pep人教版六年级英语下册复习题各单元 联系客服

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六年级下册第一单元练习题 Name:______________

一、 比较各题的两幅图片和提示,填上合适的单词,使句子完整。 1) I am ___________ than Tom. Tom is ___________ than me.

2) My grandpa is ___________ than your brother. Your brother is __________ than my grandpa. 3) This dog is ____________ than that dog. That dog is ____________ than this dog. 4) My dog is ____________ than your dog. Your dog is ___________ than my dog. 5) Mike’s bag is ____________ than Sarah’s bag. Sarah’s bag is ___________ than Mike’s bag. 二、看答句写问句。 B: I’m 150cm tall.

2. A:_______________________________________? B: Lucy is 15 years old.

3. A: ______________________________________? B: No, my father is 60 kg.

4. A: _____________________________________? B: Tom is taller than you .

5. A: ________________________________________? B: I wear size 33.

6. A: ___________________ ___________________? B: No, my legs are 74cm long.

Mike’s bag Sarah’s bag 100cm 50cm 50kg 20kg 20岁 70岁 I Tom 1. A: ____________________________________?



7. A: ___________________________________? B: Amy’s hair is 20cm long.

8. A: _____________________________________? B: The tree is 36 meters tall.

9. A: _____________________________________? B: He’s swimming now.

10. A: ___________________________________? B: I like winter best. 四.根据上下文,补充句子。

A: Hi! _______________________________________? B: I’m 55kg . ____________________________________? A: I’m 50kg. ____________________________________? B: Yes, I’m 5kg heavier than you. _______________________? A : My legs are 70cm long. Your legs are 76cm. B: Yes, __________________________________.


(older, younger, are, is, playing, old, going, climbing, reading, listening, one, two, three, longer, shorter)

John is 12. He has three friends. They are Sarah, Amy and Mike. Sarah is 12 years _______. She has long hair. Sarah likes ______ the piano very much. Amy is 13. She is ______ year ______ than John. Her hair is not long, it is ______ than Sarah’s hair. Amy likes ________ books. Mike is 10. He is____ years ______than John. Mike and John like ____________mountains. They ______ good friends.

七、小练笔,根据给出的图表,用比较级写几句话,不少于五句话。 Name Chen Jie Sarah Age 11 13 Height 150cm 162cm Weight 42kg 45kg Hobby 游泳 跳水 ___________________________________________________________




六年级下册第二单元练习题 Name:______________ 一、 根据各题的图片,填上合适的单词,使句子完整。 1) A: ________ the matter with you? B : I a ______________. 2) A: _________ does Tom feel? B: He is very _____________. 3) A: How are you, Lucy?

You _______ so ________.

4) Look, Zhang Peng _________ _________. 5) A: What’s the ________ Lily?

B: She a fever. Her leg ___________. 二、看答句写问句。

1. A:___________________________________? B: I feel sick. I’m sad.

2. A:___________________________________? B: I’m 14 years old. I’m older than you. 3. A:____________________________________? B: Zhang Peng is 160cm.

4. A:______________________________________? B: Tom is tired today. He went to bed late yesterday. 5. A:______________________________________? B: Miss Li is a music teacher. She’s pretty. 6. A:_______________________________________? B: John has a toothache.

7. A: ? B: My brother is 62 kg. 8. A: ? B: My throat is sore. 三、根据上下文,补充句子。



A: Hi, Lily. __________________________________? B: It’s sunny today.

A: __________________________________? B: I feel well. __________________________? A: I am sad.

B: ______________________________________? A: Because my parents will go to Hong Kong, but I can’t go. B: ______________________________________? A: They’re going there by plane.

B: ______________________________________? A: They are going to go shopping in Hong Kong. B: I’m sorry to hear that. 四、根据课文内容填空

Some people feel in winter. Many people the flu. Do you a sore throat? your nose hurt? you have a headache? If you have a , you might have the flu.

Don’t worry. If you sick, the doctor. some medicine and hot drinks. in bed a few days. You will feel soon.

五、看图作文: 请用英语描述一下如果你得了流感有何症状,应该怎么办?(不少于五句话)


1.牙疼:______________ 2.疼痛: 3.感冒:____________

4.高兴的 5.生气的 6.悲伤的 7.兴奋的 8.疲劳的 9.无聊的
