2019-2020年高中英语 Module 3 Music导学案外研版必修2 联系客服

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 3 Music导学案外研版必修2


课前: 1)用10分钟完成自主学习,用黑色笔答题, 红色勾出不会的题。 2)用20分钟完成合作探究




【学习目标】1. 熟记并掌握这一部分单词与短语。

2. 阅读第22-23页课文,理解课文大意,提高学生的阅读能力。

3. 认真完成学案,培养学生学习的积极性,提高口语表达能力。


I.背诵课文中的新单词的并大声朗读,在课文中划出这些新单词并翻译: 1.court _________ 2.director_________ 3.genius_________ 4.lose_________ 5.musical_________ 6.peasant_________ 7. symphony _________ 8.talent_________ 9.Austria_________ 10.Austrian_________ 11.prince_________ 12pose________ 13.tour________


I. Turn to P22.Read the passage quickly and choose the best title ( ) Three Great Austrian posers

( ) Three Great posers of the Eighteenth Century ( ) Three Great Child posers Task1: About Haydn.

1.Where was he born? _____________________________ 2.What was his father? ______________________________ 3.Before he went to work , where did he study music? _________________________________________________________ 4.How











______________________________________________________- 5.What’s Haydn known as?

__________________________________ Task 2 :About Mozart:

years he lived music he posed What’s his father? When he was 4 When he was 5 When he was 6 By the time he was 14 While he was a teenager in 1781 in 1791

Task 3 : About Beethoven:

____ in Bonn, Germany ,Beethoven showed ________ when he was very young and he got much help from _________who was a _______.

_________ by Beethoven, Mozart said “He will give something __________ to the world.” Though Beethoven was __________ by Haydn, it was _____ who _________him

to move to Vienna, where he became ___________ .He became pletely deaf during the last years of his life, but he_______________.



1.Joseph Haydn studied music from his father when he was a small child.( ) 2. After Haydn worked in eastern Austria for 30 years, he moved to London. ( ) 3.Mozart showed great musical talent from a very early age. ( )

4. During his short life time, Mozart posed over 500 pieces of music. ( )

5. Beethoven’ father was a poser and taught young Beethoven to play the violin and piano. ( )

6. Beethoven devoted all his life to posing music and his music became very popular.

( )

2019-2020年高中英语 Module 3 Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary

教案 外研版必修2

Teaching Goals:

1.To get Ss to master the reading skills of skimming and scanning. 2.To enable Ss to talk about.some world famous musicians.

3.To help Ss to learn something about Hayden,Mozart and Beethoven. Teaching Procedures: Step 1.Leading-in

Purpose:To activate Ss’ background knowledge about the three great musicians. Ask Ss the following questions:

Q1.Can you say who the three posers in the pictures are? Q2.Do you know anything about them? Q3.What pieces of music did they pose? (图2—3—6) (图2—3—7) (图2—3—8) Step 2.While-reading Purpose:

●To enable Ss to master the reading skills.

●To enable Ss to get the main idea of the passage. 1.Skimming

Ask Ss to skim the passage and choose the best title listed in Activity 2 on P22. Suggested Answers:

The best title is Three Great posers of the Eighteenth Century.


(1)Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and then answer the questions in Activity 3 on P23. ‘ Suggested Answers:

①Haydn,Mozart ②Beethoven ③Haydn ④Mozart ⑤Beethoven ⑥They all met each other·


(1) Ask Ss to read the passage again,and then decide whether the following

statements are true(T)or false (F):

①Beethoven was born in Austria in 1770.( )

②Haydn,whose father was a peasant,was known as,“the father of the symphony”.( )

⑧It was Mozart who had a good singing voice.( )

④People in Vienna were fond of Beethoven and he spent his whole life there.( ) ⑤Among the three posers,Haydn lived the longest in the world.( )

⑥Both Mozart and Haydn were impressed by Beethoven’s musical talent.( ) Suggested Answers:

①F ②T ③F ④F ⑤T ⑥F

(3)Answer the questions in Activity 4 on P23. Suggested Answers:

①He changed the symphony into a long piece for a large orchestra. ②He worked there for 30 years.

③He posed more than 600 pieces of music. ④At that time he was just six years old. ⑤They were friends for ten years. ⑥His father taught him.

⑦No,he continued posing though he was deaf. Step 3.Post-reading

Purpose:To enable Ss to talk about the three great musicians.? 1.Pair work

(1)Ask Ss to£U in the blanks according to the information given in the passage. Haydn, who was born in___ is known as “the father of the symphony”.Because he_____.He spent_____ years of his_____ working______.

In______ ,he met a person named ______and Haydn was_____ by the man.Later they were friends.Mozart had _____from a very early age.So,he posed _____au his life,though his lifetime was only____ years.Also,there was a man by whom Mozart was_____ very much.He was_____,who showed great_____ in music as well.Beethoven was born in______,but Haydn encouraged him to______,where he finally became_____.Beethoven stayed there for_____.Although he became_____ during the last year of his life,but he_____.

Suggested Answers:

①Austria ②changed the symphony into a long piece for a large orchestra ③30④life ⑤at the court of a prince in eastern Austria ⑥1781 ⑦Mozart ⑧impressed⑨musical talent ⑩more than 600 pieces of music ⑾35 ⑿impressed ⒀Beethoven⒁