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What Does Success Mean to Me?

吴旭锋 116170210058

There are many definitions of the word success. Many people believe that success is having a lot of money. Of course, having money is good. Money can let you buy many superficial things, but is money the only source of success? I don't think so.

In my opinion, being successful can be reflected in many different ways, such as being rich, being famous, having a big house and a supercar, having a well-paid job, achieving a high academic success or anything else to make other people jealous of what you have. There is no necessary to be very rich, but having enough money is the foundation of livelihood. That means money is just a requirement to success, and so is a healthy body. I think success to me means that I have well enough conditions to accomplish the goals I have set for myself in life. And my biggest goal is to be happy with myself in all aspects of my own life.How can I be happy? First, I want my family and friends to be healthy and safe, then, I can do anything I want to do, for example, traveling around the world, tasting lots of delicious food, having enough time for reading, and so on.

Making money or accumulating fame is endless. I believe that happiness equals success, by achieving my goals I can be a successful person.