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发布时间 : 星期三 文章高级植物生理学课件-ppt-word更新完毕开始阅读8a559cfe910ef12d2af9e7dd

第一章:植物的水分代谢 一、植物对水分的需要

For every gram of organic matter made by the plant, approximately 500 g of water is absorbed by the roots,


细胞内水分呈束缚水和自由水两种状态 水分是细胞质的主要成分 水分是代谢过程的反应物质

水分是植物对物质吸收和运输的溶剂 水分能保持植物的固有姿态

二、植物对水分变化的反应及生态类型 即水生植物和陆生植物 (一)水生植物


沉水植物 (submerged plant) 浮水植物 (floating—leaf plant) 挺水植物 (emerged plant) 沉水植物(submerged plant)

是指整个植物体都浸没在水中的植物其中一种类型是扎根于水底的土壤 另一种类型则是悬浮于水中而根系退化的

由于水中氧少光弱,因而植物的通气组织发达,构成连续的通气网络 。整个植株都可直接吸收水、矿质营养和水中的气体 浮水植物(floating—leaf plant)


浮水植物水下部分结构与沉水植物相似,但水面上部分由于直接与空气接触,表皮细胞常具薄的角质层,气孔一般只生于叶的上表皮,并有通气结构贯通整个植物 挺水植物(emerged plant)

指那些根、下部茎,有的还包括部分下部叶浸没于水中,而上部的茎叶挺伸出水面以上的植物 挺水植物的维管组织、机械组织和保护组织在水生植物中是最发达的,并具有良好的通气组织,常能忍受一定时间限度的土壤干燥 (二) 陆生植物

湿生植物(hygrophyte) 中生植物(mesophyte)

旱生植物(xerophytic plant)

短命植物(short—1ife plant)

避旱植物(drought—evading plant) 耐旱植物(drought—enduring plant) 抗旱植物(drought—resisting Plant) 三、水分经植物从土壤到大气,水势 Trees can grow much taller than 10 m

? Suction tension(吸水压) in the xylem must be greater than that of a vacuum

? ?

Water potential (or pressure) in the xylem must be negative How do we account for a negative water potential (pressure)? Water movement between compartments

yp = -RTc R: gas constant T: temperature (K) c: solute concentration Generation of root pressure in an excised plant

四、根系对水分的吸收 water-channel proteins (aquaporins)

Exodermis and endodermis

? Suberin in cell walls of exodermis and endodermis blocks apoplastic water flow ? Water must enter the cells (symplasm)

? Plasma membrane offers enormous resistance to water transport ? How can water enter the symplast?

? Through special pores in the plasma membrane: water-channel proteins (aquaporins)

Water transport across membrane is mediated by water channels (aquaporins)

Water movement – ALWAYS PASSIVE !

Water movement occurs either as diffusion or bulk flow

Diffusion: driven by concentration gradient, permeability defined as diffusional water permeability (Pd: m s-1)

Bulk flow: driven by pressure difference (hydrostatic or osmotic); defined as osmotic permeability (Pf: m s-1) or hydraulic conductivity (Lp:m s-1 MPa-1) Pf often greater than Pd, Why ? Water channels -Aquaporins

? Transmembrane proteins;

? Facilitate passive transport of water; 10-1000 fold higher than lipid permeability. ? Can be highly selective to water (true aquaporins).

? Some can be more selective for small neutral solutes (eg. glycerol; aquaglyceroporins)

? Some animal aquaporins have recently been shown to create ion channels under certain


Aquaporins can also mediate flux of other substances across cell membranes

PIP1 in chloroplasts

Water and CO2 conductivity

? Plant aquaporins conduct water or CO2

? Aquaporin CO2 conductivity is significant for photosynthesis Activities of aquaporins are reflected by permeability to water (Pf or Lp).

Chemicals, e.g., Hg that inhibit water-channel proteins reduce the water flow through roots; it is

a reversible effect


Water in the soil:

typical soil water contents (%) of

different types of soil

Water potential of various soils

Soil water potential and soil water content at different soil depth





(wilting)。萎蔫可分为暂时萎蔫和永久萎蔫两种。在炎夏的白天,蒸腾强烈,水分暂时供应不及,叶片和嫩茎萎蔫;到晚间,蒸腾下降,而吸水继续,消除水分亏缺,即使不浇水也能恢复原状。这种靠降低蒸腾即可消除水分亏缺以恢复原状的萎蔫,称为暂时萎蔫(temporary wilting)。如果由于士壤已无可资植物利用的水,虽然降低蒸腾仍不能消除水分亏缺以恢复原状的萎蔫,称为永久萎蔫(pemanent wilting)。永久萎蔫时间持续过久,植物就会死亡。

Growth rate of shoot and root of young corn plants in nutrient solution with a defined water potential Water loss is controlled by stomata on the leaf surface

Guard cells are the only epidermal cells that contain chloroplasts Stomatal guard cells control stomatal aperture Stomata open when turgor increases

Orientation of the cellulose fibers in the cell walls allows guard cell expansion in longitudinal

direction only: the aperture increases

Stomata may be on the leaf surface, or ?hidden? in a stomatal crypt (?sunken stomata?) ABA - a phytohormone involved in acclimation to water stress

Concentration of ABA in xylem exudate and leaves of water stressed sunflower plants (closed

symbols: control; open symbols: water stress)

Leaf conductance as a function of the ABA concentration in the xylem sap of field-grown maize plants


Demonstration of 10μM ABA on Rb (K+) efflux from stomata cells .

ABA was added 2min. or 40 min. of wash-out in the absence of ABA

ABA-pathway in a drought stressed plant from root or leaf-mesophyll to the guard cells

The mesophyll cell in the insert shows pH dependent ABA compartmentation. Only the protonated ABA can pass membranes.

ABA通过影响保卫细胞的膨压来控制气孔的开关 ABA对保卫细胞离子运输至少有四种效应:


ABA可导致保卫细胞中Ca2+浓度升高。其效应:Ca2+浓度的提高活化了阴离子通道,从而促进阴离子的流出,并使膜电势向负值小的方向偏移,这种膜的去极化形成一个有利于K+通过一种外向的K+通道而被动外流的电化学梯度,从而促进气孔关闭。膜的去极化也可阻止K+通过向内的K+通道而被动吸收,从而抑制气孔的开放。 Ca2+一方面来自质外体,二是亚细胞器(液泡)中释放


ABA is by far not the only reaction of plants against water stress

Changes in xylem water potential and free proline accumulation in lemon tree leaves subjected to extended water stress





Sand-binding roots of the nonmycorrhyzal Anigozanthos manglesii (kangaroo paw)


? 早在1911年Price就指出,根鞘有利于植物吸收水分,减轻干旱条件下根系枯萎; ? 根鞘能够增强根系对松散沙漠基质的固着,提高植物抗倒伏能力促进根系在干旱环境下


? 增加根际微生物的数量及有机质含量,稳定土壤微结构 ? 在干旱条件下,根尖的粘胶物质分泌量显著增加 ? 玉米在干旱条件下形成的根鞘体积是根体积的5倍,水分充足时形成的根鞘体积只有根

体积的1.5倍(Watt et al., 1994),根鞘形成能扩大根系与土壤的接触面积Rapidly drying top soil creates a gradient in water potential

Water . . . .

An example of hydraulic lift in the Mojave Desert

Hydraulic lift in the Mojave Desert




第二讲 养分循环 植物体内养分循 内 容




? 植物需要量及在韧皮部的移动性 ? 环境胁迫