发布时间 : 星期日 文章1010 USP39-NF34 ANALYTICAL DATA INTERPRETATION AND TREATMENT (中英文)更新完毕开始阅读89bea076b9d528ea80c779e2

生这种情况的可能性,比如,可以通过比较质量标准限度中现行方法的分布数据来确定。这需要使用图形法或通过使用容忍区间来完成,附录E给出了一个相应的使用实例。总之,δ值的选择要根据实验室的科学需求。 The next two components relate to the probability of error. The data could lead to a conclusion of similarity when the procedures are unacceptably different (as defined by δ). This is called a false positive or Type I error. The error could also be in the other direction; that is, the procedures could be similar, but the data do not permit that conclusion. This is a false negative or Type II error. With statistical methods, it is not possible to completely eliminate the possibility of either error. However, by choosing the sample size appropriately, the probability of each of these errors can be made acceptably small. The acceptable maximum probability of a Type I error is commonly denoted as α and is commonly taken as 5%, but may be chosen differently. The desired maximum probability of a Type II error is commonly denoted byβ. Often, βis specified indirectly by choosing a desired level of 1 ? β , which is called the ―power‖ of the test. In the context of equivalency testing, power is the probability of correctly concluding that two procedures are equivalent. Power is commonly taken to be 80% or 90% (corresponding to aβof 20% or 10%), though other values may be chosen. The protocol for the experiment should specify δ, α, and power. The sample size will depend on all of these components. An example is given in Appendix E. Although Appendix E determines only a single value, it is often useful to determine a table of sample sizes corresponding to different choices of δ, a, and power. Such a table often allows for a more informed choice of sample size to better balance the competing priorities of resources and risks (false negative and false positive conclusions).




Figure 1 illustrates a control chart for individual values. There are several different methods for calculating the upper control limit (UCL) and lower control limit (LCL). One method involves the moving range, which is defined as the absolute difference between two consecutive measurements (xi–xi-1). These moving ranges are averaged (MR) and used in the following formulas:


where x is the sample mean, and d2 is a constant commonly used for this type of chart and is based on the number of observations associated with the moving range calculation. Where n = 2 (two consecutive measurements), as here, d2 = 1.128. For the example in Figure 1, the MR was 1.7:

其中x是样本的平均值,d2是通常用于这类图表中的一个常数,它也是基于与移动区间计算相关的观测。在这里n = 2 (两次连续测量),d2 = 1.128。图1中所示的例子中,MR值为1.7。

Other methods exist that are better able to detect small shifts in the process mean, such as the cumulative sum (also known as ―CUSUM‖) and exponentially weighted moving average (―EWMA‖).


Figure 1. Individual X or individual measurements control chart for control samples.

In this particular example, the mean for all the samples (x) is 102.0, the UCL is 106.5, and the LCL is 97.5.





Table 1 displays data collected from a precision study. This study consisted of five independent runs and, within each run, results from three replicates were collected.


Table 1. Data from a Precision Study

表1. 精密度研究数据

Replicate Number 1 2 3 Mean Standard deviation %RSDa 1 100.70 101.05 101.15 100.97 0.236 0.234% 2 99.46 99.37 99.59 99.47 0.111 0.111% Run Number 3 99.96 100.17 101.01 100.38 0.556 0.554% 4 101.80 102.16 102.44 102.13 0.321 0.314% 5 101.91 102.00 101.67 101.86 0.171 0.167% a

%RSD (percent relative standard deviation) = 100% × (standard deviation/mean)


%RSD (百分相对标准偏差) = 100% × (标准偏差/均值)

Table 1A. Analysis of Variance Table for Data Presented in Table 1

表1A 表1中数据的方差分析表

aSource of Variation Degrees of Freedom (df) Sum of Squares (SS) Mean Squares(MS) F = MSB/MSW Between runs 4 14.200 3.550 34.886 Within runs 10 1.018 0.102 Total 14 15.217 a

The Mean Squares Between (MSB) = SSBetween/dfBetween and the Mean Squares Within (MSW) = SSWithin/dfWithin a

组间均方 (MSB) = SSBetween/dfBetween及组内均方 (MSW) = SSWithin/dfWithin

Performing an analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the data in Table 1 leads to the ANOVA table (Table 1A). Because there were an equal number of replicates per run in the precision study, values for VarianceRun and VarianceRep can be derived from the ANOVA table in a straightforward manner. The equations below calculate the variability

associated with both the runs and the replicates where the MSwithin represents the ―error‖ or ―within-run‖ mean square, and MSbetween represents the ―between-run‖ mean square.


VarianceRep = MSwithin = 0.102

[NOTE—It is common practice to use a value of 0 for VarianceRun when the calculated value is negative.] Estimates

can still be obtained with unequal replication, but the formulas are more complex. Many statistical software packages can easily handle unequal replication. Studying the relative magnitude of the two variance components is important when designing and interpreting a precision study. The insight gained can be used to focus any ongoing procedure improvement effort and, more important, it can be used to ensure that procedures are capable of supporting their intended uses. By carefully defining what constitutes a result (i.e., reportable value), one harnesses the power of averaging to achieve virtually any desired precision. That is, by basing the reportable value on an average across replicates and/or runs, rather than on any single result, one can reduce the %RSD, and reduce it in a predictable fashion. [注意-通常当计算值为负值时,将VarianceRun值实际设为0]。当重复次数不等时也可以得出估计值,但是公式会比较复杂。许多统计软件包可以很容易解决这种情况。在设计和解释精密度研究时,研究两个方差成分相对大小是很重要的。研究所获得的洞察力可以用于关注任何正在进行的优化方法的努力,更重要的是,也可以用于确认方法是可以满足其预期用途的。通过仔细定义结果的组成(比如,报告值),利用平均值的力量就可以事实上获得任何预期的精密度。这就是说,如果基于多次测量及/或多组测量的平均值生成报告值,而不是基于单次测量生成报告值,一个人可以降低%RSD,并且是以可预见的方式降低。

Table 2 shows the computed variance and %RSD of the mean (i.e., of the reportable value) for different combinations of number of runs and number of replicates per run using the following formulas: 对于实验组数和每组重复次数不同的组合时,表2使用下列公式计算出的方差及均值的%RSD:

For example, the Variance of the mean, Standard deviation of the mean, and %RSD of a test involving two runs and three replicates per each run are 0.592, 0.769, and 0.76% respectively, as shown below.

比如,当一项研究包括2个实验组,每组3次重复实验时,如下所示均值的方差,标准偏差及%RSD分别为0.592, 0.769和0.76%。

RSD = (0.769/100.96) × 100% = 0.76%

where 100.96 is the mean for all the data points in Table 1. As illustrated in Table 2, increasing the number of runs from one to two provides a more dramatic reduction in the variability of the reportable value than does increasing the number of replicates per run.
