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新SAT Essay写作到底考什么

新SAT Essay一直是招生官门非常看重的一块,也是比较难以捉摸的一块,那么到底是考学生们的什么,下面我们来详细分析。


要对原文展开合情合理修辞分析,掌握 critical reading(批判性地阅读能力)是关键,也就是要break the whole text down into several parts.

简单来说就是要遵循3W 原则:

What the author does?(作者说/写了什么?)


Why he/she does it?(这样写的用意是什么?)


What effect this is likely to have on readers?(效果如何)


具体来说,critical reading就是要在阅读过程中不断反复地问自己以下七个问题:

1. What is the subject? Does the subject bring up any personal associations? Is it a controversial one?


2. What is the thesis (the overall main point)? How does the thesis interpret the subject? If asked, could you summarize the main idea? 作者论点、立场是什么?

3. Who is the intended audience? What values and/or beliefs do they hold that the writer could appeal to?


4. What is the writer's purpose? To explain? Inform? Anger? Persuade? Sadden? Attack? Defend? Is there more than one purpose? Does the purpose shift at all throughout the text? 作者的写作意图是解释传递信息、抒发悲愤之情、说明道理、反驳他人、还是据理力争、坚守立场?

5. What methods does the writer use to develop his/her ideas? Narration? Description? Definition? Comparison? Analogy? Cause and Effect? Why does the writer use these methods? Do these methods help in his/her development of ideas?


6. What evidence does the author use to support his/her claim? Facts? Figures? Examples? How does the evidence contribute to the writer's aim?


7. Are there any tropes--similes, metaphors, personification, hyperbole, comparisons, contrasts, etc. that are employed by the writer? When does he/she use them? For what reason(s)? Are those devices used to convey or enhance meaning?



Summary只是对原文信息观点的condensed paraphrase,即在不改变原文意思的情况下,换一种更加简洁、浓缩的表述方法来表达原文的意思。修辞分析是要用上述所说的3W原则去分析原文。




Smith says global warming has negative effects and we should care about our world’s future.

Rhetorical analysis(修辞分析):

Smith provides multiple negative effects of global warming and punctuates his sentences with exclamation marks; thus, he uses quantitative descriptions and punctuation to create a sense of urgency in his readers to care about the planet’s status regarding global warming.www.onebest.cn



Johnson has a lot of formal language throughout his paper and hardly any informal words.

Rhetorical analysis(修辞分析):

Johnson employs formal language throughout his essay. For example, he argues unequal

funding in public schools creates a “horrific imbalance between affluent communities and those that are impoverished”. In using formal, academic writing, he establishes himself as a credible and valid author (thus, creating ethos from the classical form).
