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I requested him to use his influence on my behalf. 我请求他为我使用他的影响力。

这三个词都可作动词用,都有“要求”的意思。 CF: request, ask & solicit

request 意思是“请求(某人)做某事”,侧重请求。例如:

ask 作“询问”,“提问”,“要求”讲时,指某人对不知道或不明白的事情、道理提出问题,请别人解答;作“要求”讲时, 侧重要求得到某物。例如: 他向他父亲要的太多。

He has asked his father for too much.

solicit 是正式用语,指“恭敬或认真地请求”。现在多用于“请求别人注意”,因而常见于商业用语中。例如:

《中国日报》正在征求订户。 China Daily is soliciting subscriptions. 敬请您光临宴会。

You are sincerely requested to be present at the party.

NB: request 一词后如果接宾语从句,则从句中用虚拟语气 should + v.(原形),或省略 should,直接用v. (原形)。

Mr. Paine requested that I (should) hand in my homework before Friday. 佩恩先生要求我星期五之前交作业。

类似的用法还有 suggest, advise, demand, order 及这些词的名词形式。

He gave us a suggestion that we (should) stay at home on the National Day, because there were crowds everywhere in the city. 2)n. a polite demand

He made a request that I should help him. Collocation:

应某人要求 at sb.’s request 按照需要;依照请求 by request (of) 答应某人的请求 comply with sb.’s request 请求,要求 make (a) request for 一经要求 on request

有很大需求,广受欢迎 in great request (=much in request)

9. take a chance (on sth.): attempt to do sth. in spite of the possibility of failure; take risk 我们怀着天气可能会好的侥幸心情去野餐。 We took a chance on the weather and went for a picnic.

I haven’t booked a ticket. I’m taking a chance on the theater not being full. 10. disgust: vt. cause a strong and often sick feeling of dislike in (sb.) 这条坏鱼有一股令人作呕的气味。 The bad fish had a disgusting smell.

The way they treat their children disgusts all the neighbors. 11.plain: adj.

1) (of person’s appearance) not pretty or handsome 这孩子相貌平平。 The child has a plain face. 2) easy to see, hear or understand The meaning of the sentence is very plain. 3) simple; ordinary; without luxury or ornament He advocates plain living. 他提倡过简朴的生活。

4) (of persons, their thoughts, actions, etc.) straightforward; frank You should be plain with your parents. 你应该和父母坦诚相对。 n. area of level country

I was attracted by the scenery of the Great Plains. adv. entirely

You are plain wrong. 你完全错了。 She’s just plain silly. Collocation:

一帆风顺;进展顺利 plain sailing 坦白地说 in plain words

坦率地告诉你,老实对你说 be plain with you 12.schedule:

1) v. arrange for sth. to happen or to be done at a particular time


The plane is scheduled to take off at 4 o’clock.

They have scheduled John to speak at three o’clock in the afternoon. His arrival is scheduled for Sunday. 他定于星期天到达。 Pattern:

be scheduled to do sth. / be scheduled for sth. 2). n. a timetable of things to be done, dealt with, etc.

According to the school schedule, the students should be having the third period in the morning. Collocation:

按时间表;按照原定进度 according to schedule 提前 ahead of schedule

落后于计划或进度;迟于预定时间 behind schedule 按时间表,准时 on schedule

排得紧紧的时间表;难以遵守的时间表 a tight schedule 13. sustain: vt.

1) support emotionally; keep (an effort, etc.) going; maintain An unshakable faith sustained the young man. 一种不可动摇的信念支撑着这个年轻人。

Although they had been trapped in the cave for two days, they were sustained by the belief that help would come soon. 2) suffer; undergo

The aircrew sustained severe injuries when the plane crashed. 飞机坠毁时,机组成员受到重伤。 CF: sustain, support & back

sustain 指“支撑”,“维持”。例如: 这三个词都含“支持”,“支援”的意思。

My hope for future sustained me. 对未来的希望支持着我。

support 系常用词,指“支撑”,“给某人(物)以积极援助或支持”。例如: We should support each other. 我们应互相支援。 back 指“支持(论点、行动、企业等)”。例如:

I’ll back you up in your demands. 我会对你的要求给予支持的。 14. alive: adj. 1) living


The injured man is unconscious but still alive. 2) active; lively

Although he is eighty, he is still very much alive. Collocation:

come alive活跃起来;警觉起来

alive and kicking (口)活蹦乱跳,生龙活虎

CF: alive, living & lively这三个词都有“活的”意思。

alive 指“活着的”,“在世的”,着重于状态。它用作表语,或放在名词或代词后作定语。例如:

Who’s the greatest man alive? 当今最伟大的人物是谁? living 用于生物时, 指“活着的”。例如:

Shelly was still living when Keats died. 济慈死时,雪莱还在世。 lively 指“活泼的,活跃的,栩栩如生的,真实的”。例如: Children usually have lively fancy. 儿童们往往有丰富的幻想力。 15. go one’s way: go in sb’s direction

Though I’m not going your way, I still would like to give you a ride. 尽管我不和你同路,我还是很乐意送你一程。

I wasn’t sure whether he was going my way or not, so I decided to go home by myself. 16. keen: adj.

1) (of interest, feeling, etc.) strong; deep

From his childhood on, the later famous pop singer has had a keen interest in listening to the country music.


Jenny watched her husband dancing with the slim girl with keen jealousy. 2) interested; eager (usu. followed by on / about, or infinitive to)