21世纪大学英语综合教程第一册课后练习答案 联系客服

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8. The same problem seemed to come up __________ but neither the father nor the son knew what to do.

9. How could he _____ the best tomatoes _____ for himself and leave the rest to his parents?

10. _________ the students’ request, the teacher has begun to give them more chances to speak in class.

11. Several houses _____________ when the river suddenly changed its course during a flood (洪水) last summer. 9. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 看到老人奄奄一息,邻居们一刻也没有耽误,马上请来医生。 2. 一个漂亮的果园要人付出辛勤劳动,要日复一日地浇水、除草、清除石块。不过丰收的时刻总是让人愉快的。 3. 他一辈子都富有,但他从没为他所拥有的财产开心过。 4. 在搜寻的过程中,他们不断以为自己找到了埋在地里的财宝,结果一无所获。

5. 应商人的要求,那家餐馆打发走了其他客人,着手为他一人准备美味的食物。

6. “我可以把这些旧报纸搬走吗?”工人问。“当然可以,”他点点头。 Unit 6

5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the

forms where necessary.

injury debate attend realize quit somehow worth courage measure overcome race kindness 1. The soldier showed great __________ in the battle. 2. I’ve voiced my opinion at every meeting I’ve _________. 3. A friend of mine has recently decided to _______ his highly-paid but demanding job in an American company.

4. In the crash the taxi driver received serious ________ to his head and arms.

5. It’s taken me a while but at last I’ve managed to __________ my fear of public speaking.

6. __________, though, he managed to pass all his final exams. 7. He was not feeling well that morning and was ________ whether or not he should go to work.

8. He helped us entirely out of _________, not for the money. 9. As he watched the TV play, he suddenly ______ that he’d seen it before.

10. When he was young, my father ran in the cross-country ______ every year and often won.

11. The English dictionary cost me a lot of money, but it’s certainly


12. Education shouldn’t be _________ purely by examination results.

6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.

track down prepare for fall behind in pain even if turn around sure enough mistake… for… happen to make a difference to 1. I often ________ her for her sister on the phone. 2. Take these tablets if you are _________.

3. Did you hear what __________ David last night? 4. I _________quickly to see if someone was following.

5. Tom spent an hour in the library and finally ___________the book he wanted.

6. Exercise can ________________to your state of health. 7. Will you help me _________________the old classmates’ reunion(重聚联欢会)?

8. He said he would come with his wife, and ____________ he did. 9. I wouldn’t lose courage _________ I should fail ten times. 10. After five miles, Tara was tired and started to ___________. 9. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 事实上,她曾考虑过是否该出国。

2. 这是我看过的最感人(touching)的电影。

3. 我一瘸一拐地走向教室,在那儿碰到了汤姆。 4. 他娶艾丽斯不是因为她美丽,而是因为她有钱。 5. 衡量一个学生的学习不能只看他的分数,还要看他解决问题的能力。

6. 最富裕的人不一定是有很多钱的人,而是那些乐于助人的人。 Unit 7

5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.

aware writing novel experience capture execute nervous upset escape search gap contact instant edge 1. Children’s-Voice is a publishing house that mainly publishes children’s____.

2. I got terribly ________ and dropped a spoon on the floor. 3. The citizens were warned of the trouble that the _______ monkeys might cause.

4. We are fully ___of the problem, why it exists(存在) and what we can do about it.