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Chapter 2/Measuring a Nation’s Income ? 9

55. Which of the following is counted in GDP? a. the estimated value of housework b. the value of illegally produced goods and services c. the value of newly issued stocks and bonds d. None of the above are correct. ANSWER: d. None of the above are correct. TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 10.2

56. U.S. GNP is calculated from U.S. GDP by a. including income earned by foreigners in the United States and excluding income earned by U.S. citizens abroad. b. including income earned by U.S. citizens abroad and excluding income earned by foreigners in the U.S. c. including income earned by foreigners in the United States. d. excluding income earned by U.S. citizens abroad. ANSWER: b. including income earned by U.S. citizens abroad and excluding income earned by foreigners in the U.S. TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 10.2

57. How is NNP calculated? a. by subtracting saving from the total income of citizens of a nation b. by subtracting business expenses and taxes from the total profits earned by citizens of a nation c. by subtracting depreciation from the total income of citizens of a nation d. by subtracting depreciation from the total profits earned by citizens of a nation ANSWER: c. by subtracting depreciation from the total income of citizens of a nation TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 10.2

58. In the national income accounts, depreciation is called a. \ b. \ c. \ d. \ ANSWER: a. \TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 10.2 59.

National income is defined as

a. all income produced within a country.

b. the total income earned by a nation’s residents from the production of goods and services within the borders of

the country.

c. the total income earned by a nation’s residents in the production of goods and services. d. the income received by the national government. ANSWER: c. the total income earned by a nation’s residents in the production of goods and services. TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 10.2

60. National income differs from net national product in that it includes business subsidies and excludes a. profits of corporations. b. indirect business taxes. c. retained earnings of corporations. d. depreciation. ANSWER: b. indirect business taxes. TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 10.2

61. The income that households and noncorporate businesses receive is called a. personal income. b. proprietors’ income. c. disposable personal income. d. national income. ANSWER: a. personal income.



10 ? Chapter 2/Measuring a Nation’s Income


Unlike national income, personal income

a. includes retained earnings, corporate income taxes and social insurance contributions, and excludes interest and

transfer payments received by households from government.

b. excludes retained earnings, corporate income taxes, social insurance contributions, and interest and transfer

payments received by households from government.

c. excludes retained earnings, corporate income taxes and social insurance contributions, and includes interest and

transfer payments received by households from government.

d. includes retained earnings, corporate income taxes, social insurance contributions, and interest and transfer

payments received by households from government.

ANSWER: c. excludes retained earnings, corporate income taxes and social insurance contributions, and includes

interest and transfer payments received by households from government.


63. Disposable personal income is the income that a. households have left after paying taxes and non-tax payments to the government. b. businesses have left after paying taxes and non-tax payments to the government. c. households and noncorporate businesses have left after paying taxes and non-tax payments to the government. d. households and businesses have left after paying taxes and non-tax payments to the government. ANSWER: c. households and noncorporate businesses have left after paying taxes and non-tax payments to the



64. Retained earnings are the part of income that a. households retain after paying taxes. b. businesses retain after paying taxes. c. corporations pay to their owners in the form of dividends. d. corporations do not pay to their owners in the form of dividends. ANSWER: d. corporations do not pay to their owners in the form of dividends. TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 10.2

Use the following table to answer the next five questions.

GDP Income Earned by Citizens Abroad Income Foreigners Earn here Depreciation Indirect Business Taxes Business Subsidies Statistical Discrepancy Retained Earnings Corporate Income Taxes Social Insurance Contributions Interest Paid to Households by Government Transfer Payments to Households from Government Personal Taxes Non-tax payments to Government

65. GNP for this economy is a. $96. b. $100. c. $105. d. $110. ANSWER: b. $100.


$110 $5 $15 $4 $6 $2 $0 $5 $6 $10 $5 $15 $30 $5 10

Chapter 2/Measuring a Nation’s Income ? 11

66. NNP for this economy is a. $100. b. $96. c. $90. d. $88. ANSWER: b. $96.

TYPE: TF DIFFICULTY: 3 SECTION: 22.2 67. National income for this economy is a. $96. b. $92. c. $90. d. $88. ANSWER: b. $92.

TYPE: TF DIFFICULTY: 3 SECTION: 22.2 68. Personal Income for this economy is a. $91. b. $81 c. $80. d. $51. ANSWER: a. $91.


69. Disposable personal income for this economy is a. $56. b. $46. c. $45. d. $11. ANSWER: a. $56.


The government reports that “GDP increased by 1.6 percent in the last quarter.\increased a. by 6.4 percent for the year. b. at an annual rate of 6.4 percent during the last quarter. c. at an annual rate of 1.6 percent during the last quarter. d. at an annual rate of .4 percent during the last quarter. ANSWER: c. at an annual rate of 1.6 percent during the last quarter. TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 10.2 71.

If the government reports that “GDP increased at an annual rate of 6.0 percent for the fourth quarter of 2002” then GDP increased by a. 6.0 percent during 2002. b. 24.0 percent during 2002. c. 6.0 percent during the fourth quarter. d. 1.5 percent during the fourth quarter. ANSWER: d. 1.5 percent during the fourth quarter. TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 10.2 72.

Recent values of GDP suggest that in the fourth quarter U.S. GDP is about $10 trillion dollars.

a. This number reflects the actual amount of final goods and services produced in the fourth quarter.

b. To find the amount actually produced in that quarter we would have to divide by four because GDP is reported

at annual rates.

c. The amount actually produced in the fourth quarter is somewhat higher because GDP is seasonally adjusted and

nonseasonally adjusted GDP for the fourth quarter is typical higher.

d. To find the amount actually produced in that quarter would require both dividing it by about four and then

adding back in what had been removed for seasonal adjustment.

ANSWER: d. To find the amount actually produced in that quarter would require both dividing it by about four and

then adding back in what had been removed for seasonal adjustment.



12 ? Chapter 2/Measuring a Nation’s Income

73. In the United States real GDP is reported each quarter. a. These numbers are adjusted to make them measure at annual and seasonally adjusted rates. b. These numbers are adjusted to make them annual rates, but no adjustment for seasonal variations are made. c. These numbers are quarterly rates that have been seasonally adjusted. d. These numbers are at quarterly rates and have not been seasonally adjusted. ANSWER: a. These numbers are adjusted to make them measure at annual and seasonally adjusted rates. TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 10.2 74.

In the nation of Ophelia, quarterly GDP is always higher in the second quarter than in other quarters. In order to account for this predictable jump in GDP, Ophelia’s government statisticians will a. make sure to account for inventory changes during the second quarter. b. report real GDP, not nominal GDP. c. focus on GNP rather than GDP during the second quarter. d. make a seasonal adjustment for the second quarter data. ANSWER: d. make a seasonal adjustment for the second quarter data. TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 10.2

75. In computing GDP, investment is spending on a. stocks, bonds, and other financial assets. b. real estate and financial assets. c. new capital equipment, inventories, and structures, including new housing. d. capital equipment, inventories, and structures, excluding household purchases of new housing. ANSWER: c. new capital equipment, inventories, and structures, including new housing. TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 10.3

76. Government purchases include spending on goods and services by a. the federal government only. b. state and federal governments only. c. local, state and federal governments. d. local and state governments, but not the federal government. ANSWER: c. local, state and federal governments. TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 10.3 77.

If you buy a burger and fries at your favorite fast food restaurant

a. neither GDP nor consumption spending will be affected because you would have eaten at home if you hadn't

eaten at the restaurant.

b. GDP will be higher, but consumption spending will be unchanged. c. GDP will be unchanged, but consumption spending will be higher. d. both GDP and consumption spending will be higher. ANSWER: d. both GDP and consumption spending will be higher. TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 10.3 78.

Consider two things that might be included in GDP: A. The estimated rental value of owner-occupied housing, and B. Purchases of newly constructed homes. a. Both A and B are included as consumption. b. A is included as consumption, while B is included as investment. c. B is included as consumption, while A is included as investment. d. Only B is included in GDP and it is included as investment. ANSWER: b. A is included as consumption, while B is included as investment. TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 10.3

79. When a firm produces consumer goods and adds some to inventory rather than selling it. It is a. not counted in the current quarter GDP. b. counted in the current quarter GDP as investment. c. counted in the current quarter GDP as consumption. d. counted in the current quarter GDP as a statistical discrepancy. ANSWER: b. counted in the current quarter GDP as investment. TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 10.3