王蔷-英语教学法-英汉对照 A Course in English Language Teaching 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章王蔷-英语教学法-英汉对照 A Course in English Language Teaching更新完毕开始阅读83f084c0f424ccbff121dd36a32d7375a517c61e

Reading comprehension questions 阅读理解 Understanding references 理解引用 Making inferences: reading between the lines Post-reading Discussion question

Reproducing the text 复述故事 Role play Gap-filling Discussion Retelling 复述 Writing

Unit12 Teaching Writing

The main procedures of process writing : Creating a motivation to write Brainstorming Mapping 绘图 Freewriting Outlining 列提纲 Drafting 起草

Editing 编辑:peer-editing; self-editing Revising 修改 Proofreading 校正

Conferencing 与老师讨论 Motivating students to write:

1.Make the topic of writing as close as possible to students’ life 2.Leave students enough room for creativity and imagination 3.Prepare students well before writing

4.Encourage collaborative group writing as well as individual writing 5.Provide opportunities for students to share their writing 6.Provide constructive ans positive feedback 7.Treat students’ errors strategically

8.Give students a sense of achievement from time to time