

21. In technology, progress is the standard. In social ____, continuity is the standard, and when change occurs, it is seen as decline rather than advance. A. institutions B. commitments C. limitations D. regulations 22. The job candidates’ main ____ was that he’d never held a job for more than eight months. A. illusion B. indignation C. endurance D. liability 23. A(n) ____ job is one that is long and boring. A. dull B. tedious C. uninteresting D. monotonous 24. The situation there ____that I should be careful and patient. A. demands B. requires C. hopes D. wishes 25. World War I marked the beginning of this general ____of capitalism.

A. crisis B. emergency C. symbol D. tendency

试题答案与解析 

1. D) 他没把事情全告诉我,就是这样。【难点】 That’s it意为“对了”,等于That’s right,或“就这样,完了”,等于That’s all.That’s that是一句加强语气的用语,表示决心、结束争论、讲完故事等时使用的用语,意为“就是这样;就是那么回事;再没什么可说的”。根据题意,选项D)正确。

2. C) 随着自然界动物居所的消失,濒危物种的数量每年也在增加。【难点】 endangered species意为“濒危物种”,endangered表示被动,不能换成endangering,因为ing形式表示主动。the amount of 修饰不可数名词,所以选项A)不对;the quantity of和the majority of虽可修饰可数名词,但其中的endangering不合语法,所以选C)。

3. A) 物价应在供求量相等的水平上达到平衡。【难点】 be equal to意为“与…相等”,等于及物动词equal。在at which引导的定语从句中,主语为第三人称单数,而B)项equal又没有词尾s,C)和D)两项的形式又不正确,所以A)项正确,因其既合语法也合句意。 4. C) 房客必须根据协议条款作好装修房产的准备。【难点】 with regard to意为“有关,关于”;in relation to意为“与…相关”;in accordance with意为“根据,按照”;provided by不是习语搭配。根据题意,应选C)。

5. A) 约翰逊先生非常高兴来参加我们的晚会。【难点】 “more than+形容词”是一个常见的加强语气的结构,意为“非常…,岂只”,如:more than enough够得用不了。be pleased to do是本句要考的另一个结构,意为“高兴做某事”。综合两个结构,正确的语序应该是A)。

6. B) 她想提议委员会暂时终止对这个问题的讨论。【难点】 本句中,move后面加that从句时,从句中要求使用虚拟语气形式,即(should)+动词原形。所以选项中只有B)对。 7. B) 有迹象显示,经常看电视的人可能会变得过分消极。【难点】 本句中的suggest不作“建议”讲,而是“显示,暗示,表明”之意,所以that从句中不接虚拟语气。It在本句中作形式主语,真实主语是that从句。

8. C) 如果必要,他将留在这里。【难点】 if need be是一个习语搭配,意为“必要的话”。 9. D) 如果你要求,出版商会把他们的新书给你寄个样本来。【难点】 when requested是when it is requested by you的省略形式。when, while等词引导时间状语从句时,这种省略经常发生。 10. C) 看地图的最有效方式是不把它看作是一张纸,而看作是组织起来的地理信息的记录。【难点】 本句考查的是词序。organized是过去分词,作定语修饰information,副词geographically修饰动词变来的过去分词organized,所以C)项正确。

11. B) 贝斯特先生路过书店的时候,想朝里面看看有没有他感兴趣的书。【难点】 look in意为“朝里面看”;look through意为“浏览”;look up意为“查阅(字典等)”;look for意为“寻找”。 12. D) 麦奇的卧室乱七八糟,书和纸弄得到处都是。【难点】 mess意为“零乱状态”;litter意为“废纸屑,垃圾,破烂”;disorder意为“杂乱,混乱,无秩序”;rubbish意为“垃圾,废物”。 13. B) 伯顿说他要等涨潮后才下去游,因为现在海水离得太远。【难点】 tide意为“潮水,潮汐”;current意为“水流,气流”;flood意为“洪水,水灾”;wave意为“波浪”。 14. A) 他们决定按比例缩减原来对房子的计划,把房子变小。【难点】 scale down意为“按比例缩减,相应缩减”;look down upon意为“看不起,轻视”;break down意为“捣毁,拆除”;keep down意为“压缩,限制”。

15. C) 在诸如伦敦,巴黎和纽约这样的城市里的街上遇到大量汽车是司空见惯的事。【难点】 encounter意为“遭遇,遇到”;entail意为“使成为必要,需要”;enclose意为“把…装入信封;附上”;endure意为“持续,持久”。

16. B) 氧气设备使得登山者在海拔很高的高度得以休息和睡觉。【难点】 altitude意为“高度;海拔”;


17. D) 所以,科学家说地球会像温室里的一个花盆一样变暖。【难点】 as a result意为“作为结果,因此”;in the first place意为“首先,第一”;at any rate意为“无论如何,无论怎么说”;as a matter of fact意为“实际上”。

18. B) 人人有权得到奖金,无论国籍,种族或价值观念是什么。【难点】 regardless意为“无论,不顾”;for the sake of意为“为了,为…利益”;at the cost of意为“以…为代价”;because of意为“因为,由于”。 19. A) 教堂座落在山坡上,离城里大约一英里。【难点】 be situated in(on)意为“座落在…;位于…”;lie变成lied时,不是“座落,位于”的意思,而是“撒谎”;station意为“驻扎”;place意为“放置,安置”。 20. C) 因为一些教师认为记忆和学习是不能相辅相成的,所以他们可能会告诉你,你不该对材料进行记忆;换句话说,你应该理解材料。【难点】 incompatible意为“不协调的,不能和谐相处的”;relevant意为“切题的,相关的”;compatible意为“协调的,合得来的”;incomplete意为“不完全的,不完整的”。 21. A) 在技术领域,进步就是标准;在社会领域,连续性是标准。发生变革的时候,变革被看作是衰退而不是进步。【难点】 institution意为“制度,习俗”;commitment意为“承诺,约定”;limitation意为“限制,局限”;regulation意为“规则,规章”。

22. D) 这位求职者的主要不利条件是他以前干的工作没有超过八个月的。【难点】liability意为“不利条件”;illusion意为“幻觉,错觉;indignation意为“愤怒,愤慨”;endurance意为“耐力,持久力”。 23. B) 单调乏味的工作的特点是冗长和无聊。【难点】 tedious意为“冗长的;单调乏味的”,侧重因又长又慢又罗嗦而令人生厌。dull意为“没意思的,乏味的,无聊的”,强调缺乏使人感到有趣的特点。uninteresting意为“引不起兴趣的”;monotonous意为“单调的,令人厌倦的”,表示由于缺乏变化,总是保持一个样子而令人厌倦。

24. B) 那里的形势要求我必须小心和耐心。【难点】 require意为“要求”,后接that从句时应用虚拟语气,该词指由于客观规律或法律制度的规定,必须或有权力来要求或命令。demand也是“要求”,后面也接虚拟语气,但语气强烈,表示严肃、郑重地要求,同时也有“发出命令”或“迫切要求”的意思。hope意为“希望”,一种可以实现的希望。wish意为“但愿”,表示一种不可能实现的愿望。 25. A) 第一次世界大战标志着资本主义危机的全面开始。【难点】 crisis意为“危机”;emergency意为“紧急情况,急诊”;symbol意为“象征,标志”;tendency意为“趋势,趋向”。

Test Thirty 近义词辨析

choose, select, pick out 这组词皆有“选择”之意。

choose 在这三个词中是最常用的,可以表示进行一般的“选择”,有时也可以表示“决择”,它较侧重意志和判断。select和pickout 而select和pick out通常指在三者或三者以上中作出选择。select比 pick out 更为正式,select通常指经过慎重考虑而作出的选择 select和choose 有时可以通用,主要不同在于:choose往往指以个人的好恶或对个人是否合适为标准来“选择”,而select则更加强调被“选择”的事物在客观上的优劣。choose有“选定之后就要坚持从事”的意思,而select则没有此意,例如在选择一生的职业、事业及爱人等时,只能用choose而不能用select。choose一般指在两者之间作出选择,有时也可指在三者之间作出选择。 The samples are for you to choose from.这些样品供你挑选。

Most of the delegates to the conference are selected from model workers .出席大会的大多数人是从工人模范中挑选出来的。

The couples decide to choose gardening as their profession.这对夫妇决定选择园艺作为他们的职业。 Mary spent three hours picking out a red skirt at the store.玛丽花了三个小时在店里挑了一条红裙子。