浅析英语新闻标题的特点与翻译_毕业论文 联系客服

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headlines, through the case analysis, probes into some methods of English news headlines translation.

2. The features of English news headlines

2.1 The lexical characteristics

News reports are different from literature and other academic writing, its the biggest task is report the significant events of both at home and abroad with fastest speed and limited space. To spread the information in the limited time and space as much possible, the article must concise and comprehensive. Therefore, in the news headlines, readers will find many dapper brief words, countless new words, a lot of confusing acronym, all of these words play the role of concise language in different degree.

2.1.1 The use of short words

As is known to all, the layout is limited to publish various news or magazines, journalists have always tried to provide for the amount of information in the minimum layout. By time and space constraints, news writers try their best to use the least amount of language symbols convey the most information. They often use some brief minor term, some short words and verbs in English news headlines often are used to relieve the layout tension.

Such as cut instead of reduction, blaze instead of conflagration, curb instead of control, so as to obtain clear and concise effect. So, the news language, especially title language has formed a relatively unique vocabulary, called news terms. These words are usually very short, but it has the very strong expression force. American linguist H.L.Mencken once described the minor term used in the newspapers as synonym of all work (万能同义词). For xample,

(1) All livestock banned across Europe (ban instead of prohibition) (2) Striker in Clash with Police (clash instead of conflict) (3) Six Die in Moscow Bomb Blast. (blast instead of explosion) (4) Annan Reaches Bagdad in Last-Minute Peace Bid. (bid instead of attempt) (5) Pioneer Colleges Face Axe. (axe instead of dispensation)

2.1.2 The use of new words

The vitality of news language is “new”. Every aspect of modern society and modern life occurring change. The new social phenomenon, new ideas and new social fashion appear constantly, new inventions, new technology, new commodity service emerge in endlessly, all need to be named on new words. Many new things and new ideas first appeared in the news media, and express the new things and new ideas are “new words”.

Such as telephone harassment(电话骚扰),junk mail(垃圾邮件),down payment (首付款),maglve train(悬磁浮列车),suicide bomber (人体炸弹),etc. Many new words are known to people by the spread of the newspapers and periodicals. After the Watergate scandal in United States, many new words were came out, for example, Clinton's sex scandal—Zippergate(拉链门事件); Prince Charles mistress scandal—Camillagate (卡米拉情妇). The rapid develpoment of medicine and genetics technology also make out a lot of refreshing and new vocabulary, like genetic code (遗传密码), clone (无性生殖,克隆)etc. 2.1.3 The use of acronym

The main reason to use the acronmy is saving space, use the acronmy can decrease the title letter number as far as possible, avoid the title migration. As a result of long-term use, part of the acronym have already be known, they can be checked in dictionary. The acronmy in English news headlines is very common, as an important sign in news succinct style. The following three types acronym are ofent used in English news : proper nouns

WTO (世界贸易组织) NPC (全国人民代表大会) UN (联合国) things name

AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficifency Syndrome (后天免疫缺损综合症) UFO: Unidentified Flying Objeict (不明飞行物),poision,or title noun

PM: Prime Minster (总理,首相)GM: General Manager (总经理)

VIP: Very Important Person (贵宾)

2.2 The grammar characteristics

2.2.1 The use of present tense

Normally, newspapers reported more news for what has already happened, according to the English grammar rules, the verb should use the past tense,but it is easy to give a feeling of old to person. News is newliy happened, so the tense of English news headlines is more agile. The present tense can increase the sense of reality and vitality to the news report, close the emotional distance to readers and reading object. Let’s see some examples: (1) 2.5million take college entrance exams 二百五十万高中毕业生参加大学入学考试 (2) U.S Forces Step up Pressure on Rebels in Najaf 美军高压对待纳杰夫暴乱分子 (3) Wall Street Takes a Dive 华尔街股票出现跳水行情 2.2.2 The use of non-predicate verb

English news headlines words must save space for more information. Therefore, in English, including the predicate verb infinitive, gerund, present participle and the past participle, are frequently used. Commonly use the “infinitive” structure to express what will happen in English news headlines. Such as: (1) Florida Freeze to Increase Area Produce Prices 佛罗里达严寒将使本地区农产品涨价 (2) Trial to Begin for Four Inmates at Guantanamo 古巴关塔纳摩基地的4名囚犯将要受审 (3) Chinese Leader to Visit U.S 中国领导人将访美 (4) Peace Talks to Resume 和平谈判将恢复

2.2.3 words omission

Ellipsis is one of the features of news headlines. News headlines are often use content words, function words are usually omitted, such as articles, auxiliary verbs, verbs, personal pronouns. The purpose of tomission is to shorten the length of the title, save page. Here is some examples:

(1) Italian Ex-mayor Murdered (=An Italian Ex-mayor Was Murdered)

(2) Mother, Daughter Share Fulbright Year (=Mother, and Her Daughter Share Fulbright Year)

(3) Streets Calm as Death Toll Reaches 40 (= Streets are Calm as Death Toll Reaches 40 )

(4) Police killer’s jail death (=the death in the jail of the man who had killed a policeman )

2.3 The rhetoric characteristics

English news headlines in under the principle of seeking attraction . To attract the reader for at a glance, the title must be attractive, so the rhetoric is an important means to achieve the purpose. The rhetoric of various kinds, English title is often use parables, alliteration, contrast, metonymy, irony, pun, repetition, hyperbole, etc. English title production should pursue the language lively, full of fun and a sense of humor. Such as:

(1) Fit or fat? 健康还是肥胖 (contrast)

(2) Democracy of the Big Stick 大棒民主 (irony)

(3) Slow Lane Is Safest on Currency Issue在货币问题上,走慢车道最安全 (parable) (4) Europe Is Alive and Kicking 欧洲富有活力 (personification)

2.4 The form characteristics

2.4.1 Phrase type title

The mian reason to use the phrase tpye of the title in English news is to save the length of an anticle. The main phrase type title structure: noun + qualifiers (such as verb infinitive, prepositional phrases, adverb phrase, adjective phrase, participle phrase, etc.), gerund phrase + noun . For instance: