上海市各区2017-2018年高三英语二模试题汇编--听力部分-老师版(带答案已经校对)-380 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章上海市各区2017-2018年高三英语二模试题汇编--听力部分-老师版(带答案已经校对)-380更新完毕开始阅读873fef2edc88d0d233d4b14e852458fb760b38df


D. How people of different ages create their own languages

Keys: 1-5 CABBD 6-10 AABDC 11-13

Three【2018届上海市浦东新区高三英语二模试题】 I. Listening Comprehension Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. A. Challenges. 2. A. Interesting.

B. Hobbies. B. Boring.

C. Jobs. C. Difficult.

D. Experiences. D. Amazing.


14-17 ADBC

18-20 ACB

3. A. Watching TV and videos. C. Parents’ involvement. 4. A. A policeman. 5. A. 7:40.

B. An accountant. B. 7:15.

B. Replacing videos with TV. D. Having baby sitters. C. A salesman. C. 7:20.

D. A bank teller. D. 7:45.

6. A. He will get someone to do it. C. They don’t have to do it. 7. A. By bus.

B. By subway.

B. She should do it herself. D. He will clean the desk right away. C. By taxi.

D. By car.

8. A. He is not a good mechanic.

C. He spends his spare time doing repairs. 9. A. She has been having a sad day. C. She wants to play basketball, too. 10. A. The man isn’t sure about the rehearsal.

B. He doesn’t keep his word.

D. He is always ready to offer help to others. B. She needs to take a day off. D. She has been annoyed by the noise.

B. It’s better for the woman to wear a costume. C. The woman would regret it if she wore a costume. D. It wouldn’t make any difference if the woman did it.



Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following dialogue 11. A. He qualified as a teacher. B. He became a student.

C. He became a government researcher. D. He conducted a research on Zimbabwe.

12. A. Children’s minds are not used to the full. B. It is a great drain on children’s time and energy. C. It highlights the flexibility of children’s minds.

D. It prevents children from seeking answers by themselves. 13. A. To teach people to understand the world B. To instruct people how to raise good questions. C. To encourage people to study as they get older. D. To inform people of problems in foreign countries.

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage. 14. A. To serve as a time killer. B. To cultivate people’s reading kills C. To promote the sales of some books.

D. To encourage people to take public transportation

15. A. The stories are the short edition of some website articles. B. Users can choose the length and type of the stories. C. The stories are obtained by simply pressing a button. D. Users don’t need to pay for the short stories. 16. A. From the boring travel experience. B. From the love for short stories. C. From the positive feedback

D. From the snack vending machine.



Qusions17 through 20 are based on the following conversation. 17. A. 5.

B. 7.

C. 8.

D. 10.

18. A. Because his friends don’t get off work till 5 p.m.

B. Because there will be more friends to go to the cinema on Friday. C. Because the film will be more popular than the Wednesday’s. D. Because there are not enough tickets left for the 9 p.m. showing. 19. A. Paying a deposit. C. Paying right away. 20. A. The film.

Keys: 1-5 BCCDA 6-10 CBBDB 11-13 BCB 14-16 ABD 17-20 ADCA


Section A

Listening comprehension

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. Man: The set of stamps are rare. It took me a long time to collect them. By the way, do you like collecting stamps?

Woman: Yes, but I prefer something challenging. Question: What are the two speakers talking about? 2. W: How do you find your Shanghai dialect learning, Mike? M: Oh, it’s quite beyond my capacity.

Q: What does the man think of learning Shanghai dialect?

3. W: Sometimes when I’m busy, I let my baby watch videos. Can this help his mental development?

M:Passive activity probably won’t hurt, but TV and videos are poor substitutes for parents’

B. The date

B. E-ordering in advance. D. Collecting tickets one day ahead. C. The seating.

D. The viewers.




Q: What is good for babies’ mental growth according to the man? 4. M: I need your ID and ac count number before I can cash your check.

W: Sure, here’s my passport and driving license and my account number is on this card. Q: What’s the man’s occupation?

5. M: Take it easy. It’s only 7:30 now. There are still 15 minutes to go before the movie starts. W: Don’t you remember our clock is 10 minutes slow? Q: What’s the time now?

6. W: Hey, honey, can you grab a duster and get this desk cleaned? M: Oh, don’t bother. We are leaving in a minute. Q: What does the man mean?

7. W: An exhibition of Picasso’s paintings is being held. Do you want to go with me?

M: How can I miss it! But with the bus drivers on strike and taxis so expensive, we have no choice but to take the subway. If only we had a car. Q: How will they go to the exhibition?

8. W: Tom said he would come to repair our solar heater when he had time. M: He often says he is willing to help, but he never seems to have time. Q: What does the man imply about Tom?

9. M: Why haven’t you done your homework yet? It’s been a whole day.

W: Oh, Daddy! How can I concentrate with that noise? The boys have been playing basketball all day long, just outside my window. Q: What does the girl mean?

10. W: Would it be OK if I wore a costume for the rehearsal tomorrow? M: Oh you would regret it if you didn’t. Q: What can we learn from the dialogue? Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a